Berwick Area Sr. H. S. Band - Second Semester Help Form

Dear Band Parent(s);

In order for the Berwick Band to have another successful year, people are needed to help behind the scenes. The various committee chairpersons of the Berwick Band Boosters are now in the process of soliciting help to accomplish those tasks for the 2013-2014 school year. Below, you will find a list of activities that need participants. We are encouraging you to volunteer for any of these tasks you feel best compliments your time and talents. Please mark the area(s) that you could assist. Return the form below with your band/guard member(s) by Friday, December 20th, 2013. Thank You

The Berwick Band Boosters


I can volunteer to help with the following activities:

_____ Clean up day at the stadium to prepare for the fall season

_____ Collect uniforms after return from spring trip

Home Winter Athletics

_____ Ticket Taker *

_____ Usher *

_____ Work at the Little League food stand. (Select weeks in April, May and June) **

Fund raising

_____ Organize an event **

_____ Assist with sorting of sale items **

_____ Serve on special events committees (District Band, Odyssey of the Mind Concession Stand,

Senior Dinner, etc....)

Sometimes we are in need of special skills such as electricians, carpenters, plumbers, mechanics, medical personnel, etc.... If you have any special skills and wouldn’t mind helping when needed, please indicate the skill.


Please Print

Student Name ______

Student Email Address______Student Cell Phone Number ______

Parent 1 Name ______Parent 1 Cell Phone Numbers ______

Parent 2 Name ______Parent 2 Cell Phone Numbers ______

Home Phone Number ______Parent Email Address ______

Do you want your email put on group mailing list for Booster meeting minutes and other informational emails? Y or N

* Receive income from athletic department for our services

** Income generated supports the budget of the Band Booster program and minimizes student fund raisers