Felicia Arriaga

Department of Sociology

276Social Psychology Bldg. (828)-489-1760(cell)

Box 90088

Duke University

Durham, NC 27705

Professional Preparation

CurrentPh.D. Candidate in Sociology, Duke University

2015M.A. in Sociology, Duke University

The Browning of Threat: The “Unintended” Aftermath of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in a New Destination Community

2012B.A. with Honors in Sociology, Duke University

Honors Thesis: “Labels of ‘Acting White’ in Communities of Color”

Research and Teaching Interests

Race and Ethnic RelationsExperiential Learning

ImmigrationPopular Education


Academic Work History

2016Instructor, Voices in Public Policy: Latinxs in Politics, Spanish language conversational course developed for Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum Initiative

2015-2016Research Assistant for National Science Foundation grant-funded project, Science of Broadening Participation: Stratification in Academic Career Trajectories, advised by Dr. Roberta Spalter-Roth, Dr. Jean H. Shin, and Dr. Marie T. Mora

2015Instructor, Voices in Public Policy, Spanish language conversational course developed for Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum Initiative

2015Teaching Assistant for Dr. Hannah Gill’s (UNC-Chapel Hill) spring course Latin American Migrant Perspectives: Ethnography and Action

2014-2016Research Assistant, The Application Study, advised by Dr. Jessi Streib

2014-2015Teaching Assistant for Dr. Mary Hovsepian’s course Nations, Regions, and the Global Economy

2014-2015Research Assistant, Southern Immigration Laws, advised by Dr. Hana Brown at Wake Forest University and Dr. Jennifer A. Jones at Notre Dame

2014-2015Researcher, Southern Oral History Project: New Roots/Nuevas Raices, advised by Dr. Hannah Gill at UNC-Chapel Hill

2013-2015Research Assistant for Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva

Professional Presentations

2016American Sociological Association “National Security and/or Public Safety: Negotiations amongst Crimmigration Law Entities”

2016Duke University Higher Learning: Race in Post-Secondary Education Conference “A New Look at Race and Soft ‘skills’: Is it possible for employers to differentially hire on real differences in soft skills?”

2016Duke University High Learning: Race in Post-Secondary Education, session organizer “Latinx in Higher Education: Perspectives from the Nuevo/New South.”

2016Southern Sociological Society “Relationships between the public and Local Law Enforcement in 287(g) Counties in North Carolina”

2016Southern Sociological Society Mini Conference-Teaching Multiple Publics: “Incorporating Art into Lessons on Immigration, Race, and Development in the United States”

2016The Sociology of Education Association “Written Equally: How a College Degree Levels the Playing Field for Students from Different Class Backgrounds” with Dr. Jessi Streib, Carlos Tavares, and Emi Weed

2015Association of Black Sociologists “Science of Broadening Participation: Stratification in Academic Career Trajectories” with Dr. Roberta Spalter-Roth, Dr. Jean Shin, and Jessica Emami

2015Blurring the Border: Deporting Denizens in the 21st Century “The Browning of Criminality in Traffic Stops”

2015Wake Forest University’s Latino Awareness Week guest speaker “The Browning of Criminalization”

2015Southern Sociological Society “Getting a Foot in the Door: Inequality in College Seniors’ Job Applications” with Dr. Jessi Streib, Emi-lou Weed, and Carlos Tevares

2015Southern Sociological Society “Gendering Crimmigration Studies in a North Carolina Context”

2014Southern Sociological Society “Hispanic Threat and Local Law Enforcement”

2013First Year Statistics Presentations “Wage Inequality for Low-Income Workers”

2013First Year Presentations “What is Race? A Bottom Up Approach”

2013NC Faith and Immigration SummitWho is Involved in the Modern Immigrant Rights Movement in NC?

Peer-Reviewed Papers

2016“287(g) Programs in North Carolina,” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. (Invited to Resubmit)

2016“Understanding Crimmigration:Implications for all Racial and Ethnic Minorities” Sociology Compass. (Forthcoming)

2016“Teaching and Learning Guide: Understanding Crimmigration: Implications for all Racial and Ethnic Minorities,” Sociology Compass. (Forthcoming)

Non Peer-Reviewed Works

2016“Teaching Note: Incorporating Art into Lessons on Immigration, Race, and Development in the United States.” The Southern Sociologist 48(1).

Papers in Progress

2016“Passing Crimmigration Reform: Challenges in Solidarity” Charting the Demographic Turn: Framing the Future of Latinos in the United States. (Invited to submit book chapter)

2016“What is to be done by Latinos (And what is being done)?” Latinos in the United States: Racialization, Discrimination and Resistance. (Invited to submit book chapter with Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva)

2016“Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors—Social Construction of Childhood” –with Emily Ruehs (UIC)

2016“The Browning of Threat”: Relational Race-making in the Post-9/11 period—with Atiya Husain

2016“National Security and/or Public Safety: Negotiations amongst Crimmigration Law Entities”

2016“Gendering Crimmigration Studies in a North Carolina Context”

2016“Cultural Reproduction or Cultural Mobility?”—with Dr. Jessi Streib, Emi-Lou Weed, and Carlos Tevares; Duke University

2016“Mobilizing Minority Identities”—with Dr. Jessi Streib, Emi-Lou Weed, and Carlos Tevares; Duke University

2016“Who Knows Best: Middle Class Teachers as Cultural Mentors”—with Dr. Jessi Streib, Emi-Lou Weed, and Carlos Tevares; Duke University

Leadership & Professional Activities

2016-2017Franklin Humanities Institute PhD Lab Scholar

2015-2016Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum Advisory Board

2015Raleigh Emergency Meetings on Policing, Research Assistant/Advisor for Immigration Components

2015-2016ETR Services, LLC, Research Associate

A person holding this position participates in the design of research instruments, conducts literature searches and literature reviews, assists with data collection through surveys, site visits or interviews, performs analyses of data, and contributes to report writing.

2013-2016Race Workshop Coordinator,current lead coordinator and representative for Dean’s Council of Presidents and Diversity and Inclusion Amongst Graduate Students (DIGS)

Graduate student led interdisciplinary workshop that brings in scholars who focus on race and creates professional development opportunities. Management of 10-15 coordinators in tasks including workshop advertisement, speaker request, funding requests, and professional development events.

2014-2016Certificate in College Teaching

Courses: Teaching Race, Teaching Gender (Spring 2016), Teaching Fundamentals (Spring 2016)

2014-2015Duke University Service-Learning Faculty Fellow Program

A learning community in which new and experienced service-learning practitioners deepen their knowledge, practice, partnerships, and sense of community through a series of interactive workshops, speakers, and experiences that present current research and best practices for community-engaged pedagogy.

Professional Associations

Southern Sociological Society

Association of Black Sociologists

Association for Humanist Sociology

American Sociological Association

  • Section of Racial and Ethnic Minorities
  • International Migration Section
  • Latino/a Sociology Section
  • Crime, Law and Deviance Section
  • Peace, War, and Conflict Free Section


Sociological Inquiry

Humanity and Society

Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship Reviewer for 2014 and 2015


2016SAGE Teaching Innovations & Professional Development Award—Pre conference Workshop, “The Relevant Syllabus”

2015-2016Duke Graduate School Domestic Travel Funding for Dissertation Research

2013-2016Duke Graduate School Summer Funding

Civic Engagement

2016Ignite NC Action Fund, Board Co-chair

A political organization seeking to build power with young people, especially the working class, women, LGBTQ, and people of color.

2016Durham City Council Human Relations Committee, Appointed Member

2015-2016Student Action with Farmworkers,Board Member

Student Action with Farmworkers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to bring students and farmworkers together to learn about each other’s lives, share resources and skills, improve conditions for farmworkers, and build diverse coalitions working for social change. Current member of strategic planning team.

2014-2016Durham Solidarity Center, Advisory Board Member

The DurhamSolidarityCenteris shared office, resource, and work space that seeks to support grassroots social justice efforts in the Triangle. Located in the Hayti Heritage Center in the Fayetteville Street corridor of Durham, theSolidarity Centeris entirely supported by individual monthly contributions. It is run and supported by volunteers.

2015-2016The Latino Migration Project at UNC-Chapel Hill, Alumni Leadership Committee Founding Member

The Latino MigrationProjectis an education and research program dedicated to improving public understanding about the impact and implications of the expanding Latin American presence in North Carolina and the Southeastern United States.

2015-2016Triangle for Latino Student Success Council, Co-Chair

TLSS has developed partnerships with multiple sectors through its leadership council, including policymakers, business & workforce, and higher education. This has led to two of the community colleges in the target area initiating 1st year Latino cohort support programs on their campuses.

2013-2015Adelante Education Coalition

2013 summer intern and Solidaridad Intern with Student Action with Farmworkers. Coordinated Undocugraduation for undocumented students to have a mock graduation and lobbying day at the North Carolina General Assembly in the summer of 2014. Provided financial aid workshops (including options for undocumented students) for the past two years at Soy un Lider conference in Greensboro, NC. Assisted with various activities related to in-state tuition efforts as well as employer-sponsorship information for DACAmented students.

2011-2015Triangle for Latino Student Success Council, Student Representative

Multi-sector council developed to focus on factors that contribute to Latino Students Success in three focus programs in Durham, Johnston, and Wake Counties.

Community Presentations

2016Creando Poder y Liderazgo Entre Las Mujeres, Rompiendo Desigualdades Western North Carolina Worker’s Center—Women’s Event

2016Youth Organizing Institute Summer Freedom School (Raleigh and Durham tracks): Campaigns 101

2015Soy un Lider conference: financial aid workshop

2015Faith & Immigration Statewide Summit, NC

2015Invited Presenter: Duke University panel Real Talk: The Unintended Consequences of Service and Travel

2014Soy un Lider conference: financial aid workshop

2014Invited Presenter: Duke University Class Introduction of Cultural Studies

2014Duke University Center for Multicultural Affairs Hispanic Heritage Month Down to Earth Speaker

2014Colleges Access Day Guest Panelist for Henderson County ESOL students

2014Invited Presenter: Duke University Class Issues of Education & Immigration

2013NC Governor’s School East: Social Science Presentation

Access to Education & Farmworker Youth

2013College Access Day Keynote Speaker for Henderson County ESOL students

Find Your Voice. Take a Stand. Make a Difference.

2013Faith & Immigration Statewide Summit, NC

Access to Education & Farmworker Youth

2013Teach for America: Eastern North Carolina Teaching & Learning Summit

Working with Latino Youth


Working knowledge of SAS, SPSS, STATA, NVivo, Wordpress, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint

Intermediate Spanish (written and oral)


Dr. Eduardo Bonilla-Silva: Professor of Sociology, Duke University

, (919) 660-5607

Department of Sociology

268i Soc/Psych

Box 90088

Durham, NC 27708

Dr. Amada Armenta: Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania

, (215) 898-9980

Department of Sociology

228 McNeil Building

3718 Locust Walk

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Dr. Jessi Streib: Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology

Duke University

Box 90088

Durham, NC 27708-0088

Dr. Martin Ruef: Jack and Pamela Egan Professor of Entrepreneurship

, (919) 660-5792

Department of Sociology

Duke University

344 Soc/Psych Bldg.

Box 90088

Durham, NC 27708

Dr. Mary Hovsepian: Visiting Associate Professor, Duke University

, (919) 660-5612

253 Soc/Psych

Box 90088

Durham, NC 27708

Dr. Hannah Gill: Assistant Director, The Latino Migration Project

, (919) 962-5453

The Latino Migration Project

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

3205 Fed Ex Global Education Center

301 Pittsboro Street, Campus Box #3205

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3205