Role Profile
Job Title:Trainee Business Analyst
Department:Quality and Involvement
Reports to:Business Analyst
Overall Aim
Support the recording and collation of Key Performance Indicator information to guide service improvement and development.
Monitor and quality check data in several databases, including Inform and Pyramid.
Support administration of the organisation’s information systems and support staff to use them to their full capacity.
Create reports and quality check data to produce required regulatory and other reports.
Key Responsibilities
Create reports and produce data for organisational KPI information.
Provide data to support the development and creation of new business.
Create reports and produce data for required regulatory reports.
Contribute to the delivery of the Quality and Involvement strategy and work-plan.
Contribute to the delivery of South London YMCA’sBusiness Plan.
Support the ongoing development of a dataset that can demonstrate the needs of our customers and the work of South London YMCA.
Produce data forregular housing management reports including void reports,arrears reports, new lettings, departures, etc.
Create reports and produce data forregular support function reportsincluding customer outcomes and distance travelled.
Run quarterly and other regular reports, as per the reporting schedule.
To create reports and produce ad-hoc performance information and benchmarking data as required.
Supporting People Reporting
Collate data from and quality check SP record forms.
Collate data from and quality check CORE forms.
Collate data from and quality checkOutcome forms where requested by Local Authority.
Database Management
Support theadministration of databases, including user accounts.
Provide a first port of call service to front line staff for SL YMCA’sinformation systems.
Provide information and training in the use of the organisation’s information systems e.g. induction of new staff, core training.
Represent South London YMCA at external meetings and liaise with other users to share good practice.
To support HR in the production of worker specific performance information.
To act in accordance with the aims of South London YMCA and promote and implement SLYMCA’s Equal Opportunities Policy and other polices adopted by the Board.
To carry out any other duties as directed by the Chief Executive or other senior staff.
This job description provides an indication of the roles and responsibilities for the post of Information Officer, but should not be construed as an exclusive list of the duties that the post holder may be asked to undertake.
Please also be aware of and follow SLYMCA policies and procedures, with particular attention to health and safety, equality and diversity and customer service excellence. To further your development and knowledge you will be expected to attend training as necessary.
SLYMCA reserves the right to amend this role profile as necessary, after consultation with the post holder, to reflect changes in or to the role.
November 2014
Role Experience, Knowledge and Skills Profile
Trainee Business Analyst
Experience & qualifications /- Experience of using databases to input andextract data and information.
- Experience of using databases to extract information from datasets.
Knowledge /
- Ability to work with large volumes of data.
- Ability to administrate and support databases that have multiple frontline users.
- Understanding of confidentiality and data protection.
- Understanding of the needs of homeless / vulnerable people.
Skills /
- A good standard of Excel skills with the ability to develop.
- The ability to collate and quality check large volumes of data.
- Excellent communication skillsand the ability to train and coach others in the use of information systems.
- Ability to organise and multi-task ensuring that work is delivered effectively and to deadline.
- Excellent analytical and numeracy skills.
- Ability to work collaboratively with colleagues across the organisation.
November 2014