The regular meeting of the Boyle County Fiscal Court was held on the 28th day of April, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. Members present at the meeting were:

Patty Burke

John Caywood

Donnie Coffman

Jack Hendricks

Dickie Mayes

Phil Sammons, Judge Pro Tem

Others present at the meeting were: County Attorney Richard Campbell, County Clerk Trille Bottom, County Treasurer Mary Conley,Public Works Director Duane Campbell,Jailer Barry Harmon, EMS Director Brad Ellis,Assistant EMS Director Malcolm Miller, Building Inspector Rusty Cox, Shannon Greene, Jacob Pankey, Brian Wofford, Deputy Derek Robbins, Jacob carpenter, Mary Beth Touchstone, Alane Mills, Chris Bowling, Ron Pemberton, Jody Lassiter, Beth Goode, Greg Copley, Lyndsey Carpenter, Mark Franklin, Matt Callahan and Todd Kleffman.

Judge Pro Tem Sammons called the meeting to order. Magistrate Coffman gave the invocation.

County Clerk Bottom called the roll of Magistrates. A quorum was present.

Jacob Carpenter,a student from Jennie Rogers Elementary, led the Court in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the pledge, Judge Pro Tem Sammons made the motion to bestow the title of Honorary Magistrate upon Mr. Carpenter. Magistrate Coffmanseconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

There were no minutes presented at this meeting for approval.

Mark Franklin, with Stoll, Keenon & Ogden, presented the engagement letter and bond counsel agreement to the Court for approval. Mr. Franklin will serve as the bond counsel for the issuance of $2,940,000.00 in General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the bond counsel agreement. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Mark Franklin presented the resolution pertaining to the financing of the Courthouse energy efficient improvements project. The project will be financed with the issuance of bonds in the amount of $2,940,000.00. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the resolution. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Resolution will be recorded in Resolution Book 2, page 519 in the County Clerk’s Office.

Chris Bowling, with Civic Finance Advisors, LLC presented the paying agent bank proposals to the Court for approval. Three proposals were received with Huntington Bank submitting the lowest fee of $4,500.00. Mr. Bowling recommended that Huntington Bank be approved as the paying agent regarding investment of construction funds and paying the contractor on a monthly basis. He also submitted the financing schedule for the energy conservation project. There will be no public hearing required for the bond issue and bonds should be available by June 30, 2015.

Mary Beth Touchstone, with the Community Arts Center, gave the Court a fiscal overview of events. There were 333 artists exhibiting at the Center last year. Numerous children, students and adults were served through lessons, camps and an array of art related programs.

Alane Mills, Community Education Director, discussed the program with the Court. She presented I-pads to all the Court members to follow along with the power point presentation. The mission of Community Education is to help meet the educational needs of the Boyle County community. She discussed the 2015-16 fiscal year priorities and projected financial information. The Court received handouts in addition to the power point.

Matt Callahan, with the Perfection Group, presented the Energy Services Agreement to the Court for approval. County Attorney Campbell advised the Court that he had reviewed the agreement and with the correction of some typographical errors, the Agreement is ready for approval. The contract amount is $2,843,549.00 with a fifteen percent (15%) mobilization fee as the initial payment. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the Agreement. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Judge Pro Tem Sammons presented the recommendation from the Ethics Commission for a vacancy. Ron Pemberton was recommended as the replacement for Christy Baldwin as the Junction City board member. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to approve the recommendation. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. Mr. Pemberton’s term ends June 30, 2017.

County Attorney Richard Campbell presented the Ordinance granting a 0.375% wage assessment to Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems. The wage assessment shall exist for fifteen (15) years and not exceed $150,000.00. The Company will employ at least forty-five (45) and up to sixty-six (66) employees during the first 15 years. The job performance verification is included in Section 2, paragraph (d) of the Ordinance. The Court heard first reading of the Ordinance. Magistrate Caywood questioned how the employee count would be monitored. EDP Director Jody Lassiter stated that his advice would be to conduct an employee census bi-annually. Mr. Campbell suggested that a job verification report be given by the EDP at the second meeting in July. He further advised that the County or EDP do not want to overlap with the State’s verification process. It would be better to follow the State’s verification and reconcile from it. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the first reading of the ordinance with the changes regarding the job verification reporting. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Judge Pro Tem Sammons presented the Bluegrass Area Development District and Boyle County E911 mapping agreement for approval. The agreement renews every three years and is the same as the last agreement. The technical support rate is not to exceed $8,500.00 in the three year period. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the agreement. Magistrate Coffman seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. The Agreement will be on file in the County Judge Executive’s Office.

The Boyle County Sheriff’s first quarter report was submitted to the Court. The Court acknowledged receipt of the report.

Judge Pro Tem Sammons presented training incentives for Magistrate Burke, Magistrate Mayes and Judge McKinney. The 2015 incentive payment is in the amount of $3,941.00. Magistrate Coffman made the motion to approve the training incentive payments. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

County Treasurer Mary Conley discussed the 2015-2016 Fiscal Court budget with the Court. The total budget showed an increase of only five-tenths percent. The most significant decline n was the road fund due to the reduction of state funding for roads and bridges. There was an overall decrease in retirement rates but an overall increase in social security/medicare tax for employer and employee portions. Effective January 1, 2016, the social security/medicare tax will no longer be subject to retirement deductions. Appropriations remain the same as last year. Mrs. Conley would like to see improvements to the Courthouse facility such as new carpeting.

Magistrate Mayes made the motion to postpone the personnel committee meeting report until the next meeting. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Magistrate Mayes gave the finance/insurance committee update to the Court. Magistrate Mayes made the motion to approve the report. Magistrate Burke seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Magistrate Caywood gave the EMS committee report to the Court. There will be a new ambulance arriving in May. They are currently short one paramedic. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the report. Judge Pro Tem Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Assistant EMS Director Malcolm Miller requested approval from the Court to authorize payment of the emergency truck upon arrival. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to authorize payment of the ambulance in the amount of $132,527.00 upon delivery. Magistrate Caywood seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Magistrate Caywood gave the Sheriff’s committee report to the Court. The committee has suggested that two new cruisers be purchased every year with extended warranty. Also, quality cameras should be in all cruisers. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the report. Judge Pro Tem Sammons seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

Chief Deputy Derek Robbins informed the Court that there were currently three vehicles not operable.

Jailer Barry Harmon discussed the joint jail budget with the Court. New equipment items include Cell Sense, an electronic scan for contraband and six new chairs for workstations. He provided detailed information regarding each line item for revenue and expenses. Jailer Harmon also discussed the Boyle County Jail budget. New expenses include a van, van cell (metal cage) and a camera /DVR. The number of jail employees set for 2015/2016 is 41. This includes 40 full time employees and 1 part time employee. Magistrate Hendricks made the motion to approve the number of jail employees. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.

County Treasurer Mary Conley requested a transfer in the amount of $1,250.00to the Coroner’s Training line item for conference. Magistrate Caywood made the motion to approve the transfer. Magistrate Hendricks seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor. .

Magistrate Coffman made the motion to pay the bills, make the transfers including $100,000.00 to EMS and adjourn. Magistrate Mayes seconded the motion. The motion passed with all members voting in favor.


Phil Sammons

Judge Pro Tem