Summer Camp Parent/Camper Handbook

Science / Fishing / Swimming / Kayaking / Tubing
Paddle Boarding / Boating / Sports / Arts and Crafts / Games

Welcome to the Parent/Camper Packet. You have successfully held a spot for your child to participate in the BYSC summer camp. However, the registration for your camper is NOT complete. This packet will give you all of the information about the camp, and includes a medical form and policy form that must be signed and returned to the BYSC Summer Camp office in order to complete the registration. Without this packet completely read and the forms signed, your child cannot participate in our camp activities.


Print copy of online registration receipt

Complete medical form

Sign consent forms

Prepare camper belongings (lunch, lifejacket, sunscreen water bottle, etc.)

Table of Contents

- Letter from the Camp Director______4

- Bring to Camp List______5

- Personal Belongings______6

- Lunches______6

- Electronic Devices______7

- Lifejackets______7

- Sample Program______7-8

- Staff Qualifications______9

- Staff Relationships______9

- Tips and Gratuities______9

- Sign in and Sign out Process______9

- Early Drop off and Late Pick up______10

- Refunds and Cancellations______10

- Behavior Management______10-11

- Medication Policies______11

- Health and Safety______11

- Emergency Procedures______12

- Reporting Problems______12

Letter from the Camp Director

Dear Summer Camp Families,

I want to welcome you to the Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club (BYSC) Summer Camp Program for 2015. The staff at BYSC is looking forward to providing your children a fun, exciting and enlightening experience this summer. At BYSC, we strive not only to entertain and supervise your children, but to educate your child in life lessons such as fiend making, cooperation, team building, individual empowerment and self-confidence. We also look forward to introducing science and survival skills such as tide cycles, weather patterns, oyster ecology, fishing principles, kayaking and paddle-boarding, boating safety and sun safety and protection.

Having over four years of camp directing experience, and two summers at BYSC I personally strive to set the BYSC summer camp apart from all other camps in the Beaufort area. My specialty is staff training, waterfront supervision and curriculum for camp programming. My counselors receive extensive training to ensure your campers are safe out on the river, and enjoying themselves in the warm Carolina sun.

The BYSC summer camp has been striving to be a welcoming environment for young families for over 30 years, and this year is going to be the best yet!


Dylan Frey

BYSC Summer Camp Director


Swim suit (Girls preferably a one piece suit)


Sneakers (for field games and running around)

Closed-Toe water shoes (specifically for getting wet and protecting feet)

Change of clothes

Sunscreen (preferably cream sunscreen)


Bug spray

Fitted Lifejacket (Please label your lifejacket)

Water bottle (preferably a re-useable water bottle)

Lunch (preferably a filling and nutritious lunch)

Backpack to hold all of your personal belongings


Photo ID

Receipt of Registration

Signed and completed Medical Form

Consent forms


Personal Belongings

BYSC and the camp counselors are not responsible for personal belongings of the campers. Our counselors will assist your camper with proper storage of their belongings, and will make an attempt to protect the belongings from foul weather, but it is expected of the campers to keep track of their property. BYSC and the staff will not be held responsible for property broken, stolen, lost or otherwise damaged during program hours. Any articles left behind will be placed in a “Lost and Found” area that will be emptied at the end of each week.


Please provide a lunch for your child that is nutritious and filling, and does not require heating or refrigeration.BYSC will be providing light snacks for campers throughout the day to keep them healthy and comfortable. Please send your child with a water bottle. Dehydration is the leading cause of illness during the summer.

Examples of good water shoes can be found here:

Electronic Devices

The best course of action is not to bring any electronic devices to camp. If deemed appropriate by the camp director, any electronic devices a child brings to camp may be kept in the camp office for safety. These devices are prone to damage and getting lost.


All campers will wear a lifejacket during any water activities involving the docks or boating. Please provide a lifejacket that fits your camper. If you need help discerning an appropriate lifejacket, please visit this website:

Sample Program

At camp we have a lot of programs going on, below is an example of a representative week while at camp from LAST YEAR. While we cannot guarantee the accuracy of our weekly schedules due to weather considerations, we try to maintain the schedule to the best of our ability.

Programs we offer at the BYSC summer camp include: Tubing, fishing, kayaking, paddle-boarding, boating and dolphin tours, swimming, field sports, arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, and much, much more!

Staff Qualifications

Our summer counselor staff is well trained and prepared to provide a wonderful summer experience for your child. They will have gone through a rigorous training which includes several certification programs oriented around water safety as well as camp life training and child development and interaction training.

All of our summer staff will be CPR certified and trained as an American Red Cross Lifeguard. They will also be trained by the Auxiliary Coast Guard in boating safety. We look forward to giving your children a safe, fun experience.

Staff Relationships

Some of our staff members are long time community members of Beaufort, and some may even be family friends. The Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club wants to make sure all participants of the summer camp have a fun, safe time at our club. While working as a counselor, staff are not permitted to:

Have a one on one situation with a camper

Transport a camper in their personal vehicle (unless exceptions are made ahead of time)

Exchange personal contact information with a camper

Tips and Gratuities

If you would like to tip or give a gift to our staff, please contact the Camp Director to make arrangements.

Sign in and Sign Out Process

Sign in and Sign out for summer camp is located next to the main office near the grilling gazebo and playground. Sign in for all campers is between 8:30am and 9:00am. Please come to the table to sign your child in so that the director has the opportunity to give you information about the day.Sign out is between 12:30pm and 1:00pm for half day campers, and 5:00pm and 5:30pm for full day campers.

While dropping off your child and picking them up after camp, please remember the speed limit for the property is 10mph.

Early Drop Off and Late Pick Up

If you drop off your child prior to 8:30am, there will be a $10.00 per hour charge to cover wages for a counselor to supervise your child. If you pick up your child after 5:30pm, there will be a $10.00 per hour charge to cover the wages for a counselor to supervise your child.

Refunds and Cancellations

Once you purchase a slot for your child on the online registration system, it reduces the number of slots available for another family to sign up for the camp. Because of this, BYSC is not issuing refunds for cancellations.

Behavior Management

All Campers are expected to follow BYSC summer camp rules while they participate in our camp activities. Our counselors will use positive reinforcement and proper behavior management techniques with all campers. If the director needs to be directly involved in the discipline of a child, the parents will be contacted and the child will be prepared to go home. We do not anticipate the need to send a camper home, however if a camper constantly disrupts the camp activities, they will be separated from the group and supervised in the Director’s office until a parent or guardian can come and retrieve them.

Medication Policies

BYSC Staff will not administer over the counter or prescribed medication to a camper. The staff is trained in First Aid, and will provide minor first aid treatment to cuts, scrapes, stings, and weather related sicknesses. If you send a camper with medication such as prescribed medication, an inhaler, or an Epi-Pen, please note it in the medical form and let the sign-in counselor know as well as the Assistant Director. Staff can assist a camper if they need to use their inhaler or Epi-Pen, and will immediately contact the parents and other medical personnel if necessary.

Health and Safety

Please do not send your child to camp if your child has a contagious illness such as a cold, fever, rash or other human to human transmittable disease. If your child develops any of these symptoms at camp, we will immediately separate them from the activities, and have them picked up to go home or to the doctor.

If upon receipt of a camper’s medical form, we find a contra-indication to participating in our rigorous outdoor and water activities, BYSC has the right to deny participation for that camper. A refund will be issued for the registration.

Weather and the environment are major contributors to illness and injuries. Our camp has inherent risks of sun exposure, salt and water exposure as well as exposure to marine and terrestrial life. Please send your child to camp prepared to protect themselves from the elements. It will be a requirement for campers to wear shirts and sunscreen. If you think your camper is allergic to some forms of sunscreen, buy hypo-allergenic sunscreen for your child or have them come in protective clothing. Sun safety is something we take seriously at BYSC and your camper’s participation in our activities is dependent on if they are properly prepared and protected.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of a weather emergency, the BYSC staff will bring all of the campers under shelter and wait out the weather. If the activities are out on the river, we will postpone the program, and return to the clubhouse.

In the event of an emergency on the property, we have procedures to organize the campers by group and lead them to a safe place to await further instruction from the General Manager. If you have any detailed questions regarding our emergency procedures, please contact the camp director.

Reporting Problems

If you have any concerns regarding our camp, please contact Dylan Frey the Camp Director by phone (843)-441-2703 or email

Consent Forms

Release of Liability

In consideration of allowing my child ______, to enroll in the BYSC Summer Camp of the BEAUFORT YACHT & SAILING CLUB, INC., the undersigned, on behalf of his/her minor child, hereby releases and holds harmless the management, instructors and counselors, individually or as agent(s) for the BEAUFORT YACHT AND SAILING CLUB, INC., its OFFICIERS, DIRECTORS, MANAGEMENT, STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS from any and all liability that they may have as a result of any personal injury and/or property damage or loss of the above named individual may incur during the activities of the BYSC SUMMER CAMP, whether such injury, damage or loss be the result of the participant’s fault or otherwise.

Signature of Parent or Guardian


I agree to drop off my children between 8:30am and 9:00am & pick up my children between 12:30pm and 1:30pm for Half Day and 5:00pm and 5:30pm for Full Day. I understand that I will be charged a fee of $10.00 if dropped off before the above time, or picked up after the above pick up time. An additional charge of $10.00 per hour will be added to the initial charge if tardy or early by longer than an hour.

Signature of Parent or Guardian


Photo, Press, Audio and Electronic Media Release for Minors

I, Parent/Guardian of ______, hereby consent that the photographs and/or motion pictures or videotape for which he/she may pose for, or which may be candid shots, and/or audio recordings made of his/her voice may be used by BEAUFORT YACHT AND SAILING CLUB, INC., (BYSC), its assignees or successors, in whatever way they desire, including television, electronic, and social media. Furthermore, I hereby consent that such photographs, films, recordings, plates and tapes are the property of BYSC and they shall have the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce, and make other uses of such media as the may desire free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part.

Signature of Parent/Guardian




This form must be filled out in its entirety and returned to BYSC prior to starting camp. All Health Forms are kept confidential.


Name: ______Male □ Female □

Date of Birth: ______Age: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Alternate Phone: ______

Name: ______Relation: ______
Phone: ______Alternate Phone: ______


Bleeding/clotting disorder
Ear/sinus problems
Fainting spells
GI problems (abdominal, digestive)
Heart defects/murmur
Heart disease (CHF, CAD, MI)
Infectious disease (Hepatitis, etc.)
Kidney disease
Learning disorder (ADHD, ADD)
Menstrual problems (female only)
Muscular/skeletal condition
Sickle cell disease
Sleep disorder (sleep apnea)
Thyroid disease

Health Form cont.

Past Surgical History: (Please list)


Have you been hospitalized in the past 5 years? If so, when & why: ______

Do you smoke? Yes □ No □

Current Medications: ______

Drug Allergies: ______

Any Other pertinent medical information Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club should be aware of? ______


Beaufort Yacht and Sailing Club

30 Yacht club dr. Beaufort, SC. 29907

Phone: 843-522-8216email:


Form is to be completed by Volunteer

Authorization to Release Protected Health Information


DIRECT the Beauford Yacht and Sailing Club, Camp Physician TO USE OR DISCLOSE MY PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION (as defined herein) to the BYSC Camp Director as is deemed necessary by the director or the Camp Physician for the safe conduct of BYSC programs.

In addition, I authorize the Camp Physician to request, secure and use information regarding any prior and ongoing health condition and any prior and ongoing care and treatment from all health care providers holding such information ( my “Protected Health Information”) including, but not limited to, history and physical examination, Admission and discharge summaries; operative reports; progress notes and nursing notes; laboratory reports; radiology reports; immunization records; billing summaries; consultation reports; pathology reports; psychological and psychiatric assessments; and medications.

I understand that in the event I was treated for drug or alcohol abuse, psychiatric condition, communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, this information will be included as part of my Protected Health Information.

I understand that the Camp Physician may not condition treatment or eligibility to participate in the BYSC program on my signing this authorization.

I understand that this authorization is intended for use or disclosure of my Protected Health Information to the extent of and as permitted by the Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information (the so-called “Privacy Rule”) issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to implement the requirement of the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”). I have been given an opportunity to inquire and request information to my satisfaction regarding the requirements of the above law and regulations.

I understand that this authorization will expire automatically on the later of 90 days from the date hereof or the end of the camp period, and I also understand that I may cancel and revoke this authorization at any time effective upon my delivering written notice thereof to the Camp Physician except to the extent there has already been use or disclosure in reliance on this authorization.

(Signature of Individual or Legal Guardian)

Social Security Number: ______

Date of Birth: ______Today’s Date: ______