Hancock High School




(906) 483-2540 ext 8202

AUG 2011

1st Annual Aurora Battalion Air Rifle Postal Match

Hancock High School ARMY JROTC Department located in Hancock, Michigan would like to announce their 1st Annual 3X10 Air Rifle Postal Match to be conducted from 01January – 30 March 2012; the match is open to all JROTC Air Rifle Units (Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy). ALL units are challenged to Step-up and “GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT”

Entry: Entry fee for Air Rifle postal is $20 for the first team and $15 for each additional team, or $5.00 for individual entries. Units may enter as many teams/individuals as they wish.

Air Rifle Teams will be composed of 4 cadets; they must be enrolled currently in the school’s JROTC program. The Air Rifle Postal Match will be conducted IAW 2010-2012 8th Edition National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules (a copy of the rules can be attained at: http://www.odcmp.com/3P/Rules.pdf ) Each cadet fires 10 record shots in all three positions (prone, standing, and kneeling) on a 10 meter range using AR5/10 targets (provided by participating unit). Individual scores will be added for the team aggregate score.

No Labels are required mark each target across the top with the following information:

School Name/Team Shooter’s Name (Prone/Standing/ Kneeling)

Coaches need to sign and date each prone target on the back.

Do Not Score or Plug Targets. Hancock JROTC Match Judges will score all targets. Participating schools must fill out a Team information sheet (except for scores) for each team, and include the sheet with the target sets. The scoring by the Hancock Match Judges will be final.

Sporter classification as noted by the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules.

Rifles must be .177 caliber Air Rifles with metallic sights cited in the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules.

Awards: Trophies will be awarded to the top three teams. This will be a very unique trophy.

Medals will be awarded to the top three individuals overall, and the top shooters on each individual team.

All awards will be mailed to the Unit’s Instructors/Coaches for presentation.

Ties: Team and Individual tie scores will be broken in accordance with the NSTPARR except that due to the nature of postal matches, ties will not be broken by firing additional shots.

Match Bulletin will be published and forwarded to all participating units as soon as possible (30 March, 2012) after scoring of the targets has been accomplished.

Entry Fees and Entry Forms are to be sent ASAP, and need to be post marked before 15 January, 2012.

Checks should be made payable to Hancock High School JROTC.

Targets and Team Information Sheet must be post marked before 30 March, 2012.

POC is:

Randal Meyer

U.S. Army SGM (Ret)

Air Rifle Coach


Phone: (906) 231-7405

Mailing Address:

C/O SGM Randal Meyer

Hancock High School JROTC

501 Campus Drive

Hancock, Michigan 49930


SY 2011-2012 ENTRY FORM

Please enter ______Sporter Team(s) in the air rifle postal match.

Please enter ______Sporter Individual (s) in the air rifle postal match.

Total number of teams: ______

Total number of individuals: ______

First Team: 1 X $20 = ______

Additional Teams: _____ X $15 = ______

Individuals: ______X $5 = ______


Please make your check payable to Hancock HS JROTC, and mail to:

SGM Randal Meyer

Hancock High School JROTC

501 Campus Drive

Hancock, MI 49931

Name/address of competing school: ______





Please Circle Appropriate Branch

Date: ______

Contact: ______

Phone: (_____)______

Email Address: ______

Team Entry Form

Hancock High School Aurora Battalion Postal Match

Please submit a copy of this form with each team/individuals’ targets

School/Club: Team #:

Service Affiliation: USAF USA USMC USN Club

Category (check one): Sporter Individual

Please fill in Shooters’ names only. Be sure to print neatly.

Gender / Shooters / Prone / Standing / Kneeling / Total
Last Name / First Name
Team Total