University of Alabama at Birmingham

School of Nursing

Student Nurses’ Association

Executive Board Meeting

June 30, 2014


1.  Call to Order (4:00) – Zach Whiting

2.  Verbal Roll Call – Charles Reynolds

3.  Approval of Minutes from May

·  Motion: was made

·  Second: was seconded and unanimously voted in favor for approval by board members

·  Approval for April Minutes were done the same way and unanimously voted in favor of approval by board members

4.  Historian Position-vacant

·  Candidates(Raven Acoff)

·  Voting-unanimously voted in favor of having Raven be the new historian.

5.  Introduce 3rd Semester Class Reps

·  Ciera Ingram and LaQuadria Robinson

o Were voted on by 3rd semester cohort and just need to put in paperwork in order to be official members

·  Introduce board members/positions

6.  News from Mrs. Hamberger-was not able to come to the meeting

7.  Report of the President – Zach Whiting

o BSN Orientation for fall 2014 admits: Friday, August 22nd from 9:15a – 5:00p

§  SNA Table: sell t-shirts, lab value cards, and memberships

§  Fundraising, Merchandise, and Membership taking lead on this event

§  Possible to have a flyer that can have events that we planned and raise awareness.

8.  Committee Reports

·  Vice-President – M Taylor Hinkle

o Mock Interviews

§  We need to try and get some pre-nursing volunteers and 2nd semesters. Also 3rd semester can come in the morning and help set up.

§  July 9th from 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m in the LRC

§  Budget approval for snacks for teachers: $15 form is to be made by Courtney and will be dealt with by Jessica.

§  Available to 5th semester and AMNP students first, then other semesters

·  Treasurer – Jessica Nickolson

o Balance to date as of 6/30/2014 à 2,917.28 not including deposits made this day.

o Card purchases were taken care of.

·  Parliamentarian – Abby Vinson

o Points to date, does not have the sign-up form so does not have Spring-fest minutes and volunteers and Kelsey will give those to her so the points will be updated further.

o David Landry is former Parliamentarian that has points for members in 5th semester and will need those in order to figure out who are getting cords.

·  Secretary – Charles Reynolds

o Officer Reports – more successful this time?

o How does everyone like sending in officer reports, then getting them when the agenda and meeting details come out?

§  Will try and do this method again because it seems to be more organized.

§  Also emphasize that co-chairs and class reps can do one form for both people and it will count. No need to make two different forms

·  Merchandise – Carmen and JaLynda

o T-shirt and Emblem status-shirts have been sent off but no response for upper-powers and things are being resent to get feedback. Board voted on 2nd emblem idea and emblem logo is going to be emailed to Ms. Hamberger. Budget approval will be done once t-shirts are put together and then that will be made by Carmen and Zach.

o Looking to update the numbers on the cards.

·  Public Relations – Katie Harlan

o First Light Shelter

§  June 11th – success! Served food in rain for 45-1 hour. Went very well.

§  August 13th –

Ø  meal? Going to maybe have hot dogs or something, will make budget later and see if can get some donations.

Ø  volunteers? Will try and get some pre-nursing volunteers and others that are available.

·  Breakthrough to Nursing – Chelsea and Kelsey

o Goin’ Green Org. and Student Services Expo

§  Success! Problems? Concerns?

o Plans for Pre-Nursing Mentor and Mentor Programs for fall

§  Presentation at BSN Orientation on August 22nd

§  Will have class reps talk to respective cohorts and acquire lists of people who want to be mentors and new names will be given to Kelsey and Chelsea by July 12th. By July 21st, the new people will have received an email from Kelsey and Chelsea about paperwork to fill out and the paperwork will be filled out by that day and then they will to make sure their memberships are in order by that point as well.

·  Fundraising – Joel Kiser

o Pie in the Face Contest-official day is August 25th 2014

§  Supplies? Donation table dates?

§  Going well. Joel himself has gotten $32 but others are collecting as well.

§  Remaining dates to collect money during this semester are July 2nd, 16th, and 23rd. Times will be 7:30am-1pm

·  Membership – Marissa and Alexis

o SNA “Open House” Mixer-has been approved and is on 9/10 Wednesday, room was scheduled from 2-9pm

§  One free “giveaway” – SNA membership

§  Q&A between prospective students and SON/SNA students

§  Donated food from Birmingham vendors. Katie and Courtney will help with planning and organization.

·  Class Representatives

o Second Semester(Joel and Meredith)- talk to class about mentee and mentor sign-ups.

o Third Semester(Cierra and LaQuadria)-talk to class about mentee and mentor sign-ups

o Fifth Semester(Mallory and Aquita) -none were here so no info to discuss but in order to get cords must be current member of SNA.

o AMNP-none were here so no info to discuss

·  Special Events, Community Service, Publicity

o Events, news, problems?

o Have some ideas like Student Nursing Wars, Kickball, Bake Sale. Doddle polls are to be made for working tables and for making food for back sale. Potential bake sale days are July 16th, 17th, 18th, and 23rd.

9.  Unofficial Business

·  Questions, comments, concerns, confessions, ideas?

·  The next meeting that will take place is going to be a general meeting that will be used for SNA members to come and have open discussion about the new events.

·  General meeting date is going to be July 23, 2014 from 12-1pm

·  Budget for the food for general meeting is $100 and was approved by board unanimously

·  Resume “ICU” table to help students prepare their application-potential event by itself not sure when this will be.

·  Will need to get official budget hearings from USGA and get approval for SNA.

10.  Adjournment (5:40)