Cisco Unified Communications Manager Installation for UCM70

Perform these steps to set up the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server (CUCM1-x) for the lab activities:

Step 1Activate the following feature services:

—Cisco CallManager

—Cisco Tftp

—Cisco DHCP Monitor Service

—Cisco IP Voice Media Streaming App

Step 2Change the server name from hostname CUCM1-x to IP address 10.x.1.1.

Step 3In all enterprise parameter URLs change the name CUCM1-x to IP address 10.x.1.1.

Step 4Set the enterprise parameter Dependency Records to True.

Step 5Set the following Cisco CallManager service parameters:

—Max Forward UnRegistered Hops to DN: 2

—Automated Alternate Routing Enable: True

—Device Mobility Mode: On

—T302 Timer: 6000

Step 6Configure a DHCP server and create a subnet for the HQ Phone Network with the following characteristics:

—Subnet IP Address: 10.x.2.0

—Primary Start IP Address: 10.x.2.11

—Primary End IP Address: 10.x.2.19

—Primary Router IP Address: 10.x.2.101

—Subnet Mask:

—Primary TFTP Server IP Address (Option 150): 10.x.1.1

Step 7Configure 3 Regions with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Name: HQ

Audio Codec: G.711(within HQ), G.729(to BR), G.729(to Trunk)

—For BR

Name: BR

Audio Codec: G.711(within BR), G.729(to HQ), G.729(to Trunk)

—For Trunk

Name: Trunk

Audio Codec: G.729(within Trunk), G.729(to HQ), G.729(to BR)

Step 8Configure 3 Locations with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Name: Hub_None

Audio Bandwidth: Unlimited

—For BR

Name: Branch

Audio Bandwidth: 24 Kbps

—For Trunk

Name: ICT

Audio Bandwidth: Unlimited

Step 9Configure 2 Physical Locations with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Name: HQ_pl

Description: Headquarters

—For BR

Name: BR_pl

Description: Branch

Step 10Configure an SRST reference with the following characteristics:

—For BR

Name: BR-x

Port: 2000

IP Addresses: 10.x.250.102

Step 11Configure 2 Device Mobility Groups with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Name: HQ_dmg

Description: HQ: EU Dial Rules

—For BR

Name: BR_dmg

Description: BR: NANP Dial Rules

Step 12Configure 2 AAR Groupswith the following characteristics:

—For HQ


—For BR


Dial Prefix (From BR_AAR to HQ_AAR): 90111x

Dial Prefix (From HQ_AAR to BR_AAR): 0002x

Step 13Configure 9Partitionswith the following characteristics:

Partiton / Description
BR_ICT / Intercluster Access (BR)
BR_PSTN / PSTN Access (BR)
BR_Phones / Branch
HQ_ICT / Intercluster Access (HQ)
HQ_PSTN / PSTN Access (HQ)
HQ_Phones / Headquarters
ICT_IN / Internal and TEHO Access for incoming ICT Calls

Step 14Configure 7 Calling Search Spaces with the following characteristics:

CSS / Description / Partitions
BR-AAR_css / AAR Access for BR Phones / BR_AAR
BR-Phones_css / External Access for BR Phones / BR_Phones
BR-AAR_css / AAR Access for BR Phones / HQ_AAR
HQ-Phones_css / External Access for HQ Phones / HQ_Phones
CFUR_css / CFFUR for BR Phones / HQ_PSTN
Inbound-ICT_css / Inbound Access for ICT / HQ_Phones
Inbound-PSTN_css / Inbound Access for PSTN gateways / HQ_Phones

Step 15Configure an Annunciatorwith the following characteristics:

Name: HQ-SW-ANN

Description: Software Annunciator at CUCM1-x

Device Pool: Default

Location: Hub_None

Step 16Configure 2 Conference Bridges with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

ConferenceBridge Type: CiscoConferenceBridge Software

Name: HQ-SW-CFB

Description: SoftwareConferenceBridge at CUCM1-x

Device Pool: Default

Location: Hub_None

—For BR

ConferenceBridge Type: Cisco IOS Enhanced ConferenceBridge

Name: BR-HW-CFB

Description: HardwareConferenceBridge at BR-x

Device Pool: Default

NoteThis device pool will be changed later.

Location: Branch

Device Security Mode: Non Secure ConferenceBridge

Step 17Configure a Media Termination Point with the following characteristics:

Media Termination Point Name: HQ-SW-MTP

Description: Software Media Termination Point at CUCM1-x

Device Pool: Default

Step 18Configure a Music On Hold (MOH) Server with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Music On Hold Server Name: HQ-SW-MOH

Description: Software MOH Server at CUCM1-x

Device Pool: Default

Location: Hub_None

Step 19Configure a Transcoderwith the following characteristics:

Transcoder Type: Cisco IOS Enhanced Media Termination Point

Description: Hardware Transcoder at HQ-x

Device Name: HQ-HW-XCD

Device Pool: Default

Step 20Configure 3 Media Resource Groupswith the following characteristics:

—For general use


Description: HQ SW Annunciator, MOH, and MTP; HQ HW Transcoder

Selected Media Resources: HQ-HW-XCD, HQ-SW-ANN, HQ-SW-MOH, HQ-SW-MTP

—For HQ


Description: HQ SW Conference Bridge

Selected Media Resources:HQ-SW_CFB

—For BR


Description: BR HW ConferenceBridge

Selected Media Resources:BR-HW_CFB

Step 21Configure 2 Media Resource Group Listswith the following characteristics:

—For HQ


Selected Media Resource Groups: HQ-SW-CFB_mrg, General_mrg

—For BR


Selected Media Resource Groups:BR-HW-CFB_mrg, General_mrg

Step 22Configure 3 Device Pools with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Device Pool Name: Default

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group: Default

Date/Time Group:CMLocal


Media Resource Group List:HQ_mrgl


SRST Reference:Disable

Physical Location:HQ_pl

Device Mobility Group:HQ_dmg

Device Mobility Calling Search Space:HQ-Phones_css

AAR Calling Search Space:HQ-AAR_css


—For BR

Device Pool Name: Branch

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group: Default

Date/Time Group:CMLocal

Region: BR

Media Resource Group List: BR_mrgl

Location: Branch

SRST Reference: BR-x

Physical Location: BR_pl

Device Mobility Group: BR_dmg

Device Mobility Calling Search Space: BR-Phones_css

AAR Calling Search Space: BR-AAR_css

AAR Group: BR_AAR

—For Trunks

Device Pool Name: Trunks

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group: Default

Date/Time Group:CMLocal

Region: Trunks

Media Resource Group List:HQ_mrgl


SRST Reference:Disable

Step 23Update the device pool in the following Media Resource:

—ConferenceBridge: BR-HW-CFB

Device Pool: Branch

Step 24Configure 2 Device Mobility Infoswith the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Name: HQ_dmi

Subnet: 10.x.2.0

Subnet Mask: 24

Selected Device Pools: Default

—For BR

Name: BR_dmi

Subnet: 10.x.5.0

Subnet Mask: 24

Selected Device Pools: Branch

Step 25Configure a Gatekeeperwith the following characteristics:


Host Name/IP Address:

Description: Gatekeeper

Step 26Configure 2 Gateways with the following characteristics:

—For HQ

Product: H.323 Gateway

Device Protocol: H.225

Device Name: 10.x.250.101

Description: HQ-x, HQ PSTN Gateway (H.323)

Device Pool: Default

Location: Hub_None

Significant Digits:4

Calling Search Space: Inbound-PSTN_css

—For BR: MGCP Gateway

Product:Cisco 2811



Domain Name: BR-x

Description: BR-x, Branch PSTN Gateway (MGCP)

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Group: Default

Module in Slot 0: NM-4VWIC-MBRD

Subunit 0:VWIC2-1MFT-T1E1-T1

NoteIf you use different hardware then select the appropriate modules and interfaces.

Global ISDN Switch Type: 4ESS

—For BR: MGCP Endpoint

Description:BR-x, Branch PSTN Gateway (MGCP): ISDN PRI

Device Pool: Branch

Location: Branch

PRI Protocol Type: PRI 4ESS

Protocol Side: User

Channel Selection Order: Top Down

Significant Digits: 4

Calling Search Space: Inbound-PSTN_css

Line Coding:B8ZS

Framing: ESF

Clock: External

Step 27Configure a Trunk with the following characteristics:

—Product: H.225 Trunk (Gatekeeper Controlled)

—Device Protocol: H.225

—Device Name: H225-Trunk_Pod-x

—Description: Trunk to H.323 Gatekeeper

—Device Pool: Trunks

—Location: ICT

—Significant Digits: All

—Calling Search Space: Inbound-ICT_css

—Gatekeeper Name: 10.x.250.201

—Terminal Type: Gateway

—Technology Prefix: 1#

—Zone: pod-x

Step 28Add 3 phones with the following characteristics:


Product Type: 7961

NoteIf you use different hardware then select the appropriate phone model.

Device Protocol: SCCP

MAC Address: 000000000001

NoteThis dummy MAC address should be replaced by the MAC address of the actually used IP phone before performing the first lab exercise. This can be done by the instructor or the instructor can ask students to do so.

Description: Phone1-x (HQ)

Device Pool: Default

Phone Button Template: Standard 7961 SCCP

Calling Search Space: HQ-Phones_css

AAR Calling Search Space: HQ-AAR_css

Device Security Profile: Cisco 7961- Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile

—Line 1 of Phone1-x

Directory Number: 2001

Route Partition: HQ_Phones


Alerting Name:Phone1-x

ASCII Alerting Name:Phone1-x

AAR Group: HQ_AAR

External Phone Number Mask:51x5552XXX


Product Type: 7961

NoteIf you use different hardware then select the appropriate phone model.

Device Protocol: SCCP

MAC Address: 000000000002

NoteThis dummy MAC address should be replaced by the MAC address of the actually used IP phone before performing the first lab exercise. This can be done by the instructor or the instructor can ask students to do so.

Description: Phone2-x (HQ)

Device Pool: Default

Phone Button Template: Standard 7961 SCCP

Calling Search Space: HQ-Phones_css

AAR Calling Search Space: HQ-AAR_css

Device Security Profile: Cisco 7961- Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile

—Line 1 of Phone2-x

Directory Number: 2002

Route Partition: HQ_Phones


Alerting Name:Phone2-x

ASCII Alerting Name:Phone2-x

AAR Group: HQ_AAR

External Phone Number Mask:51x5552XXX


Product Type: 7961

NoteIf you use different hardware then select the appropriate phone model.

Device Protocol: SCCP

MAC Address: 000000000003

NoteThis dummy MAC address should be replaced by the MAC address of the actually used IP phone before performing the first lab exercise. This can be done by the instructor or the instructor can ask students to do so.

Description: Phone3-x (BR)

Device Pool: Branch

Phone Button Template: Standard 7961 SCCP

Calling Search Space: BR-Phones_css

AAR Calling Search Space: BR-AAR_css

Device Security Profile: Cisco 7961- Standard SCCP Non-Secure Profile

—Line 1 of Phone3-x

Directory Number: 3001

Route Partition: BR_Phones


Alerting Name:Phone3-x

ASCII Alerting Name:Phone3-x

AAR Group: BR_AAR

Forward Unregistered Internal Destination: 000255255553001

Forward Unregistered InternalCSS: CFUR_css

Forward Unregistered External Destination: 000255255553001

Forward Unregistered ExternalCSS: CFUR_css

External Phone Number Mask:52x5553XXX

Step 29Add 3 Route Groups with the following characteristics:

—For HQ Gateway

Route Group Name: HQ-x_rg

Selected Devices: 10.x.250.101

—For BR Gateway

Route Group Name: BR-x_rg

Selected Devices: S0/SU0/DS1-0@BR-x

NoteThe name of the MGCP endpoint depends on the actually used hardware.

—For H225 Trunk

Route Group Name: H225-Trunk_rg

Selected Devices: H225-Trunk_Pod-x

Step 30Add 10 Route Lists with the following characteristics:

Route List Name: HQ-AAR_rl

—Description: HQ AAR PSTN Access

—Route Group: HQ-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Route List Name: HQ-ICT-BR_rl

—Description: HQ Intersite Access to BR-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask: Default

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 80x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 2y52y555

—Route Group: HQ-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):02y52y555

Route List Name: HQ-ICT-HQ_rl

—Description: HQ Intersite Access to HQ-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask: Default

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 80x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):1y51y555

—Route Group: HQ-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):01y51y555

Route List Name: HQ-PSTN_rl

—Description: HQ PSTN Access

—Route Group: HQ-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Route List Name: HQ-TEHO-Pod-y_rl

—Description: HQ TEHO Access to Pod-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 1x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

—Route Group: HQ-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):000

Route List Name: BR-AAR_rl

—Description: BR AAR PSTN Access

—Route Group: BR-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Route List Name: BR-ICT-BR_rl

—Description: BR Intersite Access to BR-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask: Default

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 80x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 2y52y555

—Route Group: BR-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 2y52y555

Route List Name: BR-ICT-HQ_rl

—Description: BR Intersite Access to HQ-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask: Default

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 80x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):1y51y555

—Route Group: BR-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):1y51y555

Route List Name: BR-PSTN_rl

—Description: BR PSTN Access

—Route Group: BR-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Route List Name: BR-TEHO-Pod-y_rl

—Description: BR TEHO Access to Pod-y

—Route Group: H225-Trunk_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 2x

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

—Route Group: BR-x_rg

Use Calling Party's External Phone Number Mask:On

Discard Digits: NANP:PreDot

Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls):011

Step 31Add 22 Route Patterns with the following characteristics:

Route Pattern / Description / Partition / Route List / Urgent Priority
0.! / HQ: PSTN AAR / HQ_AAR / HQ-AAR_rl / Deactivated
0.00! / HQ: PSTN-International (with interdigit timeout) / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
0.00!# / HQ: PSTN-International (with #) / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / HQ: PSTN-Toll Free / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / HQ: PSTN-Long Distance / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
0.112 / HQ: Emergency (with PSTN access code) / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Activated
112 / HQ: Emergency (without PSTN access code) / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Activated
XXXX / HQ: PSTN-Local / HQ_PSTN / HQ-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / HQ: TEHO PSTN-Pod-2 / HQ_ICT / HQ-TEHO-Pod-2_rl / Activated
80y.2XXX / HQ: Intersite to HQ-2 / HQ_ICT / HQ-ICT-HQ_rl / Deactivated
80y.3XXX / HQ: Intersite to BR-2 / HQ_ICT / HQ-ICT-BR_rl / Deactivated
9.! / BR: PSTN AAR / BR_AAR / BR-AAR_rl / Deactivated
9.011! / BR: PSTN-International (with interdigit timeout) / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
9.011!# / BR: PSTN-International (with #) / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / BR: PSTN-Toll Free / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / BR: PSTN-Long Distance / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
9.911 / BR: Emergency (with PSTN access code) / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Activated
911 / BR: Emergency (without PSTN access code) / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Activated
XXXX / BR: PSTN-Local / BR_PSTN / BR-PSTN_rl / Deactivated
XXXX / BR: TEHO PSTN-Pod-2 / BR_ICT / BR-TEHO-Pod-2_rl / Activated
80y.2XXX / BR: Intersite to HQ-2 / BR_ICT / BR-ICT-HQ_rl / Deactivated
80y.3XXX / BR: Intersite to BR-2 / BR_ICT / BR-ICT-BR_rl / Deactivated

Step 32Add 3Translation Patterns with the following characteristics:

—Translation Pattern: 1x51x5552XXX

Partition: ICT_IN

Description: Trunk to HQ Phones

CSS: HQ-Phones_css

Called Party Transform Mask: XXXX

—Translation Pattern: 2x52x5553XXX

Partition: ICT_IN

Description: Trunk to BR Phones

CSS: HQ-Phones_css

Called Party Transform Mask: XXXX

—Translation Pattern: [12]x[2-9]XX[2-9]XXXXXX

Partition: ICT_IN

Description: Trunk to PSTN (TEHO from other pod)

CSS: HQ-Phones_css

Called Party – Prefix Digits (Outgoing Calls): 000

© 2008 Cisco Systems, Inc.Course Administration Guide1