“Does the Devil Know Your Name?” for Sat Nov 5, 2017

I.  Acts 19:11-16

A.  Jesus I Know and Paul I know

1.  Where is your name on the devil’s “dirty list”?

2.  Remember, Satan hates every one; there is no compassion or kindness in him….only darkness and hatred. He is a murderer and there is no truth in him. He hates everyone because humans was the creation that God gave His authority to (this was the very thing that Satan wanted most!) Satan particularly hates those who proclaim the name of Jesus because that alone is where real authority dwells; but the ones that make his skin crawl are the ones who know how to use that name that is above every name!

B.  Luke 22:31-32

1.  This was before Peter was born again?

2.  What made Peter such a threat to the devil that Jesus made mention of it?

-  Tenacity

-  Boldness

-  No fear

II.  Recognized by the Lord

A.  Genesis 18:17-19

1.  Abraham’s house was in order, and God will always honor those who teach their children in the ways of the Lord.

2.  Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go….”

B.  Acts 10:1-4

1.  Feared God with his whole house (another example of one that leads properly – men, a challenge is in front of us today….)

2.  Prayers and Giving – These made Cornelius’ name come before God

C.  Matthew 8:5-13

1.  Understanding Faith and placing it into action brings your name before God

2.  Matthew 13:23 – hear it and understand the Word of God – this places you in high ranking with God and it certainly makes the devil take note of you

-  How to understand the Word – II Timothy 2:15 (dividing – properly dissecting) / Read the O.T. through N.T. eyes, establish the Word by 2 or 3 witnesses, and simply look at Jesus in the gospels to see what He said or did. It’s not difficult; only religion tries to pull you away from God!

-  It’s not how much you read, it’s how much you absorb!