West Virginia Department of Education School Innovation Zone and Dropout Prevention Innovation Zone 2013-14 GRANT APPLICATION

Project 24

Description of the Priority Area:

Project 24 is an urgent call to action on the need for systemic planning around the effective use of technology and digital learning to achieve the goal of "career and college readiness" for all students. It is a one-stop shop of comprehensive district-level planning tools, expert advice, creative ideas, and tangible suggestions from experienced education experts and nonprofit education membership organizations.

The Project 24 framework helps districts address the seven concepts listed below as they engage in their Planning for Progress process. Connections between each of the topics highlight the power of systemic planning to address career- and college-ready standards. Implementation of these learning outcomes will be supported by appropriate technology applications and aligned to the new, higher expectations for learning. The Project 24 framework includes: Academic supports; Budget and resources; Curriculum and instruction; Data and assessments; Professional learning; Technology and infrastructure; and Use of time.

As an initial step to participating in Project 24, district leaders are encouraged to create a leadership team that will participate in a FREE digital learning self-assessment. Requiring no more than two hours to complete, this self-assessment includes a series of questions helping each district frame their vision for student learning, begin to recognize various aspects of the system to be addressed, and specify how technology can help align these efforts to achieve higher college- and career-ready standards.

Components of a Project 24 application should include:

·  Project 24 survey results which include the district scores for the seven targeted areas

·  The district must plan to work with WVDE, Alliance for Excellent Education, and other partners to implement the post-survey planning cycle which includes vision, plan, implement, and assess

o  District must identify the key district personnel who will work with Project 24 partners during the planning cycle

Resources Available:
Alliance for Excellent Education – Project 24

Alliance for Excellent Education