Tizmoret Shoshana 2018 Health Form
Important Note: In accordance with HIPAA guidelines, the Senior administrative staff and Nurse of Camp Tizmoret Shoshana will hold all information contained in this form in the strictest of confidence, only sharing information, if necessary, with licensed healthcare professionals.
Name: ______
Parents’/guardians’ names:______
Birthday: ______Age (as of June 21, 2018):______
Emergency contact numbers, including area code (please include at least one emergency contact who is not a camper parent):
Name: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Relationship:
Name and Phone number (including area code) of pediatrician or family physician:
Allergies (check and specify all that apply)
__ Bee Sting
__ Peanuts
__ Food ______
__ Medications______
__ Other______
Do any allergies require anEPI-PEN injection? No__ Yes__
Date of last tetanus booster: ______
Health conditions (check and detail all that apply)
__Asthma __Colitis
__Diabetes __Epilepsy/seizure disorder
__Hearing impairment __Heart disorder
__Kidney disease __Psychiatric
__Skincondition __Thyroid disorder
__Other __Ulcers
__Visual impairment __ Clotting disorder/Hemophilia
Please provide details of any condition checked off: ______
Any history of:
Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting associated with exercise? No____Yes___
Irregular heartbeat or heart rhythm disorder No__Yes__
Has a physician ever denied or limited activity for any health reasons? No__ Yes__
Any limitations or restrictions of camp activities? No__Yes__
Any physical or emotional conditions we need to be aware of that may affect your daughter’s participation in this program? No___ Yes___ (Please specify and include circumstances when a physician should be notified.)
Has your child been treated for mental health and/or counseling in the past 3 years? No___Yes___
It is a camp policy to secure consent for medication distribution and for use of medical devices. The medications or medical device may be self- administered (by girls over age 14) or be administered by camp staff.
Medications/Medical devises participant will be taking/using during camp:
Name Reason Dosage Time of day taken/used
Do any medications require refrigeration? No__ Yes__ Please specify.______
Prescribing physicians name and phone number, including area code:
Are there any side effectsfrom medication such as mood/behavior changes, sleepiness, or upset stomach? No__ Yes__ (please specify)
__ My daughter is not bringing any medication/medical devices to camp
__ (for girls over age 14 only) My daughter will self-administer medication(s) and use medical devices on her own.
__ Staff should administer medication (please provide any special instructions for administering medication)
Name of health insurance company:______
Name of policy holder:______Policy number: ______
I give consent inadvance for medical treatment at an appropriate medical facility in case of illness or injury.
I give consent in advance for staff member(s) of Tizmoret Shoshana to contact my daughter’s physician(s). I also give consent in advance for my daughter’s physician to share medical information with Tizmoret Shoshana staff and/or health-care providers.
I agree to hold harmless and indemnify TizmoretShoshana, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, loss, damages, cost or expenses which are sustained, incurred, acquired or arising out of the activities of my daughter or ward in the course of the camp and its activities.
Camper’s name (please print):______
Signature of parent/guardian:______
Physician’s signature:______Date:______