Working List for IPANE Project

Revised 14 MAR 2006

Documentation priority for IPANE trained volunteers

I. No documentation necessary for IPANE-trained volunteers
Ailanthus altissima / Tree-of-heaven / Habit shot, inflorescence / Su, Fa
Akebia quinata / Chocolate vine / Habit shot, leaves, flowers / Sp, Su, Fa
Alliaria petiolata / Garlic mustard / Habit shot, flowers, basal leaves / Sp, early Su
Berberis thunbergii / Japanese barberry / Habit shot, fruits / Sp, Su, Fa
Bromus tectorum* / Drooping brome-grass / Inflorescence / Early Su
Celastrus orbiculatus / Asiatic bittersweet / Habit shot, fruits / Su, Fa
Centaurea biebersteinii / Spotted knapweek / Habit shot, inflorescence, basal lvs. / Su, Fa
syn.: Centaurea maculosa
Chelidonium majus* / Celandine / Habit shot w/ flowers or fruits / Sp, Su
Cirsium arvense / Canada thistle / Habit shot, inflorescences / Su, Fa
Datura stramonium* / Jimsonweed / Flower, fruit / Su, Fa, Wi
Elaeagnus umbellata / Autumn olive / Branch with flowers or fruits / Sp, Fa
Euonymus alata / Winged euonymus / Branches / All seasons
Euphorbia cyparissias* / Cypress spurge / Inflorescence with leaves / Su, Fa
Glaucium flavum / Yellow hornpoppy / Flowers or fruits / Sp, Su
Glechoma hederacea* / Gill-over-the-ground / Flowers, branch with leaves / Sp, Su
Lonicera japonica / Japanese honeysuckle / Habit shot, flowers / Sp, Su, Fa
Lychnis flos-cuculi* / Ragged robin / Flowers / Late Sp
Lythrum salicaria / Purple loosestrife / Habit shot, flowers, fruits / Su, Fa
Marsilea quadrifolia / European waterclover / Leaves / Su, Fa
Myosotis scorpioides / Forget-me-not / Habit with flowers / Sp, Su, Fa
Paulownia tomentosa / Princess tree / Flowers, fruits / Sp, Su
I. No documentation necessary, cont.
Phragmites australis / Common reed / Habit shot, flowers / Su, Fa
Polygonum cuspidatum / Japanese knotweed / Leaves / Su, Fa
syn.: Fallopia japonica
Robinia pseudoacacia* / Black locust / Habit shot, flowers / Sp, Su
Rosa multiflora / Multiflora rose / Habit shot, flowers, fruits / Sp, Su, Fa
Rosa rugosa / Rugosa rose / Leaves and flowers or fruits / Su, Fa
Rumex acetosella* / Sheep sorrel / Plants in flower or fruit / Su
Silphium perfoliatum / Cup-plant / Perfoliate leaves with stem / Su, Fa
Solanum dulcamara* / Climbing nightshade / Leaves with flowers / Su, Fa
Trapa natans / Water chestnut / Floating rosette of leaves / Su, Fa
Tussilago farfara* / Coltsfoot / Flowers, leaves / Sp, Su, Fa
II. Specific photograph or pressed sample necessary
Acer ginnala / Amur maple / Inflorescence, fruits & leaves / Su
Acer platanoides / Norway maple / Inflorescence, fruits & leaves / Sp, Su, FA
Acer pseudoplatanus / Sycamore maple / Inflorescence, fruits & leaves / Sp, Su
Aegopodium podagraria / Goutweet / Leaves / Su, Fa
Allium vineale* / Wild garlic / Stem with leaf bases / Su
Alnus glutinosa / European black alder / Habit shot with flowers / All seasons
Amorpha fruticosa / False indigo / Flowers, fruits / Su, Fa
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata / Porcelainberry / Leaves with fruits / Fa
Berberis vulgaris / Common barberry / Inflorescences, leaf margins / Sp, Su, Fa
Clematis terniflora / Sweet autumn virginsbower / Flowers, leaves / Fa
Cynanchum louiseae / Black swallow-wort or / Stem with flowers / Late Sp, Su
syn.: Cynanchum nigrum / Louis's swallow-wort
syn.: Vincetoxicum nigrum
II. Specific photograph or pressed sample necessary, cont.
Cytisus scoparius / Scotch broom / Branch with flowers / Su, Fa, Wi
Elsholtzia ciliata / Crested late-summer mint / Inflorescence / Late Su, Fa
Epilobium hirsutum / Hairy willow-herb / Flowers / Su
Euphorbia esula / Leafy spurge / Inflorescence with leaves / Su, Fa
Frangula alnus / Glossy buckthorn / Branch with flowers/fruits & leaves / Su, Fa
syn.: Rhamnus frangula
Froelichia gracilis* / Slender snake-cotton / Habit shot. Inflorescence / Su, Fa
Heracleum mantegazzianum / Giant hogweed / Inflorescence with scale / Su
Hesperis matronalis / Dame's rocket / Habit shot, flowers / Sp, early Su
Humulus japonicus / Japanese hops / Leaves with inflorescence / Su, Fa
Hypericum prolificum / Shrubby St. Johnswort / Habit with flowers / Su, Fa
Impatiens glandulifera / Ornamental jewelweed / Habit with flowers / Su, Fa
Iris pseudoacorus / Yellow iris / Flowers / Early Su
Kochia scoparia / Summer cypress / Inflorescence / Su, Fa
Lepidium latifolium / Tall pepperweed / Plants in flower / Su
Lonicera X bella / Bell's honeysuckle / Close-up of flowers / Late Sp
Lonicera maackii / Amur honeysuckle / Branch with leaves, flowers, fruits / Su, Fa
Lonicera morrowii / Morrow's honeysuckle / Branch with leaves, flowers, fruits / Su, Fa
Lysimachia nummularia* / Moneywort / Habit shot, flowers / Su, Fa
Nymphoides peltata / Yellow floating heart / Floating leaves and flowers / Su
Onopordum acanthium / Scotch thistle / Flowers, leaves, and rosettes / Sp, Su, Fa
Ornithogalum umbellatum / Star of Bethlehem / Flowers / Sp
Phalaris arundinacea / Reed canary-grass / Inflorescence / Su
Polygonum caespitosum* / Bristled knotweed / Inflorescence with stem & ocreae / Su, Fa
Populus alba / White poplar / Leaves showing lower surface / Su, Fa
Potamogeton crispus / Curly-leaved pondweed / Leaves showing undulate leaf margin / Sp, Fa
II. Specific photograph or pressed sample necessary, cont. / Sp
Pueraria montana var. lobata / Kudzu / Leaves and inflorescence / Su, Fa
Ranunculus ficaria / Fig buttercup / Leaves and flowers / Sp
Ranunculus repens / Creeping buttercup / Plant with stolons, leaves / Sp, Su
Rhamnus cathartica / Buckthorn / Tip of branches, leaves / Sp, Su, Fa
Rorripa nasturtium-aquaticum / Watercress / Flowers and fruits / Sp, Su
syn.: Nasturtium officinale
Rubus phoenicolasius / Wineberry / Flowers, underside of leaves / Su
Valeriana officinalis / Garden heliotrope / Portion of stem with inflorescence / Su, Fa
III. Pressed sample necessary
Aira caryophyllea / Silver hairgrass / Plant / Early Su
Anthriscus sylvestris / Wild chervil / Branch with flowers or fruits / Late Sp, Su
Arthraxon hispidus / Hairy jointgrass / Plants in flower or fruit / Late Su, Fa
Butomus umbellatus / Flowering-rush / Rhizomes, inflorescence / Su, Sp
Cabomba caroliniana / Fanwort / Branch / Su, Fa
Callitriche stagnalis / Pond water-starwort / Plants in fruit / Su, Fa
Cardamine impatiens / Narrowleaf bittercress / Stems showing auriculate leaf bases / Su
Cirsium palustre / Marsh thistle / Stem with inflorescence / Su, Fa
Cynanchum rossicum / Pale swallow-wort or / Stem with flowers / Late Sp, Su
syn.: Vincetoxicum rossicum / European swallow-wort
Egeria densa / Brazilian water-weed / Plants / Sp, Su, Fa
Elaeagnus angustifolia / Russian olive / Branch with flowers or fruits / Sp, Su, Fa
Festuca filiformis / Fineleaf sheep fescue / Plant in flower or fruit / Su, Fa
Geranium thungergii / Thunberg’s geranium / Branch with flowers or fruits / Su, Fa
Glossostigma diandrum / “Mudmat” / Plants / Late Su, Fa
III. Pressed sample necessary, cont.
Glyceria maxima / Reed mannagrass / Plants with inflorescence / Su, Fa
Hydrilla verticillata / Hydrilla / Plants with stem turions / Late Sp, Su, Fa
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae / Common frogbit / Plants with flowers / Su, Fa
Ligustrum obtusifolium / Border privet / Branch with flowers / Su
Ligustrum ovalifolium / California privet / Branch with flowers / Su
Ligustrum sinense / Chinese privet / Branch with flowers / Su
Ligustrum vulgare / European privet / Branch with flowers / Su
Lonicera tatarica / Tatarian honeysuckle / Branch with flowers / Sp, Su
Lonicera xylosteum / Dwarf honeysuckle / Branch with flowers / Sp,Su
Lysimachia vulgaris / Garden loosestrife / Inflorescence / Su
Microstegium vimineum / Japenese stilt grass / Stems with inflorescences / Fa
syn.: Eulalia viminea
Miscanthus sacchiflorus / Amur silvergrass / Leaves & inflorescence / Fa
Miscanthus sinensis / Chinese silvergrass / Leaves & inflorescences / Fa
Mycelis muralis / Wall-lettuce / Habit, basal leaves / Late Su, Fa
Myriophyllum aquaticum / Parrotfeather / Branch / Su, Fa
Myriophyllum heterophyllum / Two-leaf water-milfoil / Branch / Su, Fa
Myriophyllum spicatum / Eurasian water-milfoil / Branch / Su, Fa
Najas minor / Brittle waternymph / Plants / Su, Fa
Phellodendron amurense (S. L.) / Amur cork tree / Branch with leaves and flowers or fruits / Sp, Su, Fa
Poa compressa* / Canada blue-grass / Plants with inflorescence / Sp, Su
Polygonum perfoliatum / Mile-a-minute vine / Stems with leaves / Su, Fa
Rorippa amphibia / Great yellowcress / Plant / Su
Senecio jacobaea / Tansy ragwort / Branch with flowers / Su
Veronica beccabunga / European speedwell / Branch with flowers / Su, Fa

This table is to help trained IPANE Program volunteers submit records. This list has been generated from a variety of different sources including herbarium specimens, published lists, literature, and the observations of numerous botanists and naturalists. All taxa included here have preliminarily met criteria designed to evaluate those species that should be considered invasive or potentially invasive in minimally managed habitats in New England. These designation may not reflect official status in a state. Knowledge of current and historic distribution may be incomplete. The status of some taxa include here may change. Nomenclature is according to ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System ( For species marked with an asterisk (*), we are only interested in information about populations in minimally managed habitats