SAS- Chapter 2: Cell Cycle and Cancer

I.  Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The cell cycle has

a.  2 stages c. 4 phases

b.  3 stages d. 5 phases

2. Mitosis is the stage during which

a.  the cell’s nucleus divides into two new nuclei.

b.  the cell’s DNA is replicated.

c.  the cell divides into two new daughter cells.

d.  the cell’s cytoplasm divides.

3. DNA replication occurs during

a. prophase c. cytokinesis

b. metaphase d. interphase

4. What happens during cytokineses in animal cells?

a.  a new round of mitosis begins.

b.  two new daughter cells are formed.

c.  Each organelle divides into two new cells.

d.  The cell’s cytoplasm divides.

5. DNA is shaped like a

a.  long, thin rod. c. straight ladder

b.  spiral staircase d. triple helix

6. During DNA replication, adenine pairs only with

a. thymine c. cytosine

b. guanine d. adenine

7. The cell grows to its mature size during

a. mitosis c. prophase

b. telophase d. interphase

8. How many different types of cancer are there?

a.  10 c. over 200

b.  over 100 d. over 1,000

9. Scientists think cancer begins when

a.  a mutation occurs in DNA.

b.  A cell divides too slowly.

c.  DNA replication stops.

d.  Cells stop growing.

10. What is a cancer tumor?

a.  a group of cells in the bloodstream

b.  a mass of normal cells

c.  a mass of abnormal cells

d.  a mass of cells that don’t divide

11. Spindle fibers disappear in

a. anaphase c. prophase

b. telophase d. metaphase

12. Chromosomes line up in the center of the cell during

a. metaphase c. interphase

b. prophase d. anaphase

13. Brain cells always stay in

a. metaphase c. interphase

b. prophase d. anaphase

14. The structure of DNA came from

a. Frederick Griffin and Marice Wilkins

b. Rosalind Franklin and James Watson

c.  James Watson and Francis Crick

d.  Marice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin

15. Each rung of the DNA ladder is made of

a.  a single nitrogen base.

b.  a pair of nitrogen bases.

c.  three nitrogen bases.

d.  four nitrogen bases.

16. What are chromatids?

a.  identical strands of chromosomes

b.  identical daughter cells

c.  doubled rods of condensed chromatin

d.  pigments that absorb the energy in sunlight

17. What forms around the chromatids during mitosis?

a.  two new chromosomes

b.  two new nuclei

c.  two new cells

d.  two new DNA molecules

18. In a DNA molecule, guanine always pairs with

a.  adenine

b.  thymine

c.  cytosine

d.  guanine

19. The four phases of mitosis are

a.  interphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase

b.  interphase, prophase, anaphase, telophase

c.  metaphase, prophase, anaphase, cytokinesis

d.  prophase, anaphase, telophase, metaphse

20. The sides of the DNA ladder are made up of

a.  deoxyribose and phosphate

b.  molecules of nitrogen bases

c.  adenine, tymine, cytosine, guanine

d.  deoxyribonucleic acid

21. A change in the DNA of a chromosome is called

a.  DNA replication

b.  a mutation

c.  sister chromatids

d.  a double helix

22. Cancer can spread when

a.  cells on a tumor grow larger

b.  cells no longer divide on a tumor

c.  cells replicate on a tumor

d.  cells break off a tumor and enter the bloodstream

23. The nucleus disappears during

a.  prophase c. telophase

b.  anaphase d. metaphase

24. Spindle fibers appear during

a.  interphase c. prophase

b.  metaphase d. anaphase

25. The entire cell cycle can last

a.  from 2 to 22 hours

b.  from 2 to 22 days

c.  from 2 to 22 minutes

d.  from 2 to 22 seconds

26. The stages of the cell cycle in order are

a.  interphase, prophase, anaphase, cytokinesis

b.  prophase, anaphase, cytokinesis

c.  interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis

d.  prophase, mitosis, cytokinesis

27. If DNA replication does not take place then

a.  the cell will not divide

b.  the cell will go through interphase and prophase only

c.  the cell will go through the entire cell cycle

d.  the cell will stay in prophase

28. The order of DNA in each new DNA molecule will

a.  be the exact opposite of the original molecule

b.  be an exact match of the original molecule

c.  be a new molecule completely different from the original

d.  none of the above.

29. DNA replication ensures that

a.  mitosis will be successful

b.  each new daughter cell will have all the genetic information needed to carry out its activities

c.  each new sister chromatid will be able to join properly to form a chromosome

d.  the two sides of the DNA will form a straight ladder

30. When do centiroles appear in the cell cycle/

a. during interphase c. during prophase

b. during metaphase d. during cytokinesis

II.  True or False

If the statement is True fill in letter A, if the statement is False fill in letter B.

31. During the cytokinesis stage of the cell cycle, the cell’s nucleus divides into two new


32. During interphase chromosomes are copied to make new daughter chromosomes.

33. Cancer begins when a mutation disrupts the cell cycle.

34. DNA replication begins when the two sides of the molecule unwind and separate.

35. In telophase the chromatids separate and begin to move to opposite ends of the cell.

III.  Using Science Skills

#36- 38. Label the parts of the structure in the diagram below.

36. This part of the structure is called the

a.  centromere c. chromosome 31.

b.  chromatin d. spindle fibers

37. This part of the structure is called the 32. 33.

a.  centromere c. chromosome

b. chromatin d. spindle fibers

38. The entire structure is called the

a.  centromere c. chromosome

b. chromatin d. spindle fibers


39. During most of the cell cycle chromatid appear as

a. rods c. threads

b. balls d. none of the above

40. During what phase does chromatin condense and form rodlike structures?

a.  Interphase c. metaphase

b.  Prophase d. anaphase

III. Using Science Skills

41. Using the diagram above and your knowledge of the cell cycle, answer the following

questions. (10 points)

·  Identify the stages of the cell cycle represented by drawings 1-5, and list them in order.

·  Which drawings represent parts of mitosis?

·  Explain what a cell would look like if it went through all stages of the cell cycle except cytokinesis.


Using Science Skills (10 points)

42. Using the piece of DNA to the left, determine the series of nitrogen bases and “backbone” that is missing.

·  EXPLAIN how you arrived at your answer.

·  Using this diagram explain how DNA replication occurs.