

Bridging the Gap - Past and Present Japanese Resources in the Digital Age

EAJRS Conference 2012

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Germany

19-22 September 2012

If you wish to attend the conference, please complete all sections of this application form and return it as attachment to BEFORE May 31, 2012.

Attendance (to be filled in by all participants)

I will attend the conference

I will present a paper / I will not* present a paper

*delete as appropriate

The conference fee of 30 Euro (unemployed/retired persons/students: 15 Euro) is to be paid in cash upon registration.

Information about the participant (to be filled in by all participants)

Surname and name
Email address

Information about the paper (to be filled in only if you present a paper)

Proposed title in English
Proposed title in Japanese
Language of the paper
I give permission to post the Power Point presentation and the images included in it on the webpage of the EAJRS ( YES / NO (delete as appropriate).
N.B.: The venue is equipped with computer (Only Windows! No Mac available!) with Power Point and internet connection, projector, OHP projector, sound. If you want to use a Macintosh file we strongly recommend to bring your own computer and adapter!

Abstract (please write in the box if possible both in English and in Japanese; max. 250 words each)

Activities (to be filled in by all participants)

·  Traditional dinner

The traditional dinner will be held at Alter Krug, Berlin/Dahlem on Thursday September 20, 2012, 19.00 h.

The cost of the menu will be €25 and will be paid individually.

I will attend / I will not attend the traditional dinner *

Menu: vegetarian / non-vegetarian *

*delete as appropriate

·  Visit to the collection of Japanese Art of the Museum of Asian Art in Berlin /Dahlem

Special visit guided by the curator Dr. Alexander Hofmann and his colleagues on Thursday September 20, 2012,

16.30-18.30 h (

I will attend / I will not attend the visit to the Museum of Asian Art *

*delete as appropriate

·  Visit to the Mori Ôgai Memorial Center

Special visit guided by the deputy head of the Centre, Beate Wonde, on Saturday 22 September 2012

Due to the restricted space within the Centre the number of participants is limited (participation will be decided on first apply, first accept principle)!

I will attend / I will not attend the visit to the Mori Ôgai Memorial Center *

*delete as appropriate

I would prefer group 1: 14.00 h – 15.00 h (max. 25 persons) *

I would prefer group 2: 15.30 h – 16.30 h (max. 25 persons) *

*delete as appropriate

Please note that we cannot guarantee the participation in the preferred group.

The notification about the group will be given at the registration.

Thank you for your kind cooperation! ご協力どうもありがとうございます!