2010 Social Justice Summer Retreat

“After the Crash: Creating Responses to

Growing Inequalities”

THURSDAY – August 26th

5:30pm Earliest arrival time/Registration

6:00-7:30pm Dinner

7:30-9:00pm Welcome to Camp Arowhon

9:00pm Campfire

10:00pm Hot snack

FRIDAY – August 27th

7:00am Sunrise Ceremony with Allan Loft

8:00-9:00am Breakfast

9:00- 10:00am Plenary Session:

“The Neo-liberal Agenda: How Does It Affect the Public Sector? What Can We Do?"

Speaker: Greg Albo (York University)

10:30-12:30pm Children’s Programming (2-12 Years Old)

10:30-12:30 Workshops:

1. Communication Skills for Activists - Lyn Adamson (Peaceworks)

2. Surviving the Cuts: An Interactive Workshop - Anne Kewley (North House Transitional Housing)

3. Teaching “The Medicine Wheel” - Allan Loft


1:30-3:00 pmFree time / Open Space/ Telling Our Stories. Camp activities supervised by camp staff (archery, canoeing, rock climbing wall, etc.)

3:00-5:00pm Children’s Programming (2-12 Years Old)

3:00-5:00 pm Workshops:

1. Are Persons with Disabilities Welcome on the Social Justice Boat? - John Rae (Vice President of the Alliance for Equality of Blind Canadians

2. Direct-Action Anti-Poverty: OCAP, a case study - Phoenix Katt and Lindsay Hart (Ontario Coalition Against Poverty)

3. Home Safe Toronto - Rene Adams (Skyworks Foundation)

6:00-7:00pm Dinner

7:00-8:30pm Meet the Author with Greg Albo

8:30– 10:30pm Documentaries (A Force More Powerful)

SATURDAY – August 28th

7:00am Sunrise Ceremony with Allan Loft

8:00-9:00am Breakfast

9:30– 11:00 Plenary Session:

"Reflections on the G8/G20 Organizing Process"


Lyn Adamson (Peaceworks)

Sharmeen Khan (Toronto Community Mobilization


Mehdi Kouhestanineejad (Canadian Labour Congress)

11:00 -12:30pm Children’s Programming (2-12 years old)

11:00-12:30pm Workshops

1. Ontario’s Energy Future - Angela Bischoff (Outreach Director of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance.

2. Strategies for Nonviolent Social Transformation - Lyn Adamson (Peaceworks)

3. Eco-Sustainability and Human Rights -

Chalo Barrueta and Josephine grey (Youth for Change)


2:00 –4:00 Children’s Programming (2-12 years old)

2:00– 4:00pm Workshops:

1. The 10 Activists Commandments - Lyn Adamson (Peaceworks) and Angela Bischoff (Outreach Director of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance)

2. The Dream Team: Challenging Discriminatory Bylaws “Got a Mental Illness? Sorry, You Can’t Live Here. It’s a Municipal Bylaw” - The Dream Team

3:30-6:00pm Free Time/Open Space


7:00– 9:00pm Documentary (Fierce Light)

9:00-12:00pm Talent Show

SUNDAY - August 29th

7:00am Sunrise Ceremony with Allan Loft

8:30-9:30am Breakfast

10:00-11:30pm Children’s programming

10:00-11:00am Reflections by the Lake/People’s Assembly

Reflection on the content of the weekend/ Evaluation of the Process:

Personal Action for Social Change:

A) Your plans coming out of the weekend -- how you propose to contribute to the development of your community, movement and/or party

B) Closure

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:30pm Bus leaves

2:00pm Departure deadline