Group Skits for Romeo and Juliet Parodies
Students will be working in groups to translate assigned scenes from the play into parodies (humorous imitations of a serious work to ridicule and/or criticize). The group performances need to be 4- 8 minutes in length and remain true to the storyline. Scripts can be used on stage at the time of performance, but there should be evidence that actors and actresses have rehearsed their lines. Each actor/actress must have either a prop or costume of some kind. Everyone in the group has to have speaking lines and the group should try to even out the number of lines for everyone (add dialogue for some characters).
Once groups are set, please complete the tasks below in order.
1. READ assigned scenes and discuss who is involved in the scene, where the scene is taking place and what is happening. Each group member should receive lines to translate into modern English to make your translation into your parody style smoother.
2. DECIDE how your group wants to present the scenes/the STYLE. The storyline and characters stay the same. Do not write a different version that changes the story. Just translate the lines into your group’s chosen style. Some past styles include:
· Western (gunfight on horseback in the square)
· Monty Python (with British accents and jokes)
· Science Fiction (“Beam me up Juliet”)
· Obvious opposite groups (e.g., McDonalds vs. Burger King, science and math departments vs. English and history, etc.)
3. DECIDE if you need all the CHARACTERS (omit minor ones) or if you need to have some students play more than one role (two roles maximum to avoid confusion).
4. Begin WRITING A SCRIPT that each group member will use for rehearsals and performances. Divide the lines evenly among the members and revise them together when all are done. Include stage directions on character movements and how lines are to be said. The first page of your script should include the names of all group members and the roles they are playing. See the other side of this sheet for a checklist.
Performances begin next Tuesday. Your final script is due at that time. Make sure everyone in your group has a copy!
* Have fun with your parody style, and keep in mind that you should be adding comments in, using puns, and making it funny. This is not just a translation into another style, it is a HUMOROUS imitation.
Group Members: ______
Parody Checklist:
___ Our parody is 4-8 minutes in length
___ Our parody remains true to the storyline
___ Everyone in our group has roughly equal numbers of lines
___ Everyone in our group has a costume or prop
___ We have included at least one Shakespearean sonnet somewhere in the scene. This may be
most easily done with monologues and soliloquies. The group is creating the sonnet together as a whole, not just an individual group member, or few.
___ We have included at least 5 puns in the script
___ We have at least 3 other examples of humor in the script
___ In our materials to hand in we have:
___ A final copy of the script (on top)
___ The script includes the who’s who information on the first page
___ The original script with translations into modern English written on it