
Minutes of the Meeting of Stapenhill Parish Council

held at the Immanuel Church, Stapenhill

on Tuesday 19th May 2015 at 7:10 pm

Councillors: / S Paxton, M Bott, S Godfrey, W Turton, and G Slater
Also Present: / Two Members of the Public
R Young, Clerk to the Council
55/15 / Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from P Hancox, B McLelland, I Gibson, and P Davies.
56/15 / Members to Declare an Interest in Matters to be Considered
Declarations of interest to be made when the relevant matter is discussed.
57/15 / Election of Parish Council Chairman for the Year 2015 / 2016
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillor S Paxton be appointed Chairman for the year 2015 / 2016.
That S Paxon be appointed Chairman for the year 2015 / 2016
58/15 / Election of Parish Council Vice-Chairman for the Year 2015 / 2016
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that Councillor S Godfrey be appointed Vice-Chairman for the year 2015 / 2016.
That S Godfrey be appointed Vice-Chairman for the year 2015 / 2016
59/15 / Appointment of a Planning Group for the Year 2015 / 2016
It was agreed Councillors S Paxton, M Bott and G Slater should form a planning group and meet 30 minutes prior to the Parish Council meeting.
60/15 / Public Participation
Mr and Mrs Smith gave details of the problems they have experienced since a bench was installed near to their home. Details were given regarding noise and litter problems experienced. Various alternative locations were considered.
It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the said bench should be re-located.
That the bench near to Mr and Mrs Smith’s home should be re-located.
61/15 / Planning
Planning Applications for Consideration:
Ø  P/2015/00665
79 Main Street, Stapenhill
Works to protected tree – felling of two lime trees
Ø  P/2015/00598
10 Saxon Close, Stapenhill
Erection of a single storey side extension
Planning Decisions:
Ø  P/2015/00284
29 – 40 Devon Close, Stapenhill
Formation of parking areas
Permission for Development
Ø  P/2015/00353
75 Hill Street, Stapenhill
Installation of two replacement extraction flues (retrospective)
Permission for Development
Ø  P/2015/00502
9 Bretlands Way, Stapenhill
Erection of a single storey rear extension (revised plans to include window in side elevation)
Permission for Development
Ø  P/2015/00049
Ferry House, The Dingle, Stapenhill
Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for a minor material amendment for the erection of an attached garage without complying with Condition 2 of planning permission P/2014/000351 relating to amendments to the approved plans by way of garage door alterations
Permission for Development
Ø  P/2015/00070
18 Saxon Street, Stapenhill
Erection of a two storey rear extension
Refusal of Permission for Development
Planning Appeal:
Ø  Outline application (all matters except for access to be reserved) for the residential development of up to 75 dwelings with associated public open space and sustainable drainage at land at SK2520 3411 Rosliston Road South, Drakelow
Application: 9/2014/0948
Inspectorate Reference: APP/F1040/W/3014387
Appeal Start Date: 30th April 2015
62/15 / County and Borough Councillors Report
County Councillor P Davies:
Ø  P Davies gave his apologies for tonight’s meeting due to a recent knee operation.
Ø  P Davies provided a copy of traffic volumes and speeds as recorded by SCC Highways.
Borough Councillor M Fitzpatrick:
Borough Councillor M Fitzpatrick mentioned the following:
Ø  Reported that S Grier had passed away and gave details of the funeral.
Ø  Annual meeting of ESBC on 22nd May 2015.
Ø  ESBC pushing SCC to reinstate bus shelter on railway station bridge.
Ø  Gave details of electrion result. J Mott stepped down as leader of the Labour Group.
Ø  Will progress renewal of parking lines and situation regarding the water fountain in Stapenhill Gardens. / M Fitzpatrick
63/15 / Approval of the Minutes
It was proposed, seconded and agreed to approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 8th April 2015.
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 8th April 2015
64/15 / Matters Arising from the Minutes
a) Stapenhill Hollow Cricket Pitch
M Hovers requested confirmation from the Parish Council regarding the extra grass cuts. The Clerk to enquire again regarding the renewal of the boundary line. / M Hovers
b) Waterside Litter Bins
Z Belcher, ESBC, confirmed agreement to install additional litter bin on Waterside. The Clerk to confirm siting to be at the rear of Ferry Street. / Z Belcher
c) Stapenhill Hollow – Dog Fouling
Nigel Mellor, ESBC, confirmed that additional visits will be made to Stapenhill Hollow to discourage dog fouling. / N Mellor
d) Ferry Bridge Working Group
S Paxton confirmed to date she had not received details of the next meeting.
65/15 / Correspondence
Sun Edison / Introducing proposals for a solar farm between Newhall and Stapenhill. Presentation 20th May 2015 at Newhall
AON / Insurance details
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Staffordshire / Grant details for community safety, reduction of crime and increase public confidence
SCC / Closure of Uttoxeter household waste recycling centre on 7th June 2015
SCC, G Hung / Localities funding prospectus 2015. S Paxton commented this is start-up grants but Parish Council carry the running costs
ESBC / Election result details
Burton Albion Community Trust / Letter from M Hancock thanking the Parish Council for monetary support for the engage sessions at Edgehill recreation ground
Contact Enquiries to Website
The Pensions Regulator
66/15 / Parish Project Reports
Ø  Neighbourhood Plan
Clerk to circulate copy of the plan to Councillors.
Ø  Clerk to remind Planning Group of 6:30 pm start to review plans before the commencement of the Parish Council meeting. / Clerk
67/15 / Finance
a) Accounts for Payment
Date / Name / Details / Amount / Cheque No
19.05.15 / R Young / Clerk / 479.00 / 000552
19.05.15 / HMRC / PAYE / 119.00 / 000553
19.05.15 / Immanuel Church / Hire of Room / 44.00 / 000554
TOTAL / £642.00
To sign and issue the above listed cheque payments
68/15 / Clerk’s and Members’ Reports
Ø  Breaking of alcoholic drink bottles in Stapenhill Gardens
M Hovers, ESBC, confirmed non-drying paint had been applied to the area.
Ø  Need to progress newsletter.
Ø  M Bott commented on the need to progress village name signs. Take note to P Atkins / P Davies to try and progress due to no progress being achieved with SCC Highways. Locations suggested:
-  Rosliston Road – near railway
-  Stanton Road
-  End of St Peter’s Bridge
Ø  W Turton suggested that plaques should be considered for creative building work in the parish in a similar style to a Civic Society.
Ø  S Godfrey requested Councillors to consider the Parish Council provide paint for the improvement of buildings in the parish.
Ø  Allotments – the Chairman, S Paxton, and the Parish Clerk confirmed the lease document had been signed by the Allotments Association. / M Hovers
S Paxton

The meeting closed at 8:48 pm.

S Paxton

Chairman of the Parish Council

Stapenhill Minutes 19.05.15 Page 1 03.06.15