English 3 Honors


Annotating and Close Reading

Directions specific to Richard III!

At the end of this unit, you will be asked to develop a thesis and essay of your own, dealing with character, theme, motif (a distinctive feature, pattern, or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition), or some aspect of language...

As you annotate, be on the lookout for examples/passages of one or more of the following character arcs, themes, or motifs as they appear in the play...

Characters: Richard, Duke of Buckingham, Queen Elizabeth, Duchess of York, Queen Margaret, Anne... Characters as symbols...what force in the world might a character represent?


¡  Appearances vs. Reality (Richard's deception): How Richard deceives and disguises his real intentions...The language of deception

¡  Role of Women: Women weakened, fallen from positions of power... Women as pawns in a power game... How women hold their own and/or outsmart the male dominated society...Women as mothers, wives, and daughters

¡  Conscience, Guilt, and Blame: Who blames who for what? Characters with a complex past. Does anyone feel guilty for their actions? Do they regret what they've done? Does Richard III have a conscience?

¡  Hatred and Evil: It's fair to say that Richard III's own delight in being a villain give the play much of its power. Language of hatred and evil. The power/enjoyment of the evil side by Richard III, other characters, the audience...

¡  Supernatural: How does the Supernatural show itself in the play? What is the role of Supernatural forces in the play?


1. The reason language is used (its purpose at different points)...Character motivation

2. The patterns and structure of language: Specific patterns and the choices of organization in the language. .. recurring ones?

3. The power of individual words and expressions: specific choices in vocabulary and imagery (similes and metaphors)...recurring ones?