Pinnacle Leadership

Generation four application

Employed / Other

Please fill out all fields to the best of your ability, the information you provide is a general assessment of you as a leader and a person. Information you provide denoted by an (*) may/will be used on our behalf for promotional, web content, or creative purposes and may appear publicly with your name. Information denoted by (***) may/will be used on our behalf for promotional, web content, or creative purposes but will not appear publicly with your name. By submitting the application you are granting Pinnacle Leadership the right to use any of the information you supply as stated in the before mentioned uses.

Please sign your full name below to show you have read and agree with the above statement and release any liability of any kind from Pinnacle Leadership.

We will not accept your application unless this field is filled properly.


If you have any questions email us at

General Information

* = Shown publicly with name. *** = Shown publicly without name.

*Full Name: ______

*Current city and state of residence:______

*Age: ______

***Most recent SAT/ACT Score: ______

Graduation weighted GPA: ______

***Number of AP Classes you have taken: ______

*Are you enrolled in college courses currently? Yes No

*’Number of volunteer hours since 9th grade : ______

*Do you play sports? If so please state what you have played in the past and present and for how long.




*Do you play any instruments? If so please state what you have played in the past and present and for how long.




*Do you participate on any organizations/clubs? If so please state what you have done in the past and present and for how long.




What are you doing right now to work towards the goal for your future?

(2-3 sentences)





What languages do you speak? Please indicate your level of proficiency with each.

1 = Beginner 2 = Intermediate 3 = Near Native 4 = Native Language




If you were to be connected to an organization which field(s) would you be most interested in? Circle all that apply.

Animal RightsCommunityEconomic JusticeEnvironmentLGBTQ+ Human Rights International Peace Political Action Public Interest Ethnicity Religious Violence Women's Rights

How enthused are you to work on a global scale with many different people, governments, and organizations for long periods of time on complex projects? Rate below 1 = Not at all 10 = Extremely

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Free Response

Each question is mandatory, however you may answer as much or as little as you see fit for each one. Sometimes less is more.


  1. What do you believe is the primary motivator for peoples actions and/or to motivate others?
  1. What is the largest problem facing the world today, and how can you contribute to solving it?
  1. How do you evaluate success?
  1. What makes you, you? Don't state what instruments you play, sports, or your academic achievements. Who are you as a person? What do you believe? What are your aspirations and dreams?
  1. Tell us your thoughts about diversity.
  1. What is your daily (or weekly) routine?
  1. What are you most proud about regarding Generation Z? What makes you proud to be a part of this group?
  1. What do people look to you for in regards to your qualities?
  1. When you think about your age is there a negative or positive connotation attached?
  1. What is your general philosophy when presented with a problem.
  1. What do you want your legacy to be?
  1. Tell us anything we may have missed. Go ahead and say whatever you wish about your character, personality, mission, etc.

13. Please rewrite the following sentence in your own handwriting. (If you do not have a way to scan this page, you may write it on a lined sheet of paper, take a picture and then attach it here in this document.)

The Fox and cat ran Through the woods, Because they

were beiNg chased by the Bear.



© Pinnacle Leadership 2017