Minutes of the regular meeting of the Village of Nyack Board of Trustees held at 7:30pm on Thursday,October 13th,2016at Nyack Village Hall, 9 N. Broadway, Nyack New York

Hon. Jen Laird Whitepresiding:

PRESENTLouise ParkerTrustee

Doug Foster Trustee Marie Lorenzini Trustee

Don HammondTrustee

Jen Laird-WhiteMayor

ALSO PRESENT:Jim Politi Village Administrator

Walter Sevastian Village Attorney

Mary E. White Village Clerk

ABSENT:Steve Knowlton Special Counsel

Pledge of Allegiance

‘Nyack thanks….’

Adoption of Minutes – Regular meeting of September 22nd, 2016

Minutes were approved with the necessary corrections with a motion from Trustee Hammond,seconded by Trustee Parker. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Public Comment:(discussion of Agenda Items only – 3 minute time limit)

J. Carlin – commented on SEQRA process, recommended FEIS be performed.

Rick Tannenbaum (John Green House) – amendment/waiver of Building fees for NFP agencies

Deferred for consideration.

Action Items:

Resolution No. 2016 -67 - Resolution of the Nyack Village Board of Trustees amending

a Bond Resolution adopted on July 14th, 2016 for the

construction of the Memorial Park Gazebo.

Moved by Trustee Lorenzini, seconded by Trustee Parker to adopt resolution as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 2016 - 68 - Resolution of the Nyack Village Board of Trustees

authorizing the construction of various road improvements,

stating the estimated maximum cost thereof is $200,000,

appropriating said amount for such purpose, and authorizing

the issuance of bonds in the principle amount of $200,000 to

finance said appropriation.

Moved by Trustee Lorenzini, seconded by Trustee Hammond to adopt resolution as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 2016 – 69 - Resolution of the Nyack Village Board of Trustees to submit

Transportation Alternatives Program Grant Application for

‘Safe Routes to School’ Project.

Moved by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Foster to adopt resolution as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Trustee Hammond asked that Upper Depew be included in the scope of this project.

Resolution No. 2016 - 70 - Resolution of the Nyack Village Board of Trustees to adopt

a Determination of Significance under SEQRA relative to the Village of Nyack Comprehensive Plan Update, and Zoning Text and Zoning Map Amendments to implement the CMP Update.

Moved by Trustee Parker, seconded by Trustee Foster to adopt resolution as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Resolution No. 2016 - 71 - Resolution of the Nyack Village Board of Trustees to adopt

Comprehensive Plan Update, and the Zoning Text and Map Amendments to implement the Plan update.

*D. Cackovic (DCAK-MSA) – commented that the 10% FAR is “too high”. F. Fish and B. Galvin spoke on this issue and advised that this percentage is comparable/even lower than in other municipalities they have worked with.

*Trustee Hammond clarified that the projects in the Negative Declaration are mentioned, but not affected as they have already met SEQRA requirements. The following comments were made:

-Building codes should increase sustainability

-in favor of, but disappointed that there has been no reply/input as to the ARB options and that committee has yet to be named. Suggested that Village Board should take action.

After discussion, moved by Trustee Foster, seconded by Trustee Lorenzini to adopt resolution as presented. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Laird-White and the entire Board “Thanked” all involved in this process: Steering Committee, Village Attorney, Administrator, Clerk, Planner, Frank Fish and BFJ Planning staff, residents and members of the public for their interest and involvement .

Public Comment – (Open Public Discussion/Any Topic – 3 minute time limit)

Department Reports to the Board of Trustees

Department Reports to the Board of Trustees

-Orangetown Police Department

*Memorial service for Officers O’Grady and Brown (Thursday 10/20 @ 4pm)

Plaque/shadowbox in memory of the officers is at the Franklin St sub-station, suggestion to relocate and display in Village Hall.

-Village Administrator

Reports given on the following:

Marina/Dredging report (Trustee Foster)

Street paving schedule/report

Sidewalk (Midland Ave) report. Trustee Hammond asked that proper signage regarding suspension of Alternate side parking be posted until work is completed.

-Village Attorney

Reports given on the following:

Building Department

Pavion site (former) – Board has been asked to allow removal of 2 street lights on the Hudson St side. Trustee Lorenzini made a motion to approve request, subject to the installation of temporary lighting (at a cost to the new owner). Trustee Foster seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

-Village Clerk

- No report

-Village Planner

*Pavion Site/Nyack Hospital –

recommended Traffic study in light of proposed projects

Old Business

-Land Use Technical Committee

-Vendor Applications/process

-Nyack Marina/Restaurant

Village Attorney will have final lease agreement ready at next meeting (10/27). Date of on-site meeting (TBD). The board asked to consider possible building reconstruction.


-Pink Monkey arts magazine is requesting the use a parking space in front of 95 Main Street. It will be used for a Pop-up Stage for entertainment during a “Launch Party” that will be held on October 21st, 2016, from 7pm to 11pm.

Due to the fact that the proposed date for this event is prior to our next regularly scheduled board meeting, Trustee Hammond moved to approve dates requested, Trustee Parker seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

-Request to discuss proposed Nyack Hunger Coalition’s Resolution Run tentatively scheduled for Saturday, January 7th, 2017.

Deferred to next regularly scheduled meeting (10/27)

New Business

Public Comment - (Open Public Discussion/Any Topic – 3 Minute Time Limit)

Comments from the Board of Trustees

Trustee Lorenzini–

*Asked for thoughts from the Board on the proposed ‘Anchorage Grounds’ resolution. Deferred to next meeting (10/27)

*Advised Rockland County offering training classes Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Trustee Foster –

*Recommended that the Village look into acquiring a ‘Projects Manager’, who will keep track of and report to the board on various projects that occur in the Village.

*Suggested the Village apply for ‘Consolidation Study’ Grant. Trustee Hammond stated that we should first start with shared services.

Executive Session


There being no further business, nor anyone present wishing to be heard, Trustee Hammond moved to close the regular meeting. Trustee Lorenzini seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously at 8:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary E. White,

Village Clerk