Wildlife Reports

Wildlife Notes

You are going to do two reports on Pennsylvania species of wildlife. Chose two animals from the list on the back of this sheet. Everyone will research different animals. The following reports must be typed and include all of the requirements listed below. You will give a brief oral report about your animals.

Written Report – Make sure your report is proof read and spell checked. It must be in paragraph form with complete sentences. This report must be doubled spaced with 12 point font.

The report should be in the following format.

A)Your name at the top right hand corner

B)The common and scientific name of your animal at the top middle of the page.

C)The first paragraph shoulddescribe what the animal looks like, how big it is, how many young it has, when it breeds, when the young are born, how long it lives, and what (if any) difference exists between male and female.

D)Your next paragraph should be about the animals habitat. Describe all the possible habitats this animal could live in. You also want to list the geographic range of where it is found in Pennsylvania and the whole United States. Also include information about its population size.

E)The last paragraph should be about the animal’s niche. Include what the animal eats and what it does to or for the environment. Explain whether it is food source for other animals and what those animals are. Is it a game animal? What does it do during the winter? Also describe at least three interesting facts about the animal.

F)At the end of your report list at least two references used for your report. Include the web address for Internet sites, and the author, title, copyright date, and page numbers for books.

Report Checklist

Check off each of the items below as you write your report.

______Your Name

______Name of animal

First Paragraph

______Description of what animal looks like

______The animal’s size (height weight)

______The number of young it has

______The time of year the animal breeds and when the young are born

______The animal’s life span (how long it lives)

______The differences between the male and female, if they exist

Second paragraph

______The animal’s habitats

______The part of PA in which the animal is found

______The part of the U.S. where it is found

______Population in Pennsylvania

Third paragraph

______What the animal eats and what role does it play in the environment

______Predators that prey upon it

______List if it is a game animal and if so how and when it can be hunted

______Describe what it does during the winter

______Describe interesting information that is special about the animal

______Two references

______Complete sentences in paragraph form and spell check / Double space and 12 pt font

Bats / pdf / Beaver / pdf
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Blue Jay / pdf / Bobcat / pdf
Bobwhite Quail / pdf / Brown Thrasher / pdf
[top] [help?]
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Nuthatches / pdf / Nighthawk / pdf
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