Dear All

We hope you all had a fantastic Summer and would also like to take this opportunity in welcoming our new families to Raynham Way Pre-School.

We have got a lot of events going on again this term and would ask that you look on our notice boards and website to ensure you do not miss out on any of the fun. Our website address is

AGM/parents visit

We would like to thank all the parents and carers that attended our AGM last Friday. For those of you who were unable to attend we have now elected our committee for this coming year. Being on the Committee is a great opportunity to meet new friends, share your ideas and help at our fun events. We look forward to having another successful year and obtaining equipment and carrying out activities for the children.

Named clothes

We are soon going to be entering that time of year where everybody will need a coat, scarf, hat, and wellington boots. Please can you ensure that all your child's belongings are named, as you can appreciate we have 34 children per session and some of which will come in with the same coats etc and this does not only cause confusion for the staff but upset for the children.

Halloween Party

Halloween tickets are now on sale for Saturday 31st October. There will be a disco, children’s entertainer, raffle and each family shall receive a large pizza to share. It is a great night and you can invite family and friends to join in the occasion. If you would like to donate a raffle prize these shall be greatly received.

Consultation Time 12th October – 23rd October 2015

We shall be inviting the parents who children have started Raynham Way Pre-School this September to come in for a consultation visit to find out how their child has settled into the pre-school.

The consultation shall involve talking about your child's progress and of course give you the opportunity to talk about any concerns you may have.

Your child’s key person shall be approaching you shortly to make a mutually convenient appointment.

For those children that were with the pre-school last year we shall be carrying out consultations after October half term.

Iced Biscuits12th October – 23rd October 2015

Your children would like to invite you to come into the pre-school and decorate a biscuit with them. Please place your name on the board outside next to the day and time when you child attends their session.

Individual Photographs 18TH November 2015

ABC photography is coming into pre-school on Wednesday 18th November at 9.00 am. If your child does not normally attend on a Wednesday morning and you would like them to have their photograph taken then please can your child attend at 9.00 am.

Thank you for all your support as always.

Kind regards

Zoe Hughes


Raynham Way Pre-School