NCVS On the Hoof September 2014

Welcome to On the Hoof in September 2014

Wellbeing health and adult social care news

for people working in and with the voluntary and community sector in Newcastle



Newcastle Wellbeing and Health Open Forum

Newcastle CVS events

Newcastle CCGs / Newcastle City Council commissioning

Newcastle Gateshead Alliance and local NHS

Care Act 2014 and social care in Newcastle

Newcastle City Council

Newcastle voluntary and community organisations

National NHS, health and social care

Adult safeguarding

Resources, training, events

About On the Hoof


Newcastle Wellbeing and Health Open Forum

WHOF meeting about the drugs and alcohol service consultation

Monday 6 October at 2.00pm to 4.00pm at Newcastle CVS, Higham House

Newcastle City Council is holding a consultation about its commissioning plans for an integrated treatment, recovery support and care coordination service for adults. The service will be provided from June 2015. There was a consultation in 2013, part of the Strengthening the Impact of Public Health Services consultation, and a number of consultation events have been held with providers and with users and carers. The current budget for drug and alcohol services for adults commissioned by the Council is £6.8 million, which is a third of the public health budget in Newcastle, although not all of the £6.8 million is included in this commissioned service.

The City Council is holding this consultation to provide more information for potential providers and to support collaboration. It recognises the key contribution to building and maintaining resilience, recovery and reintegration made by voluntary and community organisations and mutual aid groups, including those who are not commissioned.

Newcastle CVS has arranged a meeting space for anyone who wants to make a shared response to the consultation. To book a place visit

Higham House is accessible. Please let Jaz Nagra at Newcastle CVS know if you will need an interpreter, large print, or if you have any other requirements which would enable you to attend and enjoy this event.

The closing date for comment is 10 October, with procurement planned to start in December. Visit Let’s talk Newcastle for the consultation documents and to make a direct response.

Wellbeing and Health Open Forum held in September

The presentations from the Wellbeing and Health Open Forum held in September are on the Newcastle CVS website. They include

·  Information in the City: about Information and Advice Provision in Newcastle

·  Breaking down barriers: Guide Dogs 2014

·  Domestic violence and abuse: support for the voluntary and community sector

The Wellbeing and Health Open Forum (WHOF) is the way for voluntary and community organisations providing health and adult social care services and activities to network,get involved and stay informed. WHOF meets in full three times a year, with additional meetings on specific topics arranged as and when.

The next Wellbeing and Health Open Forum will be held on 10 February 2015.



Newcastle CVS events

Working together in Newcastle 2014: CCGs and the VCS

This event is nearly fully booked: then a waiting list will take details in case of cancellations

Wednesday 8 October, 12.30 for tea and coffee, 1.00pm to 3.00pm at the Great North Museum

Newcastle CCGs and Newcastle CVS are pleased to bring you this stakeholder event which will continue to build relationships in the light of ongoing change. The programme will include:

·  Let’s hear it for the Alliance: updates from the NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups; the Newcastle Gateshead Alliance; and commissioning plans

·  Questions to the Panel

·  an interactive discussion

Key speakers include Dr Guy Pilkington and Dr Steve Summers, chairs of Newcastle West, and North and East CCGs; Mark Adams, Accountable Officer, Newcastle CCGs; and Sally Young, Chief Executive, Newcastle CVS.

Please note lunch is not provided, but there will be tea and coffee from 12.30pm

The Great North Museum is accessible. Please let Jaz Nagra at Newcastle CVS know if you will need an interpreter, large print, disabled parking or if you have any other requirements which would enable you to attend and enjoy this event.

For more information visit


Newcastle CCGs / Newcastle City Council commissioning

Share your experiences of adult mental health and help develop services for the future

Friday, 26 September, 10.00am to 12.00pm and repeated on

Tuesday, 14 October, 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Both events in the County Room, Thistle County Hotel, Neville Street, Newcastle

Patients, carers and relatives and voluntary sector organisationswho have an interest in adult mental health services in Newcastle and Gateshead are being asked to help the NHS shape services for the future.

NHS Newcastle and Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Groups, (CCG), the bodies responsible for the planning, choosing and buying (commissioning) of local NHS services are considering the future adult and older people mental health services for both in patient care and in the community. To make sure services are as responsive as possible, the views of patients, carers and relatives with recent experiences of services are needed. The input of the community and voluntary sector is also very much welcomed.

These events are the very start of what will be a high profile process of how the local NHS, along with patients, carers, users, relatives and other local stakeholders work together to arrange local mental health services in a better, more responsive way to meet local needs.

To register your attendance at one of the two events please contact or call 0191 217 2670

Find out more about this work

Consortium involved in developing service to combat isolation and loneliness

Last month Newcastle Voluntary Sector Consortium was invited to the first meeting of a task and finish group with the Newcastle CCGs, lasting for two meetings, to consider investing around £100,000 in an initiative to prevent older people being readmitted to hospital and to reduce the number of admissions to hospital where loneliness and isolation are a determining factor.

The funding has come from what is being called the £5 per head development fund; money set aside by the two Newcastle CCGs to invest in primary and community care to use for four themes, one being to reduce admissions of older people to hospital and residential care. We provided information on two models of service delivery (Community and Village Agents) and are very appreciative of our members who responded so quickly to our call for information on what services are already in Newcastle for older people who feel lonely and are socially isolated.

The second task group meeting, on 22 September, included the City Council’s adult services, which is intending to commission a locality based service for people who do not fall within the criteria for receiving help from adult services but do need some support to continue to live at home, shop for themselves, get out and about, and keep in touch with family and friends. They are looking to commission a service using the learning from the Chain Reaction pilot, run by national charity KeyRing, which has now supported 60 people over its 18 months.

This commission is aimed at the same target group of older people so the CCGs and the City Council are considering jointly commissioning a service across the city, to pool their funding and avoid funding two very similar services.

Neil Shashoua, Newcastle Voluntary Sector Consortium

Commissioning information

Newcastle City Council website has a page on Adult Services commissioning. Visit

Finding the opportunity

To register to find NHS procurement opportunities visit

Newcastle City Council uses Procontract, also known as NEPO, to advertise its tender opportunities. Procontract has supplier guides including a first time log-in paper. To register on Procontract visit

Are you beginning to tender?

If you are new to procurement and tendering, Newcastle CVS has produced a guide focused on Procontract called Are you beginning to tender? Visit


Newcastle Gateshead Alliance and local NHS

MY NHS: Have your say, make a difference!

The two NHS Newcastle Clinical Commissioning Groups have set up MY NHS for people to receive updates about the CCGs and invitations to take part in surveys and events focused on improving local healthcare and health services for the people of Newcastle.

You can join MY NHS via Newcastle West CCG,


And via Newcastle North and East CCG


Presumably the listings will merge as the CCGs merge with Gateshead, if it is not already a single list. For more information you can Download the flyer here


Care Act 2014 and social care in Newcastle

Social Care Users Survey 2013-14

The fourthnational Social Care Users Survey ran in February 2014. The people who took part in the survey were adults who use social care and support services provided or commissioned by their local authority including living in a care home, receiving a Personal Budget, home care, equipment or home adaptations, meals services, Direct Payments, respite care, or attend a day centre.

A presentation contains thefindings for Newcastle. Thenational findings are available here.

The survey will run again in February 2015. Any questions about the findings should be addressed to Louise Reeve, Policy and Information Officer at Newcastle City Council. Email or call 0191 277 7508

Newcastle autism services in review

The City Council Health Scrutiny Committee carried out a task and finish group autism review between April and August 2014. The report will go to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 25 September.

The report highlights concern over the numbers of people with a diagnosis of autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which is low compared to similar authorities. Especially for children with lower levels of need, there was a lack of support post diagnosis at any age, unclear diagnostic pathways, gaps in support and therapy, long waiting lists, and difficulties in sharing data across statutory services, all underpinned by a lack of strategic planning. Some of the concerns are about worsening services and support due to the cuts made in recent months. The report makes nine recommendations to address the issues and to improve support to people with autism, including better cross boundary working with Gateshead and other neighbouring authorities.

Following the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the final report will go to the City Council cabinet in October. The report is in the Agenda reports pack; visit

Health Scrutiny forward plan

The Deprivation of Liberty Standards Act and the impact of the recent High Court decision is on the forward plan for the October meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee; the Care Act 2014 and implications of the new duties will be in November. Visit


Newcastle City Council

Council Plan 2014/15

Newcastle City Council has published its Council Plan on Let’s Talk, with a new format, case studies, and performance information. The Council priorities, informed by the Newcastle Future Needs Assessment remain:

·  A working city

·  Decent neighbourhoods

·  Tackling inequalities

·  A fit for purpose council

The Council Plan will be used in drawing up the ‘Know your Service’ specifications which will inform future commissioning. The Council is calling for comment and feedback.



Newcastle voluntary and community organisations

Under The Bridge: first newsletter

Under The Bridge, which is under the umbrella of Tyne Housing Association Ltd, provides services for homeless people including a furniture restoration workshop, medical check-ups, baths and clothing. The first newsletter outlines the scope of the work. To subscribe to the newsletter, contact Cynthia Games, engagement worker on

National NHS, health and social care

Data set used by health and care commissioners

The Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) has produced a health dashboard which brings health and social care data sets into one place, including the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, the Public Health profiles and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) data. To find out more visit

Care Act 2014

The government has produced a series of two sided fact sheets


The Brutal Maths of Public Spending

A blog on the cuts and likely future scenarios using the Office of Budget Responsibility (OBR) statistics. It demonstrates there will be 28% less public spending per person by 2019. Visit


Adult safeguarding

Safeguarding Adults training October to December

Newcastle Safeguarding Adults Board offers free training to organisations active in Newcastle. There are a variety of courses, from half day level one to full day level three courses. There are on-line learning options and a workbook. There is also a course written for service users to raise awareness of safeguarding procedures.

Courses are free to most organisations working in Newcastle but there is a £30 cancellation charge. For the October to December programme visit

Disclosure and Barring events

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Engagement Team are undertaking “Duty to Refer” events in the region:

·  6 November 2014, County Hall, Durham

·  19 November 2014, Dolphin Centre, Darlington

Booking for the events will open six weeks prior to the events through this webpage:


Resources, training, events

Collaborative working software workshop

30 September, 3.00pm to 4.30pm at Higham House, Newcastle

Free short workshop on software for collaborative working…to find out more and book your place visit


About On the Hoof

On the Hoof is published 11 times a year by Newcastle CVS. For previous copies, visit