November 3, 2009




November 3, 2009 - 10:00 am

PRESENT: Patsy Bennett-Brown, C. Regina Byers (Chairperson), Carolyn Fredricks, Bonnie Hitch, LaVaida Owens-White, William Payne, Lee Perkins

EXCUSED: Esther Brennan, Azalia Briggs, Bob Brown, Leonarda Castelli, Ernest Cole, Katherine Cowperthwait, Elsie Hawthorne, Evelyn Hayes, Elizabeth Hurdle, Arthur Johns, Karen Lloyd (Vice-Chairperson), Juanita Taylor, Mary Ann Teller, Rosetta Wrench

DSAAPD Staff present: Guy Perrotti, Director; Lisa Bond, Planning Supervisor;; Lottie Lee, DSAAPD Housing Coordinator; Chris Oakes, ADRC Project Manager; Cindi Powell, Executive Secretary

GUESTS: Ken Bock, CHEER; Anthony Carter, JEVS; Sharon Dickol, JFS; Becky Laster, Jewish Family Services (JFS) and DAN; Arlene Littleton, Debra Veenema [on behalf of Council Member Kate Cowperthwait]


I.  Call to Order and Welcome

II.  Special Presentation

III.  Review of Minutes (October 6, 2009)

IV.  Legislative Update

V.  Division Update

VI.  ADRC Project Update

VII.  New Business

VIII.  Roundtable

IX.  Next Meeting

X.  Adjourn

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Chairperson Regina Byers.

II. Review of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting (October 6, 2009) were not accepted as final since a quorum for the meeting was not met. The minutes will be considered a draft until review by the Council in March, 2010.

III. Previous Business

The DHSS Budget Hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 23, 2009 at 1:00 in Legislative Hall. R. Byers requested that Council Members be in attendance, if possible.

A Healthcare Fraud Conference will be held at the Modern Maturity Center on Wednesday, November 4, 2009. There is no charge for admission and registrations will be taken at the door.

R. Byers informed the Council that the State of Delaware 911 Emergency Information form is deemed a very important document for elderly and physically disabled citizens, and advocated for its distribution to these particular populations through various avenues.

IV. Legislative Update

G. Perrotti advised the Council of the following DHSS legislation that is being suggested to the Governor’s office:

·  Establishment of DSAAPD for ADRC oversight.

·  Discharge Planning: The Office of Long-Term Care and local hospitals to inform DSAAPD of a patients discharge for discharge planning purposes.

·  Establishment of an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) registry in order to provide more pro-active services for the ABI client.

·  Division of Long-Term Care Resident Rights has suggested a Patient Health Bill of Rights. This would include specific client language, as well as ensuring that a patient is not discharged without a discharge plan.

V. Division Update

The Director’s Report, dated November 3, 2009, was distributed to the Council Members and guests in attendance. Notes of interest included the upcoming budget hearing at Legislative Hall, the E&D waiver amendment, the Health Fund Advisory Committee meeting for FY-2011 funding for the Personal Attendant Services Program, the new DSAAPD Housing Coordinator {L. Lee], the Brain Injury Association of Delaware Annual Conference, ARRA, Delaware Senior Medicare Patrol Fraud Conference and the DHHS Efforts to Combat Fraud.

Q: [C. Fredricks]: Will the new housing coordinator evaluate the Adult Foster Home role? Adult foster care clients are being left at senior centers during the day without background information provided to the center. Ms. Fredricks is unsure which Adult Foster Care agencies that they clients are coming from, but is a wide-spread problem in Sussex County.

A: [G. Perrotti]: Further information is needed in order to find out where the clients are coming from, and if this is a wide-spread problem, then the DHSS sister divisions must also be made aware of the problem. This item is tabled for follow-up.

Q: [C. Fredricks]: Inquired about $50,000 in funds for the home-bound meal program through the Stimulus Program.

A: [G. Perrotti]: Al Griffith, DSAAPD Chief Fiscal Officer, will provide specific details regarding the distribution of the Stimulus Funds for the Meals on Wheels-DE programs through DSAAPD. All DSAAPD responses to this inquiry will be sent to the entire Council (per a request from L. Owens-White).

VI. ADRC Project Update

C. Oakes addressed the Council and guests in attendance regarding the status of the ADRC (Aging and Disabilities Resource Center) project. Handouts distributed: Overview of AoA Grant Awards and Plans for a Delaware ADRC; the Delaware ADRC Planning Project Progress Report; and, the Delaware ADRC Project Work Plan October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2012.

Confirmation of Council Members who volunteered to participate on the ADRC Advisory Council are Elizabeth Hurdle, LaVaida Owens-White, William Payne and Patsy Bennett-Brown. If interested in participating, please contact C. Oakes at or call (302) 255-9376. ADRC information can be located on the DSAAPD website at www.dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dsaapd and staff are arranging for a special ADRC e-mailbox and telephone line.

Work has begun on the three-year ADRC project. The first year will focus on infrastructure issues including the installation of a call center and telephone system, the development of an ADRC web portal, and access to a comprehensive and searchable ADRC database.

The work plan lists specific objectives that will have a specific lead person assigned to oversee a work group or ad hoc committee for that objective. The GAC Council will provide support as follows:

·  Serve as the primary advisory body for the implementation of the DE ADRC.

·  The DE ADRC will be a standing agenda item at the GAC meetings.

·  Will provide technical assistance and support with special projects to DSAAPD and lead partners.

·  Involvement in the semi-annual reporting due to the Administration on Aging (AoA).

Q: [C. Fredricks]: Could you please touch on what services will be contracted out?

A: [G. Perrotti]: A searchable database for providers as well as for consumers, a web portal, the new phone system and the call center. (Communications have been held between the division and existing databases in the state.)

The National ADRC Initiative Core Functions are information and awareness, options counseling, streamlined access to public program, person-centered hospital discharge planning and quality assurance and evaluation.

Q: [W. Payne]: Have you talked to other states about an ADRC?

A: [C. Oakes]: Yes, 47 other states already have an established ADRC, and Delaware has received information from these states in preparation for the planning and implementation of an ADRC.

VII. New Business

VIII. Roundtable

R. Byers: R. Byers advised that the Council’s involvement in the ADRC is a great opportunity that will require work and time. It is crucial that the GAC read the hand-out materials and attend the teleconferences and webinars, which will provide a much clearer understanding of the goals of the ADRC project.

B. Laster: Introduced fellow guest S. Dickol, who is the new MFP Coordinator at Jewish Family Services.

L. Perkins: Will distribute the 911 Emergency Information Form at the Newark Senior Center.

D. Veenema:

The 2009 PNC Bank Thanksgiving Day Run/Walk for MS will take place Thursday, November 26th.

L. Owens-White: The Mental Health Association in Delaware is hosting the People of Color Conference on Saturday, November 8th at the Del Tech Community College, Wilmington Campus.

K. Bock: Indicated that advocates for the division will be present for the Budget Hearing at Legislative Hall on November 23rd, and it is hoped that these advocacy efforts will help to decide which budget decisions are made.

B. Hitch: Noted that the DSAMH Mobile Crisis’ Intervention Team provided training to 300 DART bus operators.

P. Bennett-Brown: Informed the Council that she has been appointed as the Secretary to the National Federation of the Blind of Delaware. In addition, the Amputee Support Group of Delaware (Kent/Sussex Counties) continues to meet each month.

A. Carter: Inquired if there is a state budget central hotline that the public can call in order to express support for the division at the upcoming budget hearing.

L. Lee: Expressed that she is looking forward to working with the GAC.

IX. Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 2, 2010 at 10:00 am at the Smyrna Rest Area Conference Room.

X. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 am.

Respectfully submitted:

Cynthia Powell – 11.12.09

Office of the Director, DSAAPD