Terms of Reference: ExpressionofInterest(EoI)

Selection of local partner NGOfortheimplementation of project on “Max Foundation’s Stunted Free Village approach”


Max Foundation (MF) wants to prevent child mortality in the most efficient and effective way and MF believe that charity profits from a business driven approach. Or: S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time bound) charity. At Max Foundation we work with our heart and our head in order to maximize our impact: saving as many children’s lives as possible.

Childhood stunting is one of the most significant impediments to human development, globally affecting approximately 162 million children under the age of 5 years. Stunting, or being too short for one’s age, is defined as a height that is more than two standard deviations below the World Health Organisation (WHO) Child Growth Standards median.

Children stunted by malnutrition are not only short for their ages but their bodies and brains can incur lasting damage. Research shows that stunted children are more susceptible to disease, tend to do poorly in school, and earn less as adults than their well-nourished peers.

Over the last decade, Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in sanitation. In 2015, JMP reports only 1% of the population practice open defecation. However, malnutrition rates are still among the highest in the world where 41% of children under five are stunted (low height for age), 16% are wasted (low weight for height) and 36% are underweight (low weight for age). Stunting (or chronic child malnutrition) can result in increased mortality risks and impaired cognitive function that potentially impacts future work productivity.

September 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals where Goal 2.2 targets “by 2030 end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving by 2025 the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under five years of age, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older persons”. On the other hand SDG goal 3.1, 3.2, 3.7 and 3.8 have clear demand for safe motherhood and sexual reproductive health. All those targets have mutually supporting linkage to the outcome of goal 6 to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Max Foundation recently develops an approach to prevent childhood stunting by combining the outcomes of WASH, SRHR and Nutrition.

Max Foundation’s Stunted Free Village approach

The approach “stunted free Village” has been developed based on the experience of CLTS. The CLTS approach was found as one of the most successful approaches for promoting “Open Defecation free (ODF) villages, extensively practiced in the developing countries as well as in Bangladesh. Further, it can be said, the success of the sanitation movement was partially due to its ability to create a desire and responsibility amongst citizens to create ‘open defecation free’ jurisdictions.

The most significant outcome of CLTS was that community members felt that it was their program. The ‘software’ in terms of training provided was not considered an external input and although all the communities identified the importance of water for the success of CLTS, they have developed fund generation and other systems for maintaining the facilities and ensuring sustainability. The CLTS process was powerful because open defecation free jurisdictions are not only measureable but also a pure public good (i.e. non-rival and non-excludable).

The problem of child stunting has a likeness to the problem of open defecation. Both are easily measurable and can easily respond to community readiness for paying enough attention for immediate health benefit. CLTS was able to immediately reduce the diarrhoeal episodes in the communities by setting out the ODF villages within very short span of time. The approach was also adopted by many governments as an action for public health improvement.

Therefore, the context and the causes of stunting clearly identified the need of an action for integrating the results from improved WASH, appropriate feeding for the children and improved status of the mother’s health. Applying this approach to a combination of the water + sanitation + hygiene + nutrition + health sectors suggests that it might be possible to trigger communities to create “stunting free villages’.

Project Overall Objective and Components

For addressing the SDG goal, Max Foundation want to start a new project per 1 January 2016 called Stunted Free Village and selected three existing PNGO of Max Foundation for ExpressionofInterest. The overall objective of the project is to create a sustainable environment for each of the villages in the project area for healthy growth of under 5 children so that no new stunting episode occurs among Under 2 children.

The objective of the partnership with the PNGOs is implementation of ‘Stunted free Villages’ program. A tentative process of the program summarised bellow

i.  Igniting the community with child growth measurement, thus identifying the natural good practices and practitioners among the parents and villagers

ii.  Setting change objective and do the advocacy and Capacity Building to parents, the villagers and respective institutions

iii.  Villagers set off for improving the nutrition and health practices among children, adolescents and mothers by earning knowledges, innovate techniques an reaching to the services for -

a.  Safe child birth and motherhood

b.  Sexual and Reproductive Health education in community and educational institutions

c.  Adequate and quality nutrition available for children, adolescents and mothers ( pregnant and lactating)

iv.  Villagers set off for creating healthy environment in the households, villages, public places and in the educational institutions ( i.e.; Schools, madrasa etc) for preventing major causes of environmental Enteropathy and nutrition loss (i.e.; infections and focal borne diseases) among children, adolescents and mothers ( pregnant and lactating) by earning knowledges, innovate techniques an reaching to the services for -

a.  Water safety and security

b.  Environmental sanitation focusing adult, child and animal faeces and sludge and yard waste management

c.  Hygiene behaviour including personal and food hygiene as well as stopping faces and dirt consumption by the crowler and toddler babies.

v.  Parents and villagers regularly monitor the child growth and achives the goal. Thus measuring child growth recognised for single outcome indicator of the development and sustainable change.

vi.  Success caseses are locally and nationally shared for further scaleup.

Tentative Working Area

The working area of the project should be in area where stunting is high, were the percentage of stunting <5 Children is ‘45% of greater’. Please see the annex -1 for Stunting Prevalence Map of Bangladesh

Guidance for applicants

The application package includes:

1.  Application letter (1 page);

2.  PNGO information template;

3.  PNGO Eligibility Form (1.5 page);

4.  Project Fact sheet (1.5 page);

5.  Project Concept note (Maximum 5 pages , font size Calibri(Body) 11)

The documents are available with this ToR, Please check attachment.

Project Time frame

·  Expected start date : January 2016

·  Expected end date : December 2018


The budget will be 100.000Euro per year. Project will be 3 years. Possibility of extension of area/project should be considered.

Application Overall time table

Particulars / Deadline
Circular placed for distribution / 9th October 2015
Submission of the application package / 19th October 2015
Selection and confirmation of successful PNGO / 30th October 2015
Submission of the full project proposal / 20th November 2015
Announcement of winners / 20th December 2015
Send commitment letter / 25th December 2015

Submission Guideline

If your organisation is able and willing to carry out the Stunted Free Village project, please submit the following mentioned one hard copy of completed application package to Max Foundation Bangladesh Country Office, , Flat B1, House no 23/16, Khilji Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka and also send an electronic copy of the completed application package to with CC to and

Application Package

1.  Application letter (1 page);

2.  PNGO information template;

3.  PNGO Eligibility Form (1.5 page);

4.  Project Fact sheet (1.5 page);

5.  Project Concept note (Maximum 5 pages , font size Calibri(Body) 11)

Please take note of the followings:

•  A consortium or joint venture of organisations will not be eligible to apply.

•  Interested organisation should meet Eligibility criteria otherwise the application will be rejected.

•  Preliminary qualified organisations will be evaluated according to information provided in PNGO application package to make a short list.

•  Only the shortlisted organisations will be visited, verified and further evaluated according to the information and documents provided with EoI/application.

•  Only the finally selected organisations will be offered to submit a project proposal and budget.

•  Max foundation keeps all rights reserved about the selection and funding process.

Attachment: PNGO application package

Annex -1: Stunting Prevalence Map

Max Foundation, Gyroscoopweg 142 1hg, 1042 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bangladesh Country Office, Flat B1, House no 23/16, Khilji Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka