School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Meeting
July 16th, 2014
The July meeting of the Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) was called to order on July 16th, 2014 at11:35am by Sally Finn at the DCPS Building, Room 307 in Jacksonville, Florida.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Brief introductions by SHAC members and guests. For full list of attendees, please refer to the list following this document.
- Happenings and Updates
- Wellness Department: Has been encouraging peoplewith a “no text and drive” campaign. Participants have been signing pledges and pinning them to a board. has the campaign materials if you want to share with any others. The campaign continues through the month of July.
- Department of Health:Has formed a club called the Marching Minions. Tallahassee, Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami will compete in a competition called Steps which lasts for 8 weeks. The bigger the group, the better the average. Tallahassee usually wins every year – this is Jacksonville’s first year competing. A sign-up sheet is available, just put your name and email. For the competition, you will download the app called “Map My Walk”, which reports each Friday at noon how many steps per week you have taken.
- Department of Health: Announced the “Going to the Head of the Class” back to school free immunizations. Walk in clinics will be available to people Monday through Friday, between 8am and 4pm. The second and fourth Wednesdays of the month will have shortened hours, from 9am to 12pm. In addition, Dr. Wells will be hosting walk-in physicals on Pearle Street on July 8th through 21st, Tuesday and Thursdays between 8am and 3pm for $30. These will be traditional physicals for kids for admission into school – not sports physicals. This information was sent out to principals in a weekly briefing last week. The information is also available on the Department of Health’s homepage.
- American Lung Association: The Lung Force Run/Walk is on August 23rd at the Jacksonville Landing. Contact to register your teams and become involved in fundraising. The 5k begins at 8am. There will be lots of activities following the race.
- The Teach Flu A Lesson vaccinations are still going on. Parent consent forms are necessary. The program is district-wide over a span of 6 days: September 2nd-9th. Ten teams will be on the ground in the schools offering vaccinations. This is available to all students. Principals will be notified via briefings. They are working with Healthy Schools, LLC and other partnerships, such as with the Department of Health. The vaccination is flu mist only.
- Duval County was awarded a $260K grant from the National League of Cities. There will be community meetings with stakeholders – the goal is to decrease the amount of underinsured children by 50%. The grant will be used to launch programs for this, including such changes as revamping the registration form, gathering data of those children who are not insured, hiring internal DCPS in wellness for this. This will have no impact financially to the county – it will be paid for through the grant. The hired position will be a 18-20 month position. The goal is to train particular people in schools – such as counselors – to teach parents to sign up for Medicaid. Many families who had the insurance didn’t know they were afforded the opportunity to reapply once it ran out. Launching within the next month. Posted through Duval County and publicly. Underinsured means the same thing as uninsured for these purposes.
- The new code of conduct was approved by the School Board. This will be rolled out before the school year to principals and teachers. Also, the District Wellness Plan is up for approval. There was a workshop yesterday that went through human capital (teacher/staff placement and matching), reviewedlatest audit items and new systems, and looked at risk management issues (safety and management compliance. They also discussed an incentive program for following physical and emotional safety procedures. Terri will provide a copy of the wellness plan to Sally who will distribute out to the group.
- Approval of Minutes
- Motion to approve with corrections. Seconded and passed.
- Melissa to email corrections to Layn.
- Committee Updates
- Wellness Committee: There was a meeting this morning. There was a sign in sheet sent around last meeting and today for interested parties. The Wellness Committee’s big undertaking was to update the Wellness Policy (a 2 page document), and updating new statutes. Also there is a supplement to the policy: The Guide, which covers 3 main areas. These are physical education, health education, and nutrition. This needs to be updated. Wellness wants to make it is more reader friendly. The first round draft will be taken to the SHAC during the August meeting. The Wellness Subcommittee will then finalize that and then take it to the Board in either September or October. Melissa will send the policy out to the SHAC members today and a link to the Wellness site for more information on the subcommittee. They are planning on meeting again within the next week and a half or two weeks.
Question: The policy itself is great. The problem lies with the implementation of the policy at individual schools. How do we plan on addressing this?
Answer: First, we are going to make sure through Wellness Ambassadors that they understand the policies and communicate those. Second, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (20 schools) was launched. It is a formalized program that schools can follow as part of their wellness planning. It focuses on physical activity and nutrition. The wellness team will be working closer to the schools, and be in schools to help them build support and enact the policies. Once we get the program/policy updated it will be more easily understood. Reporting out will be used, and accountability will be at a higher level than Terri.
Question: How can we help?
Answer: Reporting out what you find/see in schools. If there is any way to assist, or any resources from your organization or company that would be applicable, bring it to the wellness group.
Question: Wellness Ambassadors are employees. How do we interface with these ambassadors? For example, for the nursing program, how do we provide support to them? If they have other duties – how do we insure their other duties are done as well as their focus on the wellness policy implementation?
Answer: The Teacher Academy will be doing a presentation with the wellness ambassadors. As part of the wellness plan, this is an opportunity to convene wellness committees at the school level.
- There was a Health Education Meeting held in June. The minutes are available. Two programs were approved. The suicide prevention curriculum for high school students, and the Youth Mental health first aid presentation made by Kathleen Thomas. Two people are now master mental health trainers, and 22 DCPS staff are now youth mental health first aid certified. Throughout the year, they will be providing the counselors with training. Master trainers will train at the district level (Principals and coaches). It is a free 8 hour training. If interested, contact the Mental Health of America group which provides community training.
- Old Business
- None
- New Business
- Drug Free Duval: Funding through federal grants. This would be a wonderful opportunity to have someone coming in and educating on marijuana use. Email Sally for more information.
The SHAC meeting was adjourned at 12:31pm by Sally Finn.
The next meeting will be onAugust 13th, 2014 in Room 307.
Name / Email / OrganizationSally Finn / sally@dfdjax@org / Drug Free Duval
Deb Owen / / UNF
Lois Dyal / / DCPS
Terra Chandler / / Department of Health
Vicki Heilig / / DOH
Pat Freeman / / DOH
Megan Warren / / American Lung Association
Melissa Kicklighter / / DCPS
Heather Albritton / / DCPS
Corran Robinson / / DCPS
Judy Comeaux / / UNF
Lauren Beverly /
Terri Cicero / / DCPS
Frieda Saraga / / TflagJax
Jamie Wells / / DCPS
Laureen Husband / / FDOH
Katrina Eunice / / DCPS
Ashley Smith Juarez / DCPS
Louisa Alderson / / Chartwells