PRESENT: Messrs R Filmer, J Page, M Hares, E Fuller & A Castle

Mesdames S Joyce, T Mace, B Ward, J Butters (arrived during Treasurer’s Report & S Few.

Mr P Osborn (member of the Public)


RF welcomed Mr Osborn.

MINUTES: Minutes of the meeting held on the 12th May 2014 had been circulated. Proposed by EF and seconded by BW that the minutes were a true and accurate record, agreed by all and signed.

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: RF said that again this had been a very busy year with monthly Bazaars which have proved to be very popular, Fête, which was very successful, Music on the Green which was billed as a family event and was well attended, Open Gardens with the Guides, Tim Pitman was a good evening, Harvest Supper was both profitable and enjoyable and BAD, which again produced a good production, but the audience numbers were down, Howden Jones (duo) had to be cancelled, due to their vehicle breaking down, Gracie Wickens-Sweet and the Coastline Singers was very successful. During the year various purchases had taken place, including: Tables, both large and small, First Aid Kit, Rubber Mats, to protect the carpet in the Nuttall Room, new Notice Board and all windows down the side and front of the Nuttall Room have been serviced. The online booking system is now up and running so hirers can see when the hall is available. The front lobby, toilets, utility room, storerooms, child’s toilets and some floors have been painted. The Parish Council pruned the trees at the side of the Hall. RF asked if there were any questions – none. RF thanked the Committee for their support, RB for keeping hall clean, JB for organising the bookings and JP for keeping the accounts. Peter Osborn mentioned MH and all the hard work he does. PO said he found bags of dog mess in the rubbish. RF said he would check this and make sure hirers take their rubbish home and he will contact Sedgemoor regarding a lock.

TREASURER’SREPORT: JP apologised that there was a minor error in the accounts. JP handed the Committee copies of the accounts for 2014. Hiring fees are up on last year by £3,000. The fund raising has been very good, although slightly lower than last year. Donations were received from the Nuttall Trust - £1,000 and John Harris (Wassail) - £3,000. There was commission from Utility Warehouse of £92.88 and donations from 200+ Club winners totalling £102. Water Rates are raised slightly, electricity high, but this is due to an error in the reading – JP said he would continue to watch the usage, gas down and the cost of the landline and broadband for a full year is £408.39. Cleaner/Housekeeping is slightly up, PRS is the same amount and insurance slightly higher. JP said he would analyse the bills to check they are correct. Tables, notice board and heated trolley cost £778.42. Charity Bank interest is lower as some of the capital has been paid. The income is higher this year due to the donation from John Harris. JP said there is £12,906.19 in the bank at the end of the financial year. JP said he will report back at next meeting with correct figures and he apologised again for the error. MH said the reason the water charges are higher is because the people employed by the Parish Council to wash the play equipment got their water supply from the Parish Hall.

BOOKING SECRETARY’S REPORT: JB said she has bookings going into 2016. Computer system is working. New yoga class and new table tennis group has started. Jubilee Room is not being used as much. JB said Thursday evenings are busy. There has been an enquiry regarding a Sunday morning regular slot. Bookings are going well. RF thanked JB.

ELECTION OF COMMITTEE: RF said there are four vacant spaces for organisation representatives on the Committee - Parish Council, Parochial Church Council – Guides & Brownies and Women’s Institute. JB proposed and TM seconded that the elected members of the committee be re-elected en-block (R Filmer, J Page, S Joyce, M Hares, and S Few) – proposal carried.


Bella Ward - Royal British Legion (Women’s Section)

Eddie Fuller - Royal British Legion (Men’s Section)

Alan Castle - Short Mat Bowls

Trish Mace - Good Companions

Jenny Butters - Dog Club

Vacant - Parish Council

Vacant - Parochial Church Council

Vacant - Brownies & Guides

Vacant - Women’s Institute

Meeting closed: 8:10pm

Chairman………………………………… Date………………………………………