MSA Meeting Minutes


Mr. O’Brien opened the meeting with:

Site Based meetings with be going to virtual meetings because everyone’s lives are so busy. The group will consist of:

* Community member

* Students from each grade

*IFA member

* CSE member

* Administrator

* Tech teacher

* Parent

There have also been talks with the students about digital citizenship regarding social media

SGB has been talking about having stickers made to put on all computer in the school belonging to the students that remind the students about being appropriate while on the electronics. Each grade came up with a slogan for the stickers and there will be vote on which one to use.

6th SMART (social media and doing the right thing)

7th RESPECT(risk, etiquette, safety, privacy, electronic footprint, confidentiality, talk)

8th THINK think about what you post

Have account private (Know who you are talking to)

Important for everyone to be respectful

Never send anything you would not want your parents to see

Know once it is online, it is there forever

Regular citizenship has been lost – kids do not look people in the face (eye) when talking, they are not readily listening to conversations and they have lost the art of the hand shake

Daily Bulletin has been updated on the website so parents can see what announcements are going out to the students at the beginning and end of each day.

During the past summer, changes were made to the code of conduct reflecting social media aspects. Things were talked about with the school’s attorney reflecting who is responsible when students get involved in cyber bullying

Title One Funding can only be used for specific items. Our RTI programs are way ahead for several school districts. State testing (i.e. Ames Webb) will be completed on computers next year. Our kids have been prepared for this during this past series of testing.

Teacher rep – the school needs to find a teacher rep to come to the MSA meetings to be the liaison between the MSA and teachers

New business

Room Parent Report – all 5th grades have a room parent and they are working closely with each teacher

We talked about holiday parties as some teachers are not really wanting to do them. They will continue

Holiday Movie – we talked about this but it has been tabled for this year unless it is done in the auditorium with snacks in the cafeteria

Skating night – there will be a planned skating activity in January for grades 5 & 6 on one session and grades 7 & 8 in another. Date is in the process of being planned

Dance – there has been a lot of talk about doing another dance for the students at the school as they loved the welcome back dance in September. There will be another dance planned in the spring.

Upcoming events

Science Challenge 6th, 7th and 8th grades – Feb 15 3PM

Science Fair – 5th grade March 8 6:30

UB Bulls Basketball Game

We had a parent step up to take care of coordinating a trip to the UB Bulls Game. Each student and faculty member will get a free ticket when a family member buys one at a discounted rate. Date and games to be determined at a later date.

Fundraising –

Entertainment books – we are at $8,000 mark which is great. We still have books out and letters will go home in November

Square 1 Art – Wil be done for 5th grade only due to schedules

ICS magnets – we sold 32 magnets at homecoming and we will continue selling them at events

Boxtop – we submitted $224 in boxtops, next collection will be in Jan for submission by 3/1/18

Old Business –

Pumpkin Lighting – was very successful considering the rainy weather. Everyone loved the trunk or treat. Al activities will continue next year as they were done this year. We will need to find someone to step up and chair or co-chair the event Thank you to all the people who helped make this event so successful!

Other Business:

Mini grants – there were none submitted at this time

Safe Homes – no meetings were help so no reports