Mini-Lesson Plan Guide for Science

Date(s): Subject: Renewable & Nonrenewable resources Grade Level: 9-12

Lesson Planning
Benchmark/Standard: What is the next benchmark on my course curriculum guide or FCIM calendar?
SC.912.L.17.11: Evaluate the costs and benefits of renewable and nonrenewable resources, such as water, energy, fossil fuels, wildlife, and forests.
Essential Questions: How will I reword the benchmark into specific questions using student friendly terms?
•  Compare and contrast renewable and nonrenewable resources
Materials/Resources: What do I have or need to teach this lesson?
Computer w/ internet access
Lesson Agenda: How will I deliver this lesson to help my students answer the essential questions?
Day One: Explicit Instruction
Day Two: Modeled Instruction
Day Three: Guided Instruction
Day Four: Independent Instruction
Day Five: Assessment
Lesson Delivery
Explicit Instruction: How will I focus my students on what they need to learn? Which important vocabulary will I introduce/review?
·  Teacher will hook student with video clip highlighting renewable energy resources
·  Teacher will use powerpoint to compare and contrast renewable and nonrenewable resources
Modeled Instruction: How will I show my students what they are expected to do to answer the essential question?
·  Teacher will show video clip explaining hydroelectric power
·  Discuss with students: What is hydroelectric power and how does a turbine generate electricity? What are some of the pros and cons to building a large dam?
·  Teacher will show video clip explaining nuclear fission
·  Discuss with students: How is U-235 turned into household energy? Why do you think nuclear power is a controversial energy source?
Guided Practice: How will I help my students practice answering the essential question?
·  Teacher will show video clip that explores current and future energy sources
·  After viewing, have students list all energy sources in two categories, renewable and nonrenewable
·  Ask: What is the main energy source for the US? What is the source of energy in your everyday life? Why are the current renewable energy sources being used unable to meet our total energy needs?
Independent Practice: How will my students practice answering the essential question individually?
·  Use the list from the video clip of all the renewable and nonrenewable resources
·  Ask students to choose one renewable and one nonrenewable resource and identify the benefits and drawbacks to each