To The Seniors of 2014:

Colleges, schools and employers will be asking you to submit a counselor/teacher recommendation. In order to write a complete recommendation, we need some information from you. Please complete this form carefully and think before you write.

Remember that this is a “BRAG” sheet and it is one of the few times someone will ask you about your accomplishments. So—BRAG! We are not only interested in the activities, courses, interests or jobs in which you have been involved; we want to know what you accomplished. Was there a project, a course, something that you did that was meaningful to you?

Counselors will not write a recommendation without this completed sheet. Please keep a copy of this brag sheet before turning it in to the Guidance Office.



Last First Middle

PART I: Immediate and Long Range Career Aims

One Year Goal: Five Year Goal:

Intended College Major:

Schools/Colleges Considering: 1.



School Activities (including offices held):

Community Activities:

Honors or Awards:

Jobs Held: 1. Dates From: To:

Hours Per Week:

2. Dates From: To:

Hours Per Week:

3. Dates From: To:

Hours Per Week:

Special Interests/Hobbies:

PART II: Personal Evaluation

List six adjectives that you think describe you:

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Do you think your transcript accurately reflects your academic abilities and accomplishments?


What do you think are your strengths?

What do you think are your weaknesses?

What circumstances, if any, have interfered with your academic performance?

Has any summer experience, work, study, or travel been of significant importance to you?

Is there any information you would like colleges to know so that they can make an accurate appraisal of your application?

(Attach additional sheets if needed.)


1. Name of your child:

2. What is your child’s career goal?:

3. What does your child plan to do next year?:

4. a. If answer to question 3 was go to college, list 3 schools of interest and possible majors.

b. If answer to question 3 was go to work, list potential companies and type of work.

c. If answer to question 3 was enter military service, list branch and training desired.

5. List strengths of your child:

6. List weaknesses of your child:

7. List several words that best describe your child:

8. Include any interesting story or facts that will help us better understand your child: