Dear friends,

Make a move now and tomorrow!

Roundtable Community is a charitable organization aiming at accumulating social capital in Hong Kong. Our members come from various disciplines as we believe in co-existing paradigms and respect different perspectives.The platform we provided helps to nurture young talents and disseminate knowledge.

Every year, Roundtable Community arranges and organizes a wide range of youth activities and training programmes, with the aim of nurturing a group of future leaders possessing civic awareness, academic knowledge and global vision. But we need your support to go on. With your financial support this year, we can continue to pursue our campaign to provide a free training platform for insightful people on a long term basis and encourage our young people to run for their dreams!

Your donation will have a significant impact on the pursuit of whole-person growth among young individuals, who will become the pillar of our society one day. We need your support to keep us running to higher goal! Your move will continue our projectas:

Donate… / Your significant impact to pillar of the future:
…HK$200 / Provide Ten set of stationary in third world countries, providing the underprivileged children with the opportunity of formal education in our Voluntary Teaching Project; or;
SubsidizeOne student participate in1-day Youth Training Workshops to raise students’ global awareness, and critical thinking ability.
…HK$500 / SupportOneVoluntary Teacher 1-day teaching in third world countries, providing the underprivileged children with the opportunity of formal education; or;
Sponsor One student to join1-day Eco-Tourto understand the importance of nature preservation, or;
SubsidizeOne students to participatein 2-day Local Cultural Training Camp to raise students’ global awareness, critical thinking ability, and leadership and interpersonal skills
…HK$1000 / Sponsor Organization of 1-day Youth Training Workshopexpenseto raise students’ global awareness, or;
Support50 Tin Shui Wai students participate inCultural-tourto widen their horizon, or;
SupportOneTalented Young Artist to have public exposure and cultural exchange with other artists incultural activities.
…HK$2000 / SubsidizeOnechildto receive 1-month interactive educationfrom our Voluntary Teachers in third world countries, or;
Sponsor One group of Creative Youths to start their Design Businessincultural activities, or;
SupportOrganization of OneLocal Cultural Seminar and allow 100 students to take part incultural activities.
…HK$5000 / SubsidizeOneVolunteer teacher finished 2-month Overseas teaching services in third world countries, or;
Support1-day Eco-Tour topromote the beauty of natureand enhance nature protection.
Sponsor Organization of 2-day Local CulturalCampand allow our students to nurture themselves in multi-cultural learning or;
…HK$10,000 / Sponsor Organization of Overseas Volunteer Teachingin Summer holiday, 6 students volunteerscan supportteaching servicesin 3 schools in third world countries, or;
Sponsor Series of Youth Training Workshops and allow 250 students to become global citizens, or;
Sponsor Series of Local Cultural Seminars and allow 250 students to become outstanding artists in the future or;
…HK$20,000 / SubsidizeOne Year Volunteer Teaching and improves800 children’s education levelin third world countries by upgrading teaching facilities and teacher’s level, or;
Sponsor Youth Innovation Enhancing Projectand enables250 Youth Designers to start their business or;
Sponsor 1 outstanding student for Exchange Studies in Harvard University so as to nurture a future leader with intellectual knowledge and global vision

We also encourage Monthly Donation as your continuous supports are pivotal to not only our upcoming events for you but also our continuing contribution to our communities and sustain our growth.

Monthly Donate… / Continuous Support to Communities*
…HK$100 / Subsidizea class of 15childrencontinuously receive interactive educationfrom our Voluntary Teachers in third world countries, or;
Sponsorstudent finished Eco-tour Guides training and start their business, or;
SupportOutstanding participants in Local Cultural Project to develop their talentsincultural activities
….HK$200 / SubsidizeOnechildto receive 1-month interactive educationfrom our Voluntary Teachers in third world countries, or;
SponsorStudent Eco-tour Guides to start their Eco-business and contribute their knowledge to the underprivileged communities, or;
SupportOne Student Organizing Committee(OC) of Youth Training Program to sharpen their leadership skills and teamwork incultural activities and become the pillars of tomorrow.

*Counted as Monthly Donation accumulated 3 years

Your generosity today makes a difference now and tomorrow! Thank you for your support to our projects!

It does not matter how much you give. Your donation will help us to higher aim!

For further details or enquiries on our projects and your donation arrangement, please contact Rachel Au Yeung () or Candy Law ().

(Tel: 2111-5882)

Roundtable Community


捐款者資料 (請以正楷填寫) Donor’s Information (Please write in BLOCK LETTERS)
□ 教授 Prof. □ 博士 Dr. □ 先生 Mr. □ 女士 Ms. □ 太太 Mrs.
英文姓名 Name in English (顯示於捐款收據上 Appear on donation receipt)
中文姓名 Name in Chinese
手提電話 Mobile No. / 辦公室電話 Office No.
電郵地址 Email
地址 Address
□ HK$200 □ HK$500 □ HK$1,000 □ HK$2,000 □ HK $5,000
□ HK$10,000 □ HK $20,000 □ HK$ ______
捐款方式Type of Donation:
□每月捐款 Monthly Donation Amount □單次捐款 Lump Sum Contribution
捐款方法 Donation Method:
□銀行存款 By Direct Transfer or Autopay(匯豐銀行戶口 HSBC# 400-291977-001)
請連同銀行收據正本或每月捐款直接付款授權書一併以郵寄方式送回 Please post this form with the original bank receipt orMonthly Donation Direct Debit Authorization Formto us
支票號碼 Cheque No.: ______發票銀行 Issuing Bank : ______
□網上信用卡付款 By Credit Card(Paypal)
Roundtable Community Paypal戶口:

Roundtable Community為註冊慈善機構 (稅局註冊編號:91/7982)。一年內累積捐款達港幣一百元或以上可憑收據申請免稅。

Roundtable Community is a registered charitable organization (Registered No. 91/7982). Accumulated donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with the official receipt in Hong Kong.


The above information will be used for receipting, fundraising and communication purposes only. Please notify us if you do not wish to receive further mailings.

請將捐款表格連同每月捐款直接付款授權書/ 銀行收據/ 支票寄回

香港九龍新蒲崗大有街1號 勤達中心21樓2107室

Please return this donation form together with Monthly Donation Direct Debit Authorization Form / Bank Receipt / Chequeto Unit 2107, 21/F, Midas Plaza, No.1 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong

有關Roundtable Community的詳盡簡介,請到以下網址下載:

For more details about Roundtable Community, please download from the link below:

查詢 Enquiry:電話Tel.: (852) 2111-5882電郵 Email:


Unit 2107, 21/F, MidasPlaza, No.1 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon.

Tel: (852) 2111-5882 Fax: (852) 2111-5883