Draft Minutes of Dunwich Parish Meeting held on 28thJuly 2017
- Welcome and apologies for absence:
Present: Electors: S Strickland (Chairman), A Abell, G. Abell, D. Blackwell, S. Blackwell, J. Cary, D. Cook, C. Palmer, M. Palmer, J. Salusbury, J. Salusbury, J. Sharp, M. Sheppard, R. Smith, H. Tomlinson
Visitors: L. Layton, V. Layton, L. Barrick, N. Mayo.
Apologies: C. Barnett, H. Cook, C. Oldham, R. Oldham, J. Whitby, M. Whitby
- Minutes of the Parish Annual General Meeting held on 28th April 2017
Minutes of the 28th April were proposed (Rod Smith), seconded (Judith Sharp) and passed nem. con.
- Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda
Thérèse Coffey MP would visit Dunwich on Wednesday 30th August from 10.10 am until 10.20 am in the Beach Car Park.
Nominations were sought for two DPM Representative Trustees of the Town Trust. Nomination forms could beobtained from Angela Abell and from the Chairman, and should be delivered to the Chairman no later than Thursday 19th October 2017.
- Treasurer’s Report
Geoff Abell reported, on the treasurer’s behalf, that the account balance stood at £2,512 with no outstanding cheques.
- Amenity Report
The Amenity Warden reported that reflector posts had been installed at the church and that the telephone box (which belonged to BT) had now been added to BT’s ‘painting list’. He reported that the grass planting on the verge on the north side of St. James’ Street had been largely successful. Following some discussion, thanks were expressed to those who had been watering the grass and it was generally agreed that the experiment should continue.
The Chairman had written to the owners of properties bounded by hedges obscuring sight lines on the double bend in the Westleton Road. The response to date had suggested thatsome owners intended to act. Discussion of the dangers along this stretch gave rise to suggestions including: painting a white line along the centre of the carriageway; road widening; installing warning signs; and establishing a 20mph zone at least at the bend, if not throughout the village. The dangers were illustrated by Mr. Layton, who when visiting Dunwich recently hadhad a car accident on this bend. It was agreed that DPM officers should approach the County Council for guidance.
The Vice-Chairman reported discussions with Suffolk Coastal Norse about the problem of bagged dog waste left out on the marshes or in people’s bins. Norse were unable to suggest a remedy and observed that this was a general problem. The ensuing discussion encompassed more frequent clearing of the existing dog bins, which were sometimes over-full, and the possibility of introducing biodegradable bags. Following an expression of concern about dog bags being left in a household recycling bin at the end of Sandy Lane at the onset of the holiday season, DPM officers had acted with funding from the Town Trust to installa new dog binat that position. The Chairman accepted the criticism that DPM had not had an opportunity to discuss this initiative in advance; but DPM officers had taken the view that prompt action was fully justified in this instance. It was agreed that the bin should be repositioned slightly and perhaps repainted to make it less visually obtrusive.
- Coastal Defence and Flood Committee Report
Suffolk Coastal District Council’s Paul Patterson had now issued a monitoring report on the performance of the beach defence project at the base of the cliffalong with a consultation paper on its future. Over the last ten years there had been little erosion of the cliff; and, while it was not clear that the project haditself contributed causally to this happy outcome, it was agreed that the intervention should remain in place. The Chairman would now reconvene the Dunwich Coastal Defence and Flood Committee to discuss the report and consultation paper; reply welcoming the report andthe commitment to continue monitoring the intervention; and invite Paul Patterson to attend the forthcoming DCDF Committee meeting.
- Planning Issues
Planning permission had been granted without hindrance for a marsh-facing upper-story extension to Sea Drift; but a proposed studio extension to Black Pig Cottage hadbeen refused. John Cary presented his plans for Black Pig Cottage. A motion to the effect that “DPM expresses support for the planning application DC17/2419/FUL” was proposed by M. Palmer, seconded by J. Hamilton, and carried by 11 votes with 4 abstentions and no objections.
- Other Business
The Parish Meeting expressed its thanks to the Museum and Reading Room for an excellent screening of 1900-1920s silent films, which had been of great interest and much appreciated.
Date of the next Parish Meeting: 27th October 2017.
The meeting closed at 8:45 pm.
Signed as a correct recordChairman. Date
CHAIRMAN: S Strickland, Marshside, St James Street, Dunwich, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3DT. Tel: 01728 648792. VICE-CHAIRMAN: M. Sheppard. TREASURER: D. Boechler.