1.1National Performance Framework to achieve a Global ATM System

1.1.1The national Planning Process[1]:

  • ICAO has been addressing the planning strategy at the global and regional levels, leaving the responsibility forundertaking the task of structuring national plans to Contracting States. There is a need for integration andrationalization to ensure harmonization of national planning with planning at other levels. A national plan is required toimprove the overall efficiency and capacity of the State airspace infrastructure and to address the requirements arisingout of the growth in both international and domestic air traffic. National planning, which is formulated by each State,should be in accordance with regional requirements and implementation guidelines. It requires ongoing interaction withadjacent States, the regional planning group, and sub-regional groups to ensure harmonization and interoperability. ThisGlobal Plan will therefore assist States in developing their national plans. The national plan document, so structured, willdirect the national work programme for a progressive, cooperative and cost-effective implementation.
  • As the formulation of regional, sub-regional and national plans for CNS/ATM systems is progressively gainingmaturity and States and aircraft operators are investing in the enabling technologies to gain early benefits, there is aneed to address further steps to face the challenge of integration, interoperability and harmonization of the systems andprocedures. To support this process, the current regional mechanism has been enlarged so as to include interregionalcoordination processes such as meetings of ICAO’s Regional Directors and specifically focused meetings ofneighbouring States of two or more regions. This type of coordination process results in implementation of systems andprocedures through homogeneous ATM areas and major traffic flows covering several regions. This type of coordinationwill become more critical when planning for implementation of the global plan initiatives described in Chapter 1 of theGlobal Plan. ICAO will support and further develop the mechanisms and support structure to ensure interregionalcooperation and coordination.
  • The APANPIRG/19 (1-5 September 2008) agreed (Conclusion 19/1 refers) to adopt regional performance framework and will identify the individual parties responsible for achieving the regional performance objectives and establish a monitoring mechanism. Furthermore, APANPIRG/19 invited (Conclusion 19/2 refers) States to adopt a national performance framework on the basis of ICAO guidance material and aligned with the regional performance objectives, the regional air navigation plan and the Global ATM Operational Concept. The performance framework should include identification of national performance objectives taking into consideration user expectations (to be mapped against current work) and completion of national performance framework forms.

1.1.2Planned Role of ICAO Technical Cooperation[2]:

  • Since ICAO’s most prominent goal is to provide its Contracting States with assistance in the implementation ofSARPs worldwide, the ICAO Technical Co-operation Programme will continue to associate itself with as manyCNS/ATM-related civil aviation development efforts as possible, in the ultimate interest of States. As such, it willcontinue to contribute to ensuring harmonized and technically acceptable implementation. Financing of a healthy,relevant and effective ICAO Technical Co-operation Programme, particularly for CNS/ATM is, therefore, in the interest ofall ICAO Contracting States, inasmuch as harmonized and SARPs-compliant CNS/ATM implementation results insubstantially enhanced safety and efficiency of civil aviation worldwide, eventually bringing multi-billion dollar savings toservice providers, industry and users.

1.2ATS and Aerodrome Safety Management Systems and State Safety Plan

1.2.1Aerodrome Safety Management and State Safety Plan[3]

  • States shall establish a safety programme in order to achieve an acceptable level of safety in aerodrome operations”
  • The acceptable level(s) of safety to be achieved shall be established by the State(s) concerned.
  • States shall require, as part of their safety programme, that a certified aerodrome operator implements a safety management system acceptable to the State that, as a minimum:

a)identifies safety hazards;

b)ensures that remedial action necessary to maintain an acceptable level of safety is implemented;

c)provides for continuous monitoring and regular assessment of the safety level achieved; and

d)aims to make continuous improvement to the overall level of safety.

  • A safety management system shall clearly define lines of safety accountability throughout a certified aerodrome operator, including a direct accountability for safety on the part of senior management.

1.2.2ATS Safety Management[4]

  • States shall implement systematic and appropriate ATS safety management programmes to ensure that safety is maintained in the provision of ATS within airspaces and at aerodromes.
  • As of 27 November 2003, the acceptable level of safety and safety objectives applicable to the provision of ATS within airspaces and at aerodromes shall be established by the State or States concerned. When applicable, safety levels and safety objectives shall be established on the basis of regional air navigation agreements.

1.3AIS Quality Assurance

1.4.1As established in ICAO Annex 15, each contracting State shall take the necessary measures to establish a duly organised quality system containing the necessary procedures, processes and resources for the implementation of quality management at each stage of the production and distribution of the integrated aeronautical information package.The implementation of quality management should be demonstrable at every functional stage, when so required. The quality system could be established in keeping with ISO 9000 quality assurance standards, and certified by a recognised organisation.

1.4MET Quality Assurance

1.4.1ICAO Annex 3- Section 2.2 requires establishment of a properly organized quality system comprised of procedures and resources necessary to provide for the quality of management of meteorological information supplied for international air navigation (MET). The quality system could be established in keeping with ISO 9000 quality assurance standards, and certified by a recognised organisation.

1.5 APANPIRG Identified Specific ANS Deficiencies in States

1.5.1One of the main objectives of the APANPIRG is to identify and address specific deficiencies in the air navigation field (ATM, CNS, MET and AOP). To meet these objectives the Group shall:

  • in line with the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), facilitate the conduct of any necessary systems performance monitoring, identify specific deficiencies in the air navigation field, especially in the context of safety, and propose corrective action;
  • facilitate the development and implementation of action plans by States to resolve identified deficiencies, where necessary.

1.5.2APANPIRG has defined deficiency as:

“A situation where a facility, service or procedure does not comply with a regional air navigation plan approved by the Council, or with related ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs), and which situation has a negative impact on the safety, regularity and/or efficiency of international civil aviation.”

(Adopted by ICAO Council 30 November 2001)

1.5.3APANPIRG Deficiencies Database:

In order to ensure transparency and facilitate resolution of deficiencies, APANPIRG/17 recommended in August 2006 that ICAO Regional Office establishes a regional on-line database of air navigation deficiencies and provide secure access to States’ Administrations and other users concerned. ICAO Regional Office regularly updates the database

Appendix 1 to this proposal gives information on the deficiencies and status as per the database in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Nepal

1.5.4Role of ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau:

APANPIG/18 recommended and Air Navigation Commission endorsed the following:

  • States to consider utilizing the services of the ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau for rectification of the deficiencies identified and
  • States, financial institutions, industry and other partners be requested to provide funding support or kind to technical cooperation projects developed to rectify deficiencies identified.


The expanded services to be provided by the COSCAP-SA Programme are divided into two categories: “Core Services”[5] covering tasks to be undertaken for the common benefit of all COSCAP-SEAStates and “Services at Request[6]” covering tasks for the benefit of a MemberState on “as required” basis.

2.1Core Services

(i)Assistance in addressing selected ATM deficiencies in theAPANPIRG lists shown shaded grey in Column (5) ofAppendix 1.

(ii)Two (2) training Workshops on Implementation of National Performance Framework for planning and implementation of air navigation systems, with the main objective of imparting skills to understand the planning process, establishing national performance objectives, carrying out gap analysis, defining operational improvements and determining the relevant projects for implementation.

The workshops would provide the participants with hands-on exercise in addition to discussions on related issues such as planning mechanisms, technical/operational options and economic analysis. The workshops would assist those States with the development of their respective performance based national plans for air navigation systems in harmony with the regional air navigation plans.

(For CAAs and ATS Providers)[7]

(iii)One (1) training Workshops on the subject of Planning and Implementation of AIS Quality Assurance System (For CAAs, ATS Providers and Aerodrome Operators).

(iv)One (1) training Workshops on the subject of Planning and Implementation of MET Quality Assurance System (For CAAs, MET Service Providers and Aerodrome Operators).

(v)Two (2) Training Workshops on the subjects of State Safety Plan and Safety Management Systems, with particular stress on Aerodrome Safety and ATS/ MET Safety. (For CAAs, ATS Providers and Aerodrome Operators).

2.2Services at Request

(i)Assistance to CAAs/ ATS providers in the development of State’s performance based national plans in harmony with the regional air navigation plan.

(ii)Assistance to CAAs and/or ATS/ MET Service Providers in addressing the APANPIRG identified deficiencies shown in bold fonts in Appendix 1.

(iii)Assistance to CAAs and/or ATS/MET/Aerodrome Serviceproviders in formulation of Corrective Action Plan(CAP) for removal of deficiencies observed in ICAO USOAP audits.

(iv)Assistance to CAAs and/or ATS/MET/Aerodrome Service providers in the implementation of Corrective Action Plan(CAP) for removal of deficiencies observed in ICAO USOAP audits

(v)Assistance to Aerodrome Operators in the development of Aerodrome Safety Management Systems.

(vi)Assistance to ATS Services Providers in the development of ATS Safety Management Systems

(vii)Assistance to States in the development of the ANS part of their State Safety Programme,or,in the development of comprehensive State Safety Programme covering all services.(For CAAs)


3.1Core Services

3.1.1The training workshops will be conducted by the Subject Matter technical specialists in ICAO Air Navigation Bureau with the cooperation of experts from organizations such as US FAA, EC etc andas required, with the assistance of the ICAO Regional Office.

3.1.2The core services identified in Appendix 1 will be carried out by the Regional ATS Expert alreadyavailable in the Programme establishment.

3.2 Services at Request

3.2.1For assistance to the Aerodrome/ ATS Service Providers in the development of the respective Safety Management Systems ICAO will assign internationally selected companies experienced in these tasks.

3.2.2For other services ICAO will assign internationally recruited expert(s).

3.2.3Where practicable, service will be provided by experts on loan from other COSCAPs in the Asia and Pacific regions and similar ICAO cooperative programmes such as Civil Aviation Security Programme (CASP) and Cooperative Agreement for Enhancement of the Meteorological Service for Aviation in the South Pacific (CAEMSA- SP)

3.3 Administrative Support

Services of one (1) Programme Implementation Assistant are proposed.

4.Expanded Programme Funding

4.1 Core Services Funding[8]

The core services listed in paragraph 2.1 above shall be funded primarily by the Member States through annual contributions in accordance with a cost-sharing formula approved by the Steering Committee. The funds shall be placed by ICAO in a Trust Fund account for the COSCAP-SA Programme.

4.2 “Services At Request” Funding[9]

For functions described in paragraph 2.2 above, the CAAs, air operators, aircraft maintenance organizations, airport operators, the ATS service providers and the MET service providers receiving the service shall deposit the estimated cost of the service in the COSCAP-SA Trust Fund in ICAO; the service recipient may also request ICAO through the Member Administrations to approach the donor community to contribute in full or in part to the service cost.


5.1Budgetfor “Core Services”is at Appendix 2.

Appendix 1

Page i of iv




Def ID/
Priority / Deficiency Type / Deficiency Description / Status As per Database / Proposed Assistance
Core Service: Highlighted Grey
Service at Request: Bold Fonts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
CNS-02/A / ATIS / To broadcast current, routine terminal information to arriving and departing aircraft to ease congestion on the tower and approach channels affecting safety of aircraft ops. / New ATIS equipment has been installed and put into trial operations on 14 May 2008. Efforts were being made to resolve technical problems and make the system operational. / Services of a CNS expert for the resolution of remaining problems, if any.

Page ii of iv




Def ID/
Priority / Deficiency Type / Deficiency Description / Status As per Database / Proposed Assistance
Core Service: Highlighted Grey
Service at Request: Bold Fonts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
ATM-08/A / WGS-84 / WGS-84- Not implemented / Data conversion completed, but not published / Services of a WGS-84 expert to be recruited for checking the accuracy of the results.
ATM-37/U / Carriage of ACAS II / Annex 6 requirement not implemented / ICAO Civil Aviation Purchasing Service (CAPS) assistance to DRUKAIR in the procurement of ACASII
ATM-51/U / Carriage of PART / Annex 6 requirement not implemented / ICAO Civil Aviation Purchasing Service (CAPS) assistance to DRUKAIR in the procurement of PART

Page iii of iv




Def ID/
Priority / Deficiency Type / Deficiency Description / Status As per Database / Proposed Assistance
Core Service: Highlighted Grey
Service at Request: Bold Fonts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
ATM-36/U / SAR Capability / Annex 12 requirements not implemented. No agreements with adjacent States. / LOA signed with Australia in April 2006. Coordination with other States in the development of LOA in progress / Assistance by the Regional ATS Expert currently assigned to the COSCAP-SA Programme in the task of coordination with the remaining neighbouring States

Page iv of iv




Def ID/
Priority / Deficiency Type / Deficiency Description / Status As per Database / Proposed Assistance
Core Service: Highlighted Grey
Service at Request: Bold Fonts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
ATM-01-2/B / ATS Routes / A473 - Not implemented / Route L626 as alternate to Route A473. India has issued AIP supplement for portion in Delhi FIR. / Assistance by the Regional ATS Expert currently assigned to the COSCAP-SA Programme in the task of coordination with the remaining neighbouring States
AOP-05/U / Aerodrome / High ground in the vicinity of aerodrome / Airspace around aerodrome to be free from obstacles defined by obstacle limitation surfaces
High ground has been removed.
Verbal negotiations with the Stakeholders for dismantling the temple subject to relocation to another place have been made / No assistance necessary.
MET-14/U / SIGMET / Requirements for issuance and dissemination of SIGMET have not been fully implemented. / ICAO Recommendation: State’s MET authority to take urgent actions to implement the SIGMET procedures.
In order to improve SIGMET availability regional SIGMET tests have been conducted in 2005 and 2006 / Services of a MET expert on loan from COSCAP-SEA or CAEMSA programmes to provide assistance in resolving problems in improving SIGMET availability

Appendix 2

(Reserved for Budget for Core Services)




[1] Reproduced from Global Air Navigation Plan ( ICAO Doc 9750-Third Edition -Appendix A-6- Paragraphs 1.31 and 1.32

[2]Reproduced from Global Air Navigation Plan ( ICAO Doc 9750-Third Edition- Appendix G – Paragraph 1.37

[3] Reproduced from Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – Aerodromes- Volume 1- Paragraph 1.5

[4]Reproduced from Annex 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation- Air Traffic Services, Flight Information Service, Alerting Service – Paragraphs 2.26.1 and 2.26.2

[5] Refer COSCAP-SA Memorandum of Understanding- Article 2-Functions – Paragraph 2.1.1

[6] Refer COSCAP-SA Memorandum of Understanding - Article 2-Functions – Paragraph 2.1.2

[7]In addition, a proposed ICAO Asia-Pacific Flight Procedure Office (FPO) will assist States in enhancing the quality of their instrument flight procedures and meet the Performance Based Navigation (PBN) implementation goals of ICAO Assembly Resolution A36-23

[8] Refer COSCAP-SA Memorandum of Understanding - Article III- Organs and Funding – Paragraph 3.3

[9] Refer COSCAP-SA Memorandum of Understanding- Article 3- Organs and Funding – Paragraph 3.7