Windsor Public Library Special Board Meeting Minutes June 21, 2011


A special meeting of the Windsor Public Library Board was called to order by the Chair at5:30 p.m. on June 21, 2011 in the Auditorium of Central Library.

Present:Councillor Al Maghnieh (Chair)

Alex Cameron

Councillor Hilary Payne

Lorena Shepley

Denny Timm


The meeting was called to order by theChair at 5:30 p.m.




2011/46MOTION by A. Cameron, SECONDED by D. Timm to approve the agenda. CARRIED


  • New Downtown Aquatic Family Centre & Library Complex

Chief Executive Officer, Barry Holmes gave a brief slide show of libraries recognized best in practice posted in the Library Journal “The Ten New Landmark Libraries” and also some libraries here in Canada that show co-located facilities with library and pool.

  • Angus Glen Branch – Town of Markham Aquatic Centre, Pool, Library and Arena
  • Poplar Creek Public Library – Look and feel of what libraries are looking like today
  • Saanich Centennial, Victoria Public Library – co-located facility with Library and pool
  • Palo Verde Library, Pheonix, Arizona – co located facility with gymnasium
  • London Community Recreation – public library and a pool just opened this past year
  • Cesar Chavez Branch in Arizona – special children’s area
  • Hamilton Mill Branch, Georgia – just a look and feel of what libraries are looking like today
  • Georgina Township Public Library and Community Centre – Library, pool and two elementary schools – separate and public
  • Durango Public Library – look and feel for a library
  • Appaloosa in Arizona – another look and feel for a new public library branch
  • Meadows Community Recreation Centre and Edmonton Public Library – pool and public library that is being updated
  • New Roseville Public Library, Minnesota, Rangeview Public Library, Colorado – libraries with pool and/or gymnasium


Sixteen delegations expressed their opinions/concerns regarding the relocation of Central Library.

  1. Jenny Berkeley
  2. Mike Longmoore
  3. Maxine Jones
  4. Paul Chislett
  5. David Hanna
  6. Alan Halberstadt
  7. Andrew McAvoy
  8. Greg Heil
  9. Paul Culpeper
  10. Neil Campbell
  11. Becky Connor
  12. Helen Sauchuk
  13. Anne Sauchuk
  14. Linda McLean
  15. Dave Peltier
  16. Ian Coffin

All delegations were heard and thanked for their comments. The full report on the Aquatic Centre and Relocation of Central Libraryis posted on the City’s Website for all citizens to view.

Board Members present offered their opinion/commentsbefore the motion was put forward for consideration:

2011/47MOTION by Alex Cameron, SECONDED by Denny Timm

  1. THAT the Windsor Public Library Board support the Windsor City Council decision to proceed with the necessary steps required to construct a Downtown Aquatic Family Centre and Library Complex and direct the CEO and Administration to represent Windsor Public Library, provide input and seek Board direction during the planning and construction phase as required; and
  2. THAT the Windsor Public Library Board suspend the RFP process for a Facilities Master Plan until the January 2012 Board Meeting at which time further direction will be provided to Administration; and
  3. THAT the Windsor Public Library Board direct Administration to strike a committee comprised of Administration, Board Members, staff members and city representatives as required to examine, investigate and consider library service in the South Walkerville/Remington Park area with a particular emphasis on increased service, programs and branch sustainability; and
  4. THAT the Windsor Public Library Board request Administration to update the Fund Raising RFP, with a focus on the new library complex, and provide a report with recommendations, at the regular June 2011 meeting of the Board; and
  5. THAT the Windsor Public Library Board direct Administration to strike a committee comprised of Administration, Board members, City Representatives – and others as needed - to explore possible uses and re-purposing of the 850 Ouellette Avenue facility, including property appraisal and input from the real estate community; and
  6. THAT Windsor Public Library Administration implement a process to ensure staff and community are advised on a regular basis of the progress of the Downtown Aquatic Family Centre and Library Complex and a mechanism to be initiated to allow for community and staff input; and
  7. THAT Windsor Public Library Board create a Working Group to oversee all facets of the library re-location, with representation from the Board, Administration and others as required and report to the Board with updates and seek direction as necessary. CARRIED

(Councillor Hilary Payne – absent for vote; Lorena Shepley – abstained)


2011/48MOTION by A. Cameron, SECONDED by D. Timm to adjourn themeeting at 7:30p.m. CARRIED


