Coon Rapids Soccer Association
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date 3/20/16
Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m.
Coon Rapids Civic Center
Board Members/CRSA Members Present: Deb Zepeda, Brian Evans, Todd Dusosky, Nick Kopp, Gary Mahle, Jackie Fabel, Karl Woerle, Michelle Paine, Jenni Gallipo, Amy Lindsoe, Melissa Bright, Mike Cronier, Ryan Green
Not in attendance: Jenny Moe, Kelly Tellinghusen, Bill Thielbar, Amy Taylor,Jill Robinson,Susie Griffith,Kate Gambino, Bryan Herron
- Assignment of time keeper – Michelle Payne (10 minutes for each director)
- Welcome and Approval of agenda and minutes:
- Approval of agenda –motion Gary Mahle, 2nd by Brian Evans
- Approval of the minutes– motion by Michelle Payne, 2ndby Brian Evans - motion passed
- Director reports
- President –Deb Zepeda
- Jenny Moe was offered Member at Large position and will no longer be Rec Directo
- Jenni Gallipo appointed into Rec Director position – motion passed
- Deb spoke with MYSA/US Soccer(Kent Campbell) and no moving back or getting out of new age guidelines or field size/# of player changes
- This year most will be approved to play up so that teams can remain somewhat uneffected and then within time changes may be done once year age guidelines are in effect for a season
- Nick, Todd and Deb have a meeting with city(Ryan Gunderson) on Monday, March 21 to discuss CRSA and the city working together or lack of feeling that we are working together for a community program – recommendation to ask: what does CRSA need to pay per year to be exclusive and relinquish garbage and biffy responsibilities?
- At last city meeting was disclosed that CR YMCA would be hosting a rec soccer program for 8-12 year olds Tuesday/Saturday at the complex. This could take 80 players from CRSA registrations. Their fees $80 for members/$100 for non-members. This will be discussed more during meeting with Ryan.
- Ryan’s response when Deb emailed about the YMCA utilizing fields was they are city fields and cannot tell them they can not use them – question to city now: why can’t our teams utilize for practices whenever?
- CRSA is paying $400 to Anoka Hennepin for utilization of CRMS fields for U9/U10
- Dicks Sporting Goods has reached out wanting to sponsor CRSA with a new website and layout, technology funding, uniform discounts, scholarship fund. Website would be Blue Sombrero and would like to set up a meeting with Adam and other board members to hear what they may have for us and look at switching main sponsors if they can provide more than Sports Authority
- Vice –President – Nick Kopp
- Recommendation for board members to have an email with soccer domain and have passwords accessible to the president. This would provide fluency when board members change and less emails being sent to others no longer in the position.
- Treasurer – no report
- Recreational – Jenni Gallipo
- Registration numbers are low – trying to get them up
- Flyers went to local Elementary Schools and some went out prior to spring break, some will go out this next week
- Working on trying to get signage on Hom Furniture’s board
- Trying to get advertisement on local community channel (Ryan Green said he can help with a contact)
- Competitive –Karl Woerle
- Setting up coaches meeting to set coaches expectations, parent expectations and player expectations
- Recommendation of putting playing nights on the website – solution discussed of putting link to MYSA schedule on website so it will accommodate to the changing in nights each year
- Need to work on background checks with new system – need to monitor Sports Engine (new background check company) due to highly aggressive marketing
- Marketing
- Reviewing possibility of if we have new website
- Will it be compatable with what info we have/need
- Will this be good timing, if we go through, to work on re-branding CRSA
- Volunteer – no report
- Tournament – notes sent in
- 20 boys teams registered – down from last year but still believe numbers will go up
- 23 girls teams registered – up from last year
- Will also have districts – but unsure what gender we will have at this time
- Field – Gary Mahle
- Went to city meeting 2 weeks ago and seems city is trying to get a co-op of the community sports clubs
- Printing Press of Anoka provides a printing and mailing of cards to A-H homes for cost of the printing and postage (non-profit can get reduced postage). We received baseball example and would get directly to parent’s mailboxes rather than children’s backpacks
- Discussion about a field dome at the new ice rink complex brought up and we were not only club interested. $22K paid to NSC for indoor fields
- City is ok with temporary signage at the complex. Permanent signage approval from April – Nov is being proposed but not approved at this time
- Woodcrest closed this Summer (no set date yet) – Moore will have 11v11 and 8v8.
- CRSA complex still closed and will probably be pushed until mid-April
- Football is still set to play at complex in fall – no guaranteed dates are being provided for SandCreek
- Sandcreek has set-up for goals on the football goals so soccer can keep pushing to maybe utilize those fields in the Spring
- CRAA pays to use highschool pit $100 per team for a permit through Marv Johnson – option for teams
- Need to email coaches to recap what parks available for practicing and through April will play/practice as available and not scheduling
- Complex playground will be tore out for new in 2017
- Uniform – Michelle Payne
- No new report
- Receiving info from 3 companies to review pricing
- New uniforms for competitive are set for this fall
- Director of Coaching – Todd Dusosky
- Reviewing tryout dates – July 14 U11 and under open
- Current thoughts are U11 and under to have all-day weekend tryouts and the older age-groups have tryouts throughout the weekdays
- Aug 8 teams need to be submitted
- Add summer camp registration to CTN?
- Phil Johnson is doing Y-Module on Apr 24 in Fridley – discussing possibly asking rec coaches to join Fridley for the Y-Module that session
- Should we have a fee drop for new players that do not attend Fall/Winter AGT?
- Would like fundraising options to be discussed with new U9/U10 teams
- Futsol tournament at HS in October?
- Concussion training changed to possible yearly mandated
- New rules: U9/10 – no head butting in game or practice/ U11/12 no head butting in game, allowed in practice / U14 and up can head butt with no restrictions. Need to look into whether this rule will apply to actual age (for play ups) or registered age group
- New Business/ Open Floor
- Need to add all financial reports and meeting minutes to the website for club to be apparent and following guidelines of non-profit status
- Meetings will now be at Civic Center – we are not charged there/ice arena we were now billed
- Need volunteer opportunities and hours requested to be submitted and available for review
- Motion to adjourn made by: Brian Evans, 2nd Michelle Payne
Motion passed
- Meeting Adjourned at 8:14 p.m.