Forever Bury (Bury Football Club Supporters' Society Limited)
All members of the Bury Football Club Supporters’ Society Limited, (Forever Bury) are hereby invited to attend the 2008
Annual General Meeting (AGM), to be held at Bury FC Social Club, Gigg Lane, Bury on Wednesday 8th October 2008. The business of the meeting will commence at 7-30pm and conclude at about 8-15pm.
If any member is unable to attend, but wish to vote on the proposals, they may appoint a proxy in writing (see voting slip).
The Chair will outline the format of the meeting and the Secretary will read the Minutes of the last AGM. (Copies of the minutes are available in the cabin and can be downloaded from the website
2.Announcement of Directors of the Board of Forever Bury
Including the Forever Bury Representative on the Board of Bury Football Club.
3.Financial Statement
A statement of accounts for financial year 01/04/07 to 31/03/08 will be presented by the Treasurer. The accounts will be available at the AGM and are already in the Forever Bury Cabin at Gigg Lane. Please let us know if you want us to send you a copy of the accounts. It is proposed that Members accept the accounts presented for financial year 01/04/07 to 31/03/08.
Proposal 1 – To Accept the Financial Statement for Financial Year 2007/2008
The first six years formal accounts of Forever Bury have been audited by DTE Business Advisory Services Limited
Proposal 2 – To reappoint DTE Business Advisory Services Limited as Auditors to Forever Bury
- Change to Rule 37
The last two AGM’s have resulted in the adjournment of the meeting due to the quorum of 50 members not attending the meeting. In order to facilitate the efficient running of future general meetings, the Forever Bury Board proposes the quorum is reduced to 20 members. A quorum of 20 members is the original figure in the Model Rules issued by Supporters Direct when starting up a trust.
Proposal 3 – to replace Rule 37
“Before a general meeting can do business there must be a quorum present. Except where these Rules say otherwise a quorum is 50 members entitled to vote at the meeting.”
“Before a general meeting can do business there must be a quorum present. Except where these Rules say otherwise a quorum is 20 members entitled to vote at the meeting.”
- Changes to Rules 54 and 64
The minimum required size of the Forever Bury Board is prohibiting the trust to run efficiently. It is proposed to reduce the maximum size of the trust board from 18 to 12 members and the minimum size from 15 to 6 members. It is also proposed to reduce the minimum number of co-opted directors from 4 to 1. As a result the minimum of elected members will be 5. This will make the running of the trust much easier whilst still maintaining the democracy of the society.
Jacqui Forster, the Supporters Direct Development/Legal Officer suggested this as it would bring Forever Bury into line with other supporters trusts and that it will enable the trust to function properly and to do the work it was set up to do.
Proposal 4 - to Replace Part of Rule 54 and all Rule 64
54“With effect from the Society’s first annual general meeting, the Society Board is to have not less than 15 and not more than 18 members and will be made up as follows:
- 11 members of the Society Board or such higher number as shall be required so that elected members of the Board are in a majority over co-opted members will be elected by the members in accordance with such arrangements as shall be determined by the Society Board;
- Not less than 4 members will be co-opted by the Society Board in accordance with a Board Membership Policy which it will develop and adopt.”
(The remainder of rule 54 from“The purpose of the Board Membership Policy will be to ensure that:”
remains unchanged)
64 If at any time and for any reason after the first annual general meeting the number of members of the Society Board shall drop below 15 the remaining Society Board members may act but only for the purpose of filling vacancies or calling a general meeting.
54“ The Society Board is to have not less than 6 and not more than 12 members and will be made up as follows:
a. 5 members of the Society Board or such higher number as shall be required so that elected members of the Board are in a majority over co-opted members will be elected by the members in accordance with such arrangements as shall be determined by the Society Board;
b. Not less than 1 member will be co-opted by the Society Board in accordance with a Board Membership Policy which it will develop and adopt.”
(The remainder of rule 54 from“The purpose of the Board Membership Policy will be to ensure that:”
remains unchanged)
64 If at any time and for any reason after the first annual general meeting the number of members of the Society Board shall drop below 6 the remaining Society Board members may act but only for the purpose of filling vacancies or calling a general meeting.
- Meeting Closes
If you cannot attend the meeting and would like to appoint a proxy please complete either of the two slips. No one other than the Chair can be a proxy to more than three members. A proxy need not be a member of the Society
------Detach here------
If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to appoint a proxy, to vote on the Proposals put to the AGM, please indicate your instructions on this slip and return it to arrive no later than Noon on Monday 6th October 2008:
AGM Proxy, Forever Bury, PO Box 310, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 6WA. You may also email the slip to from your registered email address
Proxy’s Name ……………………………………………………………………………………
Proxy’s ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Signature…………………………………………….. Date …………………………………….
Members Name……………………………………………………………………………….
Membership Number:
Signature…………………………………………….. Date …………………………………….
------Detach here------
Chair as your ProxyMembership Number:
If you cannot attend the meeting but would like to appoint the Chair as your proxy, to vote on the Proposals put to the AGM, please indicate your instructions on this slip and return it to arrive no later than Noon on Monday 6th October 2008:
AGM Proxy, Forever Bury, PO Box 310, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 6WA. You may also email the slip to from your registered email address
Proposal 1 – To accept the Financial Statement for Financial Year 2007/2008
Proposal 2 – To reappoint DTE Business Advisory Services Limited as Auditors
Proposal 3 – To replace Rule 37
Proposal 4 – To replace Part of Rule 54 and all of Rule 64
Date …………………………………….