Friday Afternoon Workshop Descriptions
The Episcopal Church’s Asset Mapping Project: How Your Church’s Assets Can Benefit Others
In this workshop you will have an opportunity to learn about the Episcopal Asset Map, a project that has been developed in partnership between the Episcopal Church and Episcopal Relief and Development. The Asset Map is a web-based platform that collects information from Episcopal institutions throughout the country, cataloguing the assets that we already possess as a church. Knowing what we already have helps us to respond to our neighbors in times of need, for example following a natural disaster. Come and learn how your church can participate in this exciting ministry.
Planning Planned Giving - What Any Church Can Do!
Come to see and hear about the Diocese’s new planned giving resources that are now available to all diocesan churches. Hear about ways you can help parishioners give more to your parish’s annual budget and capital campaigns through planned giving as well as make provisions through their estates to benefit your parish. The rector and stewardship chairperson at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Arlington will talk about how and why they have made planned giving an integral and vital part of their annual stewardship program and how they have started a Legacy Society to recognize those members of their parish that have included St. George’s in their estate plans. We look forward to seeing you there.
An Imam and A Priest Walk Into A…Conversation: Dialogue Across Difference, with a Side Order of Friendship
Join the Very Rev. Tim Heflin, Rector of St. Andrew’s, Burke, and Imam Bilal Ankaya, of the Institute of Islamic and Turkish Studies/Ezher Bloom Mosque in Fairfax, VA, in a moderated conversation as they share the story of an ongoing conversation and friendship between a Christian and Muslim. The discussion will be moderated by the Rev. Mary Brennan Thorpe, Director of Transition Ministry in the Diocese.
Discipleship & Evangelism in a Time of Tribalism & Disconnect
This will be an interactive workshop, so please come ready to listen and share. We will practice concrete methods of inspiring discipleship and participants will leave with tangible ideas on how to explore sharing our faith and listening deeply to others can look different both based on context and how essential it is to do both.
Mindfulness Meditation | Gena Adams-Riley
A time of quiet in the midst of Diocesan Council with space to breathe. Among the benefits to body, mind and spirit, Mindfulness Meditation: relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, improves mood and sleep, and increases well-being and compassion. This contemplative practice literally changes your brain––the research is in. Take a break from all the thinking and chatter, with a little support and encouragement, you can be still and breathe.
Altar Guild Swap Meet & Conversation
The Diocesan Altar Guild will hold a Swap Meet on Friday, January 27 and Saturday, January 28, 2017 during theAnnual Convention. Now is the time to declutter your sacristy! Swap your unused/unwanted sacristy items (linens, candles, metal ware,vestments, stoles, etc.)Items may be dropped off beginningThursday evening (January 26, 2017). Unclaimed/unwanted items remaining at the end of convention will bedonatedtomission teams.
On Friday, as one of the workshops, we will have an Altar Guild Conversation (workshop). Please join us to hear information from the National Altar Guild and bring your questions and ideas to share with other members. The Altar Guild ministry is important and we want to hear from you! You may submit your questions in advance to Sharon Nachman () or Mary Holly Bigelow ().