Activity 6

An exploration of the problem

Grade level: 6th grade

School subjects: science, English, mathematics

EE Objectives:

·  awareness,

·  knowledge,

·  skills.


·  Collect information on the field to better understand and define an environmental problem.

·  Interview a citizen.

·  Calculate averages.

Teaching strategies: experiential learning, inquiry

Duration: half a day

Required material: Annex A (observation sheet), Annex B, Annex C (questionnaire), posters for the data table, creative journal.


Before going out in the field:

·  Ask students: «What do you expect from your field trip? What are you going to observe on the field? What type of information are you going to collect?»

·  Give the observation sheet (Annex A) to the students. They should put the sheet in their journal. Explain the grid to them and revise the Elements to observe section. Students will have to write their observations in the section My observations.

·  Remind the observation site to students (Champlain St. Close to the Champlain-Acadie intersection) and divide them into teams of two.

During the field trip:

·  Question students while they observe the trafic problem. Their curiosity must be stimulated as well as their desire to do research.

After the field trip:

·  Share the new observations with the rest of the students.

·  Question students: What could you say about traffic in Dieppe? Were there elements that were difficult to observe? Which ones? Were there elements that were easy to observe? Which ones?

·  Ask students to share the data collected on the field. On a poster, represent the students’ data in a table (see example in Annex B).

·  Invite students to note their information and their opinions in regards to the trafic problem in their creative journal.

For activity 8:

·  Tell students that they will interview one member of their family, a friend or a neighbour to collect more information on the traffic problem in Dieppe. Distribute the questionnaire from Annex C to the students sot hey can put it in their journal. Read each question with them. Students must bring back the questionnaire filled out before doing activity 8.

Annex A

Observation sheet

(cut and place in your journal)

Date: Place:

Problem observed:

Elements to observe / My observations
How many cars are stopped at the lights?
How many trucks do you see?
How many buses went by?
How many people do you see walking?
Is the pedestrian crosswalk well indicated and visible?
How many people are riding their bicycles?
Are there lanes especially for bicycles?
What are the signs of air pollution?

Other observations

Annex B

Example of a data table

(enlarge on a poster)

Number of vehicles (average) / Number of trucks
(average) / Number of buses
(average) / Number of people walking
(average) / Number of people bicycling
Signs of air pollution
Other observations

Annex C

Interview with a citizen

(place in creative journal)

Hello. My name is . I’m a student at Anna-Malenfant school. I’m doing a research on air pollution and traffic in the city of Dieppe. I would like to ask you a few questions on this subject.

1.  How many vehicles (cars, trucks…) do you have?

None _ 1 2 3 or more

2.  (a) What type(s) of vehicle(s) do you have?

Car __

Truck ___

Motorcycle _

Van __

Sport utility vehicle (SUV) __


(b) For what reason(s) did you choose this (these) type(s) of vehicle(s)?

3.  (a) How do you get to work?

Car _

Motorcycle _


Bus _


Carpooling ___


(b) Why do you choose that means of transportation?

4.  How far is your home from the Dieppe’s downtown?

1km 2km 3km or more

5.  (a) Is there a bus stop close to your home?

(b) Do you use the bus as a means of transportation? If you do, how many times per week? Why?

(b) What do you think of the bus service in Dieppe?

6.  When do you travel by car (either as driver or passenger) ?

every day once a week

once a month other:

7.  According to you, what’s the most important source of air pollution in Dieppe?

8.  According to you, what are the effects of air pollution on health?

9.  Does the traffic problem in Dieppe worry you? If so, in what way? If not, why?


Thanks for your participation!