Terms of Reference (ToR) for Consultancy Services

Climate Change Adaptation Stakeholder Mapping in Pakistan


Pakistan’s geography makes it vulnerable to a number of natural disasters (e.g. flooding, cyclones, landslides, droughts, heatwaves, earthquakes), which regularly plague the country. In the past few decades alone, there have been 78 floods affecting over 76 million people, 15 heat waves (e.g. in Karachi in 2015 and 2017), various cyclones (e.g. Yemyin 2007 with over 1.5 million people affected), and a series of highly disastrous droughts (10 alone in the period 1998-2014). Based on current data, it is expected that the negative effects of these regularly occurring disasters will worsen further in the future due to the effects of global warming. Pakistan consequently ranks as one of the ten countries most dramatically affected by climate change (Global Climate Risk Index, 2017). This means that the various negative effects of climate change are felt in many places here, but particularly the increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events such as droughts, torrential rain, and heatwavesare felt. Associated with this is, among other things, accelerated melting of glaciers increasing the risks of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF), which threaten entire regions of Northern Pakistan (e.g. in KP and GB). More frequent and intense floods along rivers, salination of farmland, and increased soil erosion are forcing ever larger portions of the population to resettle. Rainfall patterns in particular and the change in seasonal variation and intensity of the rains are having a negative impact on harvests and influencing growing seasons, thus making food security ever more precarious. Furthermore, the resulting floods also contribute to the potential increased spread of dangerous infectious diseases (e.g. dengue fever and malaria).


The Pakistan Red Crescent Society (PRCS) is the largest humanitarian aid organisation in Pakistan with its own structures in all provinces and regions of the country. As an official national aid organisation, the PRCS sees it as its duty to support the efforts of the government and the corresponding agencies (e.g. NDMA, PDMA, DDMA) in adapting and responding to the challenges posed by climate change. To this end, the PRCSseeks to strengthen and expand its own structures and capacities in the area of climate change adaptation. This supports the Government of Pakistan’s plans and intentions laid out in itsFramework for Implementation of Climate Change Policy 2014-2030, in which the PRCS is identified as responsible for contributing to various strategic climate changeactions in the areas of “Disaster Preparedness” and “Health”adaptation.

Due to its role, outlined in the Red Crescent Policy, as a national aid organisation and due to the community-oriented work approach taken by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, the establishment of an institution-specific approach to dealing with climate change as part of its integrated programming is of crucial importance to the PRCS and the government. Indeed, the PRCS has a very well-formed and well-documented understanding of the need to take action on climate change, but it is lacking a concrete strategy an articulation of its role in combating climate change. Until now, there were no contact persons or focal points dealing with climate change and the organisation is lacking professional and technical knowledge or skills for effectively and efficiently revising the work approaches and tools that have been used. It has therefore only been possible to establish a very rudimentary collaboration or coordination with the relevant actors at the national, provincial, and local levels. Currently, the PRCS is therefore not capable of fulfilling all the tasks expected of it in the Framework 2014-2030 and thus cannot make a relevant contribution in the area of climate change within the national context.

The planned discussion and exchange processes associated with climate change impacts and shared responsibilities for action are of central significance to the PRCS. It is assumed that an active, intensive process – incorporated as part of the below outlined programme – will have a sustained effect on efforts to strengthen the PRCS as a relevant and reliable humanitarian organisation and one which contributes to the national and local climate change agenda in Pakistan In order to assist PRCS in identifying and ranking potential stakeholders and partners dealing with climate change, a detailed mapping consultancy is expected to pave the way for a realisation of the three main programme result areas:

Result 1

PRCS will have contributed to improved coordination and development of contextualised tools to address climate change issues at regional, national and local levels.

Result 2

PRCS will have established internal structures and enhanced its capacities in the area of climate change and climate-smart programming.

Result 3

Vulnerable rural and urban target communities will have improved knowledge of climate change, adaptive measures and strengthened coordination with relevant local stakeholders.

Purpose of the consultancy:

The consultancywill contribute to the overall objective ofthe PRCSclimate change programme supported by theGerman Red Cross (GRC) and funded by The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BMZ).The programme’soverall objective is thatof enhancing PRCS’ capacity to plan and implement improved, climate-smartcommunity based projectsthroughincreased collaboration with the Government of Pakistan and civil society for prioritisation of climate change actions.

The objective of this consultancyis to identify relevant and appropriate stakeholders/actors including government, civil society organisations (CSOs), I/NGOs,institutional donors, think tanks, academia and networks working on climate change adaptation in Pakistan. It is desired to map all relevant actors including their mandate, scope of work and their ongoing interventions related to climate change adaptation in Pakistan. This mapping exercise will support PRCS to develop lasting partnerships and will also support other actors including the Ministry of climate Change (MoCC) in referring toa national‘4W database’ of actors working on the climate change agenda. The mapping exercise should have an overall national focus, although regionally within Pakistan focusing on the provinces of Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, KP and GB. The PRCS is expected to assume a role inbi-annually updating the 4W database as part of its Climate Advocacy and Coordination for Resilient Action (CACRA) programme (2017-2020).

Main Results:The consultant/s will be working on deliverables related tothree main results:

Result No. 1Relevant national and provincial stakeholders identified in a summaryhighlighting best “strategic partners” for PRCS relationship building work in line with the 3 CACRAprogramme results.

Result No. 2A 4W databasedeveloped with simple national and provincial level guidelines enabling its periodic updating by PRCS.

Result No. 3Mapping of potential donors for climate change adaptation activities, including private sector donors in Pakistan.

Major Activities: Following are the main activities of the consulting work:

Result No. 1Relevant national and provincial stakeholders identified in a summary highlighting best “strategic partners” for PRCS relationship building work in line with the 3 CACRA programme results.
Ref. / Activity / Deliverables / Brief explanation
1.1 / Conduct a comprehensive stakeholder scoping/mappingexercise
The scoping/mapping exercise should include identification of academia/universities across five provinces of Pakistan who have dedicated environment/climate change studies.
Identification and mapping of I/NGOs/CSOs in Pakistan working on climate adaptation at community level or in support of provincial or national government in terms of CC policy or practice / (1.1.A)Match-making document: A summary document listing climate changestakeholders (including basic details of each organisation/entity) in Pakistan.
The document should include identification and weighting of organisations or entities which PRCS can strategically focus onwhen developing meaningful partnerships forcontributing to:
a)Improved national, provincial and district coordination for climate change action
b)Enhancing PRCS organisational capacity
c)Building community resilience
(1.1.B) Mapping summary with details of relevant university programmes/departments as well as I/NGOs/CSOs is produced /
  • The consultant will preparea summary document of stakeholders along with basic details of their ongoing work and contributions to the Pakistan climate change policy environment and implementation framework.
  • The mapping of individual contributions under different themes/sectorsrelated to adaptation and contributions in strengthening capacities of national and provincial governmentsshould also be included.
  • It is suggested to build a map/match-making document grouping stakeholders into, e.g. 3 broad categories: government, academia/think tanks and I/NGOs/CSOs for easy reference
  • The consultant is expected to consultmain public sector entitiescontributing tonational/provincial climate change policy, its implementation framework and action plans.Entity contributions to climate change adaptation at provincial and national level could be summarised, including potential financial allocations to different areas.

Result No. 2A 4W database developed with simple national and provincial level guidelines enabling its periodic updating by PRCS.
Ref. / Activity / Deliverables / Brief Explanation
2.1 / Developa 4W stakeholder database as per agreed list of stakeholders in inception phase of the assignment and as identified in exercise 1.1 (Result 1) / (2.1.A) Adatabaseoutlining, as a minimum, summaries about the role, contribution and thematic work of each stakeholder related to climate change in Pakistan.
(2.1.B) Develop a simple guideline to PRCS on how to regularly update and maintain the 4W database /
  • Based on the scoping and mapping activities carried out under deliverable 1.1.A the consultant will develop a detailed stakeholder database (i.e. the stakeholder scoping/mapping exercise will form the basis of the 4W database).

Result No. 3Mapping of potential donors for climate change adaptation activities, including private sector donors in Pakistan.
Ref. / Activity / Deliverables / Brief Explanation
3.1 / Develop a comprehensive list of identified strategic donors relevantto the 3 CACRA programme results based on a desk-top study and donor scoping exercise / (3.1.A) Short listing of potential private sector and institutional donors indicating relevance toeach of the3 CACRAprogramme results.
(3.1.B)A brief meeting report including the criteria on which partners and country team shortlisted the donors as "strategic donors" relevant to each of the 3 CACRA programme results. /
  • The consultant will develop a detailed mapping/list of the donors based on the scoping exercise.
  • The consultant will identify the potential institutional and private donors and map their contributions (and potential contributions) to funding of climate adaptation activities in Pakistan.
  • This deliverable includes the mapping of private sector entities in Pakistan which have collaboration potential for PRCS related to the national/local climate change agenda.

Presentation of focused PRCS donor potential for developing strategic working relationships(att: PRCS Senior Management) / (3.1.C) A 2-page summary report outlining preferred potential private and public donors to support future PRCS climate change activities.


The consultant/s should, as a minimum, possess the following:

  1. Proven experience of conducting research studies, working experience with international organisations and prior experience of comprehensive mapping and analytical exercises
  2. Prior demonstrated experience inconducting stakeholdermapping, scoping and market/business research,developing 4W matrices/database and devising associated database management/guiding mechanisms
  3. Proven understanding of national and provincial level climate change policy environment and contexts,including knowledge of Pakistan climate change policies, implementation frameworks, action plans, climate change financing mechanisms and funding potential
  4. Well-informed of the latest trends in climate change related negotiations and updates
  1. Excellent English writing and presentation skills with strong a strong understanding of organisationalplanning and resource mobilisation strategy work

Timeframe for the assignment:

The timeframe including briefing, fieldwork, write-up and finalisation would be a maximum 6 weeks, starting from 20th Feb, 2018.

How to Apply?

The interested consultants are requested to send, in hard copy and sealed envelope, their proposal, includinga clear methodology, timeline and estimated cost breakdownto the following address by COB9th February2018:

Admin Officer

German Red Cross Liaison Office

2nd Floor, DMLC Building

c/o Pakistan Red Crescent Society, NHQ

Sector H-8, Islamabad