Thrill Seekers (Family Activity; Appropriate for all ages)
This activity is to simulate some of the physics of a roller coaster. Mechanical, civil, and industrial engineers design roller coasters so that the energy of the roller coaster coming down from a high point can be used to make the coaster go through loops and up smaller hills. This activity requires multiple people to help make a roller coaster track with a plastic tube that will allow a gum ball to roll from the beginning to the end. It will take multiple tries to get the gumball to make it through the tube and it will be more difficult if the student is asked to make a loop.
Concepts: The energy built up (momentum) is what carries the marble through the system. This means that the gum ball must start high and have a steep drop off to generate enough momentum to carry it through the twists and turns.
ð If the ball has difficulty getting to the end then it may need more dropping time (increase in speed) before the first change in elevation.
ð An alternative to an increase in speed is to make the elevation change smaller or the loop smaller.
ð Technically the family can move the tube to get the gum ball through but this is somewhat cheating, but if they are having fun as a family then that is probably more important.
ð Helpers are to make sure that the students do not swing the tube. This could cause the gum ball to be shot out of the tube with great force.
ð The helpers will need to provide instructions to the group and suggestions like starting out and just seeing how fast the marble moves with different amounts of drop offs. After groups see this effect then they should try to make one loop and then maybe more loops and twists.
ð If they are doing well, encourage them to see how many loops that they can make work.
ð Encourage the parents to help but if the parents aren’t participating or if they are a single parent and need a little help then you can jump in there.
Suggestions on the Day of the Event
ð Try this activity out once before everyone gets there.
ð Assign rolls to each person helping. One person needs to explain and another person probably needs to be helping.