NOTE: The content of this section is largely up to the discretion of each district. The purpose of Chapter 2 is to give an overview of your district. To assist you in thinking about what to include, the partially-completed content for the Ocosta School District has been provided. Please edit as you feel appropriate for your district.

2.1 District Location

The ABC School District is located on the Washington coast, with most of the District in Grays Harbor County. The southern portion of the District is in Pacific County.

Figure 2.1

ABC School District Map

You can either crop and paste the statewide district map provided in the OSPI Toolkit for District Mitigation Plans or insert a better map of your district, if you have one available.

The ABC School District includes the city of Westport and several unincorporated communities, including Cohasset Beach, Grayland, Markland, Ocosta and Tokeland. The total population within the district’s boundaries is approximately XXX. Insert the District’s population.

As shown in the Google Earth image in Figure 2.1 on the following page, the population within the ABC School District is located almost entirely along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and Grays Harbor (edit for your District).

Figure 2.2

ABC School District and Vicinity

It is recommended, but optional, that you add an aerial map of your school district here.

2.2 District Overview

Note: Please insert a brief (one to several paragraphs) history of your district. The history of your district may be helpful context for the reader.

Note: If the District has a “mission statement,” insert the mission statement here. Your district’s mission statement may be helpful context for the reader. See the mission statement example below. It is not necessary to create a mission statement if the district doesn’t have one.

The ABC School District’s mission statement is:

The mission of the ABC School District is to produce life-long learners who are confident, skilled, and healthy by educating them in a safe, nurturing, and challenging environment.

Insert basic information about the District in a table or narrative that includes the total number of students, teachers, teacher’s aides, other district staff, etc. Provide a breakout of the number of students by grade level: elementary, middle, and high school; include information about pre-school, after-school, day-care facilities, adult schools, or other special programs.

You can include data for each campus if desired, or provide summary data for the District as a whole.

Demographic data is often included in mitigation plans, especially in the context of evacuation planning and for communication, education, and outreach efforts. The data shown below are for Grays Harbor County, because census data are not compiled for the district’s specific boundaries. These data are approximately representative of those for the ABC School District.

Please note that the statement above pertaining to Grays Harbor County may or may not be true for your district. Even if it is not, you can still include the demographic data for your district in a similar format.

Table 2.1

Selected Demographic Data

Grays Harbor County

Additional information about the District is also helpful, such as more detailed data on ethnicity/languages spoken by the District’s families and also disability data. If you have this type of data available you can insert a table(s) that includes this type of information too.

Following is a list of additional online resources with demographic information to assist your planning effort:

Washington State Office of Financial Management (links to various data sources): http://www.ofm.wa.gov/localdata/default.asp

US Census (county specific data): http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/53/53031.html

Washington State Report Card (school district specific data): http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/Summary.aspx?year=2012-13

2.3 District Facilities

The ABC School District has XXX campuses and several other facilities including a district office building and …...

Insert a summary District Facilities Report Table from the OSPI ICOS PDM database.

In ICOS take the following steps to generate the table:

1) Click on the Report tab at the top of the screen

2) Click on District under the Report View header

3) Select the ABC District

4. Under Facility, Select All

5. Click on Run Report

6. Select desired format (Excel or Word or others)

7. Paste the table into the chapter. See the example that follows.

Table 2.x

District Facilities



Optional: If desired, insert other District information here as well, perhaps including:

·  campus photos,

·  a summary of ongoing modernization or remodeling programs,

·  a summary of seismic retrofits completed,

·  plans to replace an existing building or campus with a new building/campus,

·  a list of buildings of special historical significance, and

·  anything else the district deems relevant to mitigation planning.
