St Cuthbert’s Music List – January to April 2018

21st January

Voluntary: Andante religioso (Sonata in B flat) –Felix Mendelssohn

Setting: Communion Service in C – William Mathias

Anthem: A New Year Carol – Benjamin Britten

Voluntary: Allegro con brio (Sonata in B flat) –Felix Mendelssohn

The Licensing of Reverend Matthew Firth as Priest in Charge of Holy Trinity, Darlington

and St Cuthbert’s Darlington

Anthem: O thou, the central orb – Charles Wood

28th January

Voluntary: Mit Fried und Freud ichfahrdahin – Johann Sebastian Bach

Setting: Communion Service in C – William Mathias

Anthem: When to the temple Mary went – Johannes Eccard

Voluntary: Fiat Lux – Theodore Dubois


Voluntary: Von Liebekommt gross Lieden – Flor Peeters

Responses: William Byrd

Psalm: 132

Setting: The Short Evening Service – Thomas Weelkes

Anthem: Locus iste– Anton BrucknerTranslation: This place was made by God,
a priceless sacrament;
it is without reproach.

Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C major – Johann Sebastian Bach

4th February

Voluntary: VaterunserimHimmelreich – Dietrich Buxtehude

Setting: Wiltshire Service – Richard Shepard

Anthem: Behold, the tabernacle of God – William Harris

Voluntary: Praeludium in D minor – Dietrich Buxtehude

11th February

Voluntary: Sicilienne – Louis Vierne

Setting: Wiltshire Service – Richard Shepard

Anthem: My eyes for beauty pine – Herbert Howells

Voluntary: Rhapsody in C sharp minor – Herbert Howells


Voluntary: Larghetto in F minor - Thomas Attwood Walmisley

Responses: Ferial

Psalm: 2

Setting: Anglican Chant

Anthem: From the rising of the sun – Frederick Ouseley

Voluntary: Voluntary in D – George Dyson

18th February

Voluntary: Liebster Jesu, wirsindhier – Johann Sebastian Bach

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: O for a closer walk with God – Charles Villiers Stanford

Voluntary: Prelude in E minor – Johann Sebastian Bach

25th February

Voluntary: Toccata–JanPietersSweelinck

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: O Lord, increase our faith – Henry Loosemore

Voluntary: FantasiaaufdieManiereinesEcho–JanPietersSweelinck


Voluntary: Psalm Prelude, Set 1 No. 2–Herbert Howells

Responses: William Byrd

Psalm: 135

Setting: Evening canticles in E minor – Paul Ritchie

Anthem: Lift thine eyes (Elijah) – Felix Mendelssohn

Voluntary: Prelude in C minor – Felix Mendelssohn

4th March

Voluntary: Voluntary in D minor – William Croft

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: Verily, verily I say unto you – Thomas Tallis

Voluntary: Voluntary in G – Henry Heron

11th March– Mothering Sunday

Voluntary: Intermezzo (Sonata IV) – Josef Rheinberger

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: The Lord bless you and keep you – John Rutter

Voluntary: Tempo moderato (Sonata IV) – Josef Rheinberger


Voluntary: Berceuse – Louis Vierne

Responses: Ferial

Psalm: 13

Setting: Anglican Chant

Anthem: Rejoice in the Lord alway –Anonymous, circa 16th century

Voluntary: Chorale prelude on ‘Croft’s 136th’ – Charles Hubert Parry


Voluntary:VaterunserimHimmelreich – Georg Böhm

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: Wondrous Cross – Philip Wilby

Voluntary: AustieferNotschreiichzudir– Flor Peeters

25th March – Palm Sunday

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: O Saviour of the world – John Goss

Voluntary:Valet will ichdirgeben – Johann Sebastian Bach

Readings and Music for Passiontide

Music to be confirmed.

29th March – Maundy Thursday

Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on ‘St Cross’ – Charles Hubert Parry

Setting: St Cuthbert’s Service – Angie Dick

Anthem: Tantum Ergo – Déodat de Séverac Translation: Down in adoration falling,
Lo! the sacred Host we hail,
Lo! o’er ancient forms departing
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith for all defects supplying,
Where the feeble senses fail.

To the everlasting Father,
And the Son Who reigns on high
With the Holy Spirit proceeding
Forth from each eternally,
Be salvation, honour, blessing,
Might and endless majesty. Amen.

Psalm: 22

30th March– Good Friday

Music to be confirmed

1st April – Easter Sunday

Voluntary: Ein’ feste Burg istunserGott–Dietrich Buxtehude

Introit: This joyful Eastertide – Traditional, arr. Charles Wood

Setting: Communion Service in C – William Mathias

Anthem: Glorious and powerful God – Charles Villiers Stanford

Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in B major – Marcel Dupré


Voluntary: Prelude in E flat – Johann Sebastian Bach

Responses: Thomas Ebdon

Psalm: 150

Setting: Evening Canticles in C – Charles Villiers Stanford

Anthem: Since by man came death (Messiah) – George Frederick Handel

Final responses – Edward Naylor

Voluntary: Fugue in E flat – Johann Sebastian Bach