Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 24th September 2012 at 7.30 pm

At Christopher Whitehead Language College, Worcester

Present: All teams were represented with the exception of the following who would be fined for non-attendance:- Tarmac (Apologies); Synergy (Apologies), Alfabet Stars (Apologies) Carolians, Grove Ladies, Headliners, Malvern Springs, Sparkys, Starlight, Vixens


Catherine welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded everyone to ensure they had signed in and collected their free gift of a match netball and pump.


Advanced apologies received from: Tarmac; Synergy; Alfabet Stars


The minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting together with reports had been circulated to all teams with the agenda. It was proposed by Kay Yates and seconded by Deb Clack and unanimously agreed that the reports should be adopted and signed by the Chairperson as a true record of that meeting.


"Welcome to this years AGM/Presentation 2011/2012. Congratulations to all the winners and runners up in all divisions throughout the year.

The winter indoor league once again is very popular with teams. We are again running leagues over four nights this season to accommodate the amount of teams entering. Stuart Vernalls Memorial tournament was again well supported and many thanks to everyone who organised the event.

I would like to thank all committee members for all their hard work throughout the year.

Special thanks to Dawn and Catherine once again for preparing the food for this evening.

We have several vacancies on the committee which we need volunteers from the floor to fill as without new members it makes our job much more time consuming having to double up on several different roles. We have meetings once every 6 weeks on a Tuesday and they last roughly about 1/2 hours. Please give this some consideration and come forward to help because without a committee there would be no Netball league.

Thank you".

5. CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT – Catherine Mullen

"Good evening and welcome to Worcester City Netball League’s A.G. M. Thank you for representing your clubs. Please ensure that you have signed in and received your gifts.

At the end of tonight’s A.G.M. we will present this season’s trophies. Refreshments will be on offer prior to the presentations.

Firstly I would like to thank the committee; without whom your league could not run.

This year our league has run 2 competitions, Winter and summer league. Both leagues remain popular and the winter continues to grow and the demand for venues increases. We are hoping to use the new Worcester Arena when it opens next year.

We have invested in our umpires this year with all umpires attending the forums receiving a new rule book. We continue to struggle with umpiring courses and I know this is going to be a focus for our umpiring secretary this year. We also had a rule change midyear and thank you to all who responded. Teams must adhere to the rules regarding umpires and I must remind teams generally that they cannot agree between them to disregard any rule.

We have also invested in our website which has been updated.

You will see that for the second year running we have a healthy bank balance, we plan to allow all teams' free entry into the summer league 2013 if they entered this year. This will give back over £2,000 to teams.

This year we say goodbye to Tina Wibberley who has served on the committee for a number of years now which has been her second stint as a committee member. We are also saying goodbye to Anne Lazenby who has been our IT officer, she has taken the website through a transition phase this year and is now ready to hand over the reins. Sharon Harding has also stepped down as a co-opted member. We thank them all for their commitment to the league.

So this year the vacancies on the committee are Treasurer, Press Officer, IT officer and up to 4 co-opted positions. We welcome new faces and really would love new members of the committee. Since the paperwork has gone out we have received nominations for Treasurer and IT officer but I must ask if any of you are interested in these positions or any of the other roles. If you would like more information please catch me at the end.

We also have a disciplinary committee which we again did not have to use this year consisting of Janet Chappel, Pat Butson and Rachel Usher who are all happy to re-stand again this year.

The tournament this year organized by Dawn Wallis was extremely well supported with 26 teams entering. With Dawn timing games like a rod of iron she ensures that it again ran to time, this was by far the best turnout for a number of years. Thank you to all involved.

Finally I must thank Bev Weaver our A.G. M. secretary for the thorough preparations for tonight and all the other committee members who have contributed to organising this evening. I hope you enjoy the food.

Good luck to you all in your future netball endeavours".

6.  TREASURER’S REPORT – Catherine Mullen

Appendix 1 – Report for 2011/12

Report distributed to attendees at the meeting.

Catherine again confirmed that some of the £9,000 balance will be used to offset next year's summer fees. Also explained that the balance will be required to pay some of the winter indoor court fees of which we already have demands for from the venues in excess of £18,000. Therefore, it is likely and necessary to have a large balance available to settle these charges until the income comes in from the teams. Invoices will be submitted to those teams this evening where half the fees are payable by the end of October 2012.

No other queries raised on the accounts for 2011/12.


Proposed amendments by the Committee had been circulated to all teams prior to the meeting. No questions or amendments had been received by the due date therefore the proposed amendments to rules 1 and 7 were approved.


Proposed amendments by the Committee had been circulated to all teams prior to the meeting. No questions or amendments had been received by the due date and therefore the proposed amendments to rules 5; 7; 7.1; 7.1.1; 7.2; 7.9; 12; 15 and 22 were approved.


Notification of vacancies for officers had been circulated to teams with the agenda with the following results:

Catherine went through the list of officers and identified them to all attendees.

Treasurer: Hayley Dolphin – nominated: Sarah Edwards; seconded: Sue Maund. No objections and no other nominations received from floor, therefore this nomination stands.

Assistant Treasurer: No nominations

IT Officer: Claire Palmer – nominated: Sarahann Holmes; seconded: Dawn Wallis. No objections and no other nominations received from the floor, therefore this nomination stands.

Press Officer: No nominations.

Disciplinary committee will consist of current Chairperson and Secretary of WCNL with the additions of Janet Chappel, Pat Butson and Rachel Usher who are all still happy to stand.


Affiliations 2012/13 – Karen Moore

Teams logging in to Mynet, for this first year have encountered significant problems. Karen compiling a list of issues to send to England Netball and would appreciate any constructive feedback from individuals or teams (good and bad) so she can highlight them all in her correspondence. It has been very frustrating for all concerned, particularly as Worcestershire is one of first Counties to affiliate as our winter season starts so early compared to other Counties.

Please pass this information on to your secretaries so they can give their feedback to Karen to ensure we include everyone's comments in the correspondence.



The presentation of trophies was made by Wendy Beasley for the Winners, Runners Up and Player of Season for the following seasons: Summer 2012, Winter Indoor 2011/12. The results were:

Division: / Winners: / Runner Up: / Player of Season:
Div 1 winter indoor / Redditch / Evesham Red / L Jones (Peacocks)
Div 2 winter indoor / WCNC Diamonds / Worcester Cougars / H Calvert (Synergy)
K Rodgman (Worc Cougars)
Div 3 winter indoor / Saracen Cygnets / Taureans / J Massey (Teme Valley)
I Branson (WCNC Emeralds)
Div 4 winter indoor / Bailey Belles / Smart Cut Zed / T Teague (WCNC Jewels)
Div 5 winter indoor / Corolians / Comets Red / H Belcher (Scaiff 7)
Prem Summer 2012 / Redditch / Saracen Crusaders / K Rodgman (Worc Cougars)
Div 1 Summer 2012 / WCNC Diamonds / Saracen Kings / Z Heaton (Comets Gold)
Div 2 Summer 2012 / Bromsgrove Cannons / Synergy / B Adams (Old Broms Canons)
Div 3 Summer 2012 / Bailey Belles / Saracen Colts / R Jarvis (Malvern Springs Jets)
Div 4 Summer 2012 / WCNC Sapphires / Teme Valley / G Derbyshire (WCNC Sapphires)
J Massey (Teme Valley)
Div 5 Summer 2012 / Starlight / Raggydolls / J Pearson (Raggydolls)

13.  CLOSE OF MEETING at 20:15hrs


Post meeting election of officers:

The following members volunteered their services for the vacancies below after the close of the meeting:

Press Officer – Justine Turberfield

Co-optees – Wendy Beasley and Jayne Bishop

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