Central Baptist Church
December 2017
CBC Courier
Pastor’s Pen
“It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.”– Mother Teresa
Dear Church Family,
Here we are once again shedding our t-shirts and sneakers for long sleeves and warm shoes. Before we know it Advent and Christmas will have passed by like a shooting star with our presents, pastries and parties. One may think from a pastor the next sentence would be some reproach perhaps with, “And is that what Christmas means to you?”
Well, for me, yes it does – although I would rather give a present than receive one, I don’t care much for goodies and I’m shy at parties. Yet for most of us Christmas is being with family and friends, splurging a bit on the sugar cookies and socializing much more often than normal. And I would reply, “Good for you!” Enjoy yourself. Treat yourself and loved ones to a time of festive joy and celebration. Everyone’s included ~Saints and sinners, naughty or nice!! Jesus’ first miracle was changing water into wine (we all probably wish we could) and quite a large amount we are told in scripture. Raise your toast of seltzer or champagne to the three R’s ~ Rest, Relaxation and Recreation.
As our spirits are lifted by such blessings I pray our hearts are lifted to the heavens in appreciation for the main reason this holy of holidays exists. Advent and Christmas allow us the opportunity to experience at our most deepest level, the gift and celebration of Christ’s time on earth, the teachings we observe in scripture and Jesus’ sacrifice of the cross to secure our home in God’s Kingdom.
As we approach a new year it is important to reflect on 2017 as regards Individual goals set in 2016 unfulfilled and those achieved. CBC began with much planning on our 150th celebratory year and enjoying wonderful times and gifting to others outside our congregation. What a great way to celebrate this Christmas, thanking God for guidance, vision, lighting our path, opening our hearts in a plethora of mission and outreach activities and all the positive goodness we have received working in unity.
Reflection is one great avenue to help set our individual and collective goals for 2018. For starters, we know what we can do when we yoke our distinct gifts together and realize with God as our central focus there is little we cannot do!
I realize that some hearts lay heavy with losses of loved ones. I feel the pangs of memories that will never be the same as I ponder losses in my life. As life changes around us, know that God is changeless. Ponder these words of Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Think on a positive note as best you can. I am available to anyone, we have a compassionate, caring congregation full of loving people and an Advocate who walks daily with us in all circumstances.
I do pray each of you will enjoy the mystical essence of Christmas. It is with love and joy I send you wishes of health, safety and joy.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Kurt
Christmas Fair
Saturday, December 2 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
As our annual Christmas Fair draws closer, here are some ways you may lend a hand:
Baked Goodies
Sign up to bake goods for our bake table. A sign-up sheet will be available in the church parlor.
Silent Auction
Donate a service (i.e., babysitting, tutoring, cooking) for the fair’s silent auction. Gift cards/certificates and items such as jewelry, pieces of art, and collectibles also are welcome contributions for the auction.
Christmas Items
Donate holiday items—ornaments, candles, decorations, etc.—for the fair’s Christmas table. A basket is available in the church parlor.
Fair Volunteers
Plan to work during the fair. We will need as many volunteers as possible--especially volunteers who are able to arrive in time to set up, work throughout the fair, and help with cleanup. We also will need volunteers to help during the week of the fair.
Communion Sunday Collection
For our communion collection, starting Sunday December 3rd we will be collecting holiday dinner baskets for our two families we adopted this season. A Turkey and/or ham are already donated. We are looking for the fixings that go along with a holiday dinner such as potatoes, canned vegetables, rolls, gravy.. Etc. We will collect the items by December 17th
Congregational Meeting
Please join us Sunday, December 3rd after our worship service for a congregational meeting. The meeting will be to vote on approval to spend money on fixing the stained glass windows on the south side of the church.
Adopt a Family
This Christmas season for our Adopt a Family:
We have a family of three, a mom and two girls, who are middle school age.
Two senior women. And finally a young man in the military, who is being deployed.
There is a sign-up sheet available for these families in church parlor. The deadline will be Sunday, December 10.
Advent & Christmas Worship Opportunities
Blue Christmas Service
For many people, Christmas can be a bittersweet time—with sadness and grief coloring the season for those who have lost a loved one, struggle with a health or financial crisis, or live with a difficult family situation.We will offer aBlue Christmas service at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 17. This quiet service will acknowledge the sense of grief or loss that may come at this time of the year, as well as offer the hope of the Christmas message.
Christmas Eve Service
We will complete our Advent journey during our Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, December 24. The service will feature carols, scripture and the congregation’s lighting of candles.
Poinsettia Orders
Orders for Christmas poinsettias for our sanctuary are being accepted. The plants will be available in red, white, and pink for $16 each. You may designate the poinsettia(s) you order in memory or honor of a person or event. The deadline for orders is Sunday, December 10. Order forms are available in the church parlor or from the church office.
CBC Walking Party
Please join us as we walk to up-beat music in Clarke Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00a.m. to approximately 8:45a.m. We do a warm-up, walk a couple miles, do a cool down, then a few floor exercises to tone arms, legs, abs, chest and back. We are a fun bunch! Collectively, we’ve walked thousands of miles together! Please join us!
Prayer Chain
Would you like to be part of CBC’s prayer chain—a group of people who pray for various needs in and outside our church family? If so, please speak with Joanne Hulme at 423-2368
Conspire 2017: Transformation
Join us at CBC on Monday's 9:30-11 a.m. November 6th -December 18thto view and discuss the presentations from the Conspire 2017 conference. The theme of this year's conference is TRASNFORMATION: The separate self is the major problem, not the shadow self, which only takes deeper. forms of disguise. The shadow self can be defines as those negative aspects of ourselves, which we deny and /or defend. The separate self does not recognize the divine nature present in all beings and makes choices focused on personal gain and desires and not the greater good.
Little Dresses for Africa
The mission of “Little Dresses for Africa” is to provide relief to children of Africa, by distributing home-made dresses to little girls, primarily in African villages, but also other countries in crisis. These meetings will be on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in Clarke Hall.
Living with Conscious Abandon
Will meet on the 4th Monday of each month at CBC in Clarke Hall from 1 - 2:30 pm.The group focuseson personal reflection of both Christian and Eastern Spiritual guidelines in living each day with conscious awareness of personal intention, thought, speech and actions. Join us as we gather to share our responses to daily reflections that will support us in living our lives withwisdom, integrity andcompassion. Our reference guide isLiving and Dying with Confidence: A day by day guidebyAnyen Rinpoche and Allison Choying Zangmo. The text may be purchased at Amazon for $11.We will begin with month 5 in October.All are welcome.The class is free of charge.Rev. Kurt Satherlie and Janet Larson facilitate the sessions. Mark your calendar for this seasons' sessions: Dec. TBA, Jan 22, Feb. 26, Mar. 26, Apr. 23, May TBA.
Poinsettia Order Form
Name(s) ______Phone ______
The poinsettias will be provided by The Secret Garden. They will be available in red, white, and pink and will cost $16 per plant. Please make checks payable to Central Baptist Church. (Payment must be included with this order form.)
Include in the Christmas insert as:
(Choose one) ___ In memory of or ___ In honor of
Given by ______
Color ___ Red ___ White ___ Pink
The deadline for ordering poinsettias is Sunday, December 10.
Please place your order form and payment in the box in the parlor, or mail them to the church office at P.O. Box 295, Jamestown, RI 02835-0295.
Central Baptist Church
A church with open doors A congregation with open minds A community with open hearts
99 Narragansett Avenue
(Mail: P.O. Box 295)
Jamestown, RI 02835
(401) 423-1651
Pastor Administrative Assistant Custodians
Kurt Satherlie Tanya Crowley John & Jim Page