Land Transport Innovation Fund / FOR Official USE ONLY
Please read the guidelines for the application of the Land Transport Innovation Fund.
Submit the completed form to .

Title of Proposal (Limit to 300 characters)

I, , am the main applicant and declare that I have received my organisation’s support for the submission of this proposal.

Name of Applicant / Position / Organisation / Contact Number / Email Address / Signature

Information on Proposed Project

(a) Category
Product Innovation Process Innovation Service Innovation Resubmission (LTA Ref. )
(b) Total amount applied for : SGD $ (LTIF will fund up to maximum 90% per project)
(c) Trial period of the proposed project: months (max. 1 year)
(d) Proposed start and end dates for the project :
Start date (mm/yy) : End date (mm/yy) :

3  Synopsis

In no more than 300 words, briefly describe the specific aims, hypotheses, methodology and approach of the pilot trial proposal including its importance to land transport in Singapore. The abstract must be self-contained so that it can serve as a succinct and accurate description of the proposal.

4  Proposal

In no more than 5 pages, describe the details of the proposal under the following Sections: 4.1 Specific aims, 4.2 Industry Significance, 4.3 Methods, 4.4 References.

4.1  Specific Aims

State clearly what the pilot study intends to accomplish.

4.2  Industry Significance

Briefly describe the background of the proposal, evaluate existing current technologies and identify the gaps the project intends to address. State concisely the importance of the pilot trial to achieve possible longer term objectives. Highlight the significance of the research in bringing about tangible improvements in the land transport industry. Relevant references should be appended.

4.3  Methods

Elaborate on the experimental design and proposed methodologies used to accomplish the objectives of the project. Highlight the potential difficulties, limitations or challenges of the proposed methodologies, stating alternative approaches to achieve the objectives. Point out any procedures, situations or materials that may be hazardous to project personnel and the precautions to be exercised.

4.4 References

Biographical Sketch of the Main Applicant

Name / NRIC/Passport No.
Contact No. / Fax No.
Office Mailing Address / Email
Brief description of the applicant’s organisation
Current Position (Please provide full details, e.g. joint appointments)
Academic qualifications (Indicate institution’s name and year degree awarded)
Research interests
Publications in the last 5 years
Patents held (related or unrelated to the study)
Recent awards

Guidelines for the application of the Land Transport Innovation Fund


LTA is committed to deliver public service innovation by leading initiatives that will promote synergy among academia, industry partners, technology experts and the public sector. Our goal is to promote the spirit of innovation among partners and suppliers of the land transport industry in shaping Singapore’s land transport development for the future. The Land Transport Innovation Fund (LTIF) is intended to encourage new research initiatives in land transport by providing funding support for the conceptual stage research and pilot trial, which would result in a more viable and sustainable land transport innovation.


The application must satisfy the following criteria:

·  Proposed project objectives must support LTA’s Vision for a people-centred land transport system.

·  Applications must be from a Singapore-based organization. This includes Singapore-registered companies, tertiary institutions and research institutions.

·  Applicants will be using Singapore as a base to own, manage and exploit all intellectual property rights developed.

·  Project has not commenced before LTIF application/ approval is made.

·  The length of the trial period of the proposed project is capped at a maximum of 1 year, and LTIF will only fund up to 90% per project; the remaining balance will be funded by the applicant.


Please submit your softcopy applications to . For hardcopy submissions, please send them to:

c/o Land Transport Innovation Fund

IT Planning & Quality Assurance

Innovation & InfoComm Technology Group

1 Hampshire Road

Block 6, Level 2

Singapore 219428

Note: Incomplete applications will be rejected

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Form Release:2 (22/05/2009)