MaxM.FisherCollege of Business
2100 Neil Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Telephone: (614) 292-5294


The OhioStateUniversity, Fisher College of Business, 1988 to present.

Senior Associate Dean, appointed 2016

Richard M. Ross Chair in Management, appointed 2006

Department Chair, Department of Management Sciences, 2004-2016.

Professor of Operations Management, Department of Management Sciences, appointed 2004;Associate Professor, 1995-2004; Assistant Professor, 1988-1995.

Director, Center for Operational Excellence (COE), OhioStateUniversity, appointed 2006; Associate Director 1995 to 2006.

Northeastern University, College of Business Administration, 1987-88.

Visiting Lecturer, Management Sciences group.

BostonUniversity, School of Management, 1985-86.

Graduate teaching and research assistant.

Wang Laboratories Inc., ManufacturingTechnologyCenter, Lowell, MA 1983-85.

Manager of systems and software engineering in Wang's corporate manufacturing engineering function.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC 1977-82.

Economist. Developed forecasts, analytic methods and software tools for forecasting employment by occupation and industry at the national, state and local levels.


DBAOperations Management, School of Management, BostonUniversity, May, 1988.

Dissertation topic: Overhead Staffing and Process Technology in Manufacturing Industries.

MSBAUrban and Regional Management, School of Business Administration, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1977.

BBAEconomics, School of Business Administration, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1975.


Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE) Academic director and program architect

Lean Enterprise Leadership (Business Management 840) Ohio State University (MBA)

Six Sigma Projects (Business Management 811) OhioStateUniversity (MBA)

Operations Management, Core MBA course in operations (MBA 850), Ohio State University (MBA).

Seminars in Operations Management (Business Management 929, 930), OhioStateUniversity (Ph.D.).

Operations Strategy and Technology (Business Management 834), OhioStateUniversity (MBA).

Operations Strategy and Design (Business Management 731), OhioStateUniversity (Undergraduate/Graduate).

Operations Scheduling and Control (Business Management 739), OhioStateUniversity (Undergraduate/Graduate).

Introduction to Operations Management, Honors (Business Management 630H), OhioStateUniversity (Undergraduate).


Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Chair: Ken Boyer, Ohio State University (completed 1994); Rebecca Duray, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (completed 1997); Nancy Waldeck, University of Toledo (Human Resources, co-chair), (completed, 1998) Rachna Shah, University of Minnesota (completed 2002), Eric Olsen, California Polytechnic University (completed 2004), Gopesh Anand, University of Illinois (completed, 2006), Kathryn Marley, DuquesneUniversity (completed, 2006) Mi Kyong Newsom, Ohio State University (completed 2009). John Gardner, Brigham Young University (completed 2012), Claire Senot, Tulane University (completed 2014)

Ph.D. Dissertation Committees: Chwen Sheu, Kansas State University (completed 1990); Craig Wood, University of New Hampshire (completed 1991); Ben Arbaugh, (Business Strategy), University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh (completed 1994); John McCreery, North Carolina State University (completed 1996); Larry Bland (Industrial and Systems Engineering), (completed 1996); Daryl Wilson, University of Arkansas (completed, 1997); Sean Handley (completed 2008) Toyin Clottey (completed, 2010) Stephanie Eckerd (completed 2011) Jurrian de Jong, University of Buffalo (completed 2013).

Ph.D. Second Field Advisor: Ben Arbaugh, Ph.D., Business Strategy. Second field advisor to Mary Kinsella, (Industrial Systems Engineering), Larry Bland (Industrial and Systems Engineering) and Bill Pollard (Industrial and Systems Engineering).


Ph.D. General Examination Committees: 46completed.

Independent Studies: 14 undergraduate and 48 graduate completed; each for 4 credit hours.


Program co-developer, director, and instructor: Lean Manufacturing 3 days; 5 days; and 4 weeks); Lean Office (3 weeks), Total Productive Maintenabnce (4 weeks). Programs are repeated to account for more than six months of classroom instruction annually. Various custom programs.

Master of Business Operational Excellence (MBOE). Primary developer and Academic Director of a one year masters program for mid-career managers. Program was launched in 2008 and a second cohort, specializing in healthcare operations, was added in 2011.


Senot, Claire, Chandrasekaran, Aravind, Ward, Peter T, “Collaboration between service professionals during the delivery of health care: Evidence from a multiple case study in U.S. hospitals. Journal of Operations Management,42-43, 2016, 62-79.

Senot, Claire, Chandrasekaran, Aravind, Ward, Peter T, “Role of bottom-up decision processes in improving the quality of health care delivery: A contingency perspective. Production and Operations Management, in press, 2016.

Senot, Claire, Chandrasekaran, Aravind, Ward, Peter T., Ticker Anita, Moffat-Bruce, Susan, “The Impact of Combining Conformance and Experiential Quality on Hospitals’ Readmissions and Cost Performance,” Management Science, in press, 2016.

Marley, Kathryn A., Ward, Peter T., Hill, James A., “Mitigating supply chain disruptions ‐ a normal accident perspective” Supply Chain Management, 19 (2), 2014.

Marley, Kathryn and Peter T. Ward, “Lean Management as a Countermeasure for “Normal” Disruptions,” Operations Management Research, 6(1-2), 2013

Eckerd, Stephanie, Hill, James, Boyer, Kenneth K., Donahue, Karen, Ward, Peter T.” The relative impact of attribute, severity, and timing of psychological contract breach on behavioral and attitudinal outcomes,” Journal of Operations Management, 31 (1), 2013, 567-568

Gopesh Anand, Peter T. Ward, and Mohan Tatikonda, “Role of Explicit and Tacit Knowledge in Six Sigma Projects: An Empirical Examination of Differential Project Success,”Journal of Operations Management, 28 (4), 2010, 303-315.

Gopesh Anand, Peter T. Ward, Mohan Tatikonda and David Schilling, “Dynamic Capabilities through Continuous Improvement Infrastructure,”Journal of Operations Management, 27 (6), 2009, 444-461.

Vinod Singhal, Flynn, B.B., Ward, P.T., Roth, A.V., and Guar, V., “Empirical Elephants—Why Multiple Methods are Essential to Quality Research in Operations and Supply Chain management, Journal of Operations Management, 26, 2008, 337-348.

Peter T. Ward, John McCreery, and Gopesh Anand, “Business Strategies and Manufacturing Decisions: An Empirical Examination of Linkages,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 27 (9), 2007, 951-973.

Rachna Shah and Peter T. Ward, “Defining and Developing Measures of Lean Production,” Journal of Operations Management, 25, 2007, 785-805.

Peter T. Ward and Honggeng Zhou, “Impact of Information Technology Integration and Lean/Just-in-Time Practices on Lead-Time Performance,” Decision Sciences, 37 (2), 2006, 177-203.

Eric O. Olsen and Peter T. Ward, “Performance Measurement System Simplicity,” International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 8 (4), 2006, 330-354.

Gopesh Anandand Peter T. Ward, “Fit, Flexibility and Performance in Manufacturing: Coping with Dynamic Environments,” Production and Operations Management Journal,13 (4), 2004, 369-385.


John McCreery, Lee Krajewski, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, “Performance Implications of Assembly Work Teams,” Journal of Operations Management, 22 (4), 2004, 387-412.

Susan M. Goldstein and Peter T. Ward, Performance Effects of Physicians’ Involvement in Hospital Strategic Decisions,” Journal of Service Research, 6 (4), 2004, 361-372.

Thomas Christiansen, William L. Berry, Peter Bruun, and Peter T. Ward, “A Mapping of Competitive Priorities, Manufacturing Practices, and Operational Performance in Groups of Danish Manufacturing Companies,” International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 23 (10), 2003, 1163-1183.

Rachna Shah and Peter T. Ward, “Lean Manufacturing: Context, Practice Bundles, and Performance,”Journal of Operations Management.21(2), 2003, 129-149.

Susan M. Meyer, Peter T. Ward, G. K Leong,., and Tim Butler, “The Influence of Location, Strategy, and Operations Technology on Hospital Performance,” Journal of Operations Management20 (1), 2002, 63-75.

Rachna Shah, Susan. M. Goldstein, and Peter T Ward, "Aligning Supply Chain Management Characteristics with Inter-Organizational Information System Types: An Exploratory Study," IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.49 (3), 2002, 282-291.

Rebecca Duray, Peter T. Ward, Glenn Milligan .and William L. Berry,"Approaches to Mass Customization: Configurations and Empirical Validation," Journal of Operations Management 18 (6), 2000, 605-625.

Peter T. Ward and Rebecca Duray, "Manufacturing Strategy in Context: Environment, Competitive Strategy and Manufacturing Strategy" Journal of Operations Management 18 (1), 2000, 123-138.

Peter T. Ward, John K. McCreery, Larry P. Rizman, and Deven Sharma, "Competitive Priorities in Operations Management," Decision Sciences 29 (4), 1998, 1035-1046.

Peter T. Ward, James E. Storbeck, Stephen L. Mangum, and Patricia E. Byrnes, " An Analysis of Staffing Efficiency in U. S. Manufacturing: 1983 and 1989," Annals of Operations Research, 1997.

Kenneth K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong., Peter T. Ward., and Lee J. Krajewski, "Unlocking the Potential of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies," Journal of Operations Management 15 (4), 1997, 331-347.

John Ettlie and Peter T. Ward, "U.S. Manufacturing in the Early 1990s: the Chase and the Challenge," Business Strategy Review, 8 (4), 1997, 53-59.

Kenneth K. Boyer, Peter T. Ward, and G. Keong Leong, "Approaches to the Factory of the Future: An Empirical Taxonomy," Journal of Operations Management, 14 (4), 1996.


Peter T. Ward, Deborah J. Bickford, and G. Keong Leong, "Configurations of Manufacturing Strategy, Business Strategy, Environment and Structure," Journal of Management, 22 (4), 1996, 595-623.

Peter T. Ward, Rebecca Duray, G. Keong Leong, and Chee-Chuong Sum, "Business Environment, Operations Strategy, and Performance: An Empirical Study of Singapore Manufacturers," Journal of Operations Management, 13 (2), 1995, 99-115.

G. Keong Leong and Peter T. Ward, "The 6 P's of Manufacturing Strategy," International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 15 (12), 1995, 32-45.

Peter T. Ward, G. Keong Leong, and Kenneth K. Boyer, "Manufacturing Proactiveness and Performance," Decision Sciences, 25 (3), 1994, 337-358.

Jim Hutchison, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, "Improving Delivery Performance in Gear Manufacturing at Jeffrey Division of Dresser Industries," Interfaces, 23 (2), 1993, 69-83

Peter T. Ward, Andrew L. Betz, and Deborah J. Bickford, "Overhead Surgery or Media Hyperbole? An Examination of Manufacturing Employment Structure in High and Low Tech Industries, 1983 and 1989," Journal of High Technology Management Research, 4 (1), 1993, 95-110.

Peter T. Ward, Paul D. Berger, Jeffrey G. Miller, and Stephen R. Rosenthal, "Manufacturing Process Technology and Support Staff Composition: An Empirical View of Industry Evidence," Production and Operations Management, 1 (1), 1992, 5-21.

Jim Hutchison, G. Keong Leong, David L. Snyder, and Peter T. Ward, "Scheduling Approaches for Random Job Shop Flexible Manufacturing Systems," International Journal of Production Research, 29 (5) , 1991, 1053-1057.

G. Keong Leong, David L. Snyder, and Peter T. Ward, "Research in the Process and Content of Manufacturing Strategy," International Journal of Management Science (OMEGA), 18 (3), 1990, 283-97.

Peter T. Ward, Jeffrey G. Miller, and Thomas E. Vollmann,"Mapping Manufacturing Concerns and Action Plans," International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 8 (6), 1988, 5-18.

Stephen R. Rosenthal and Peter T. Ward, "Technical CIM Issues: An Assessment for Management," CIM Review, 2 (1), 42-49, 1985.


Peter T. Ward and Rachna Shah, "World Class Manufacturing - Best versus Rest" America's Best Plants, John Sheridan, ed., Penton Publishing, 1999.

John Ettlie and Peter T. Ward, "U.S. Manufacturing in the Early 1990s: the Chase and the Challenge," International Manufacturing Strategies: Context, Content and Change, Per Lindberg, Chris Voss, and Kathryn Blackmon, eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

Peter T. Ward, "Manufacturing Process Choice," The Instant Access Guide to Manufacturing Strategy, Thomas F. Wallace, ed., Essex Junction, VT: Oliver Wight Publications, 1994.

Peter T. Ward, G. Keong Leong and David L. Snyder, "A Review of Research in the Process and Content of Manufacturing Strategy," , Manufacturing Strategy: The Research agenda for the Next Decade, J. Ettlie, M. Burstein and A. Fiegenbaum, eds., Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

Stephen R. Rosenthal and Peter T. Ward, "Key Managerial Roles in Controlling Progress Toward CIM," Manufacturing Research: Organizational and Institutional Issues, Arthur Gerstenfeld, et al., eds., Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986.


Peter T. Ward, Review of Production Management Systems-- A CIM Perspective, by J. Brown, J. Harhen and J. Shivnan, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 7, 1, 1990, 73-75.


Peter T. Ward, Jeffrey G. Miller and Thomas E. Vollmann, "Manufacturing Strategy: An Empirical Examination of Critical Areas of Concern and Planned Programs," Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Honolulu, November, 1986.

ORSA/TIMS Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Operations Research Models and Applications, Cambridge, MA, 1989 K. Stucke and R. Suri (Eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1989.

Peter T. Ward and Jeffrey G. Miller, "Classifying Manufacturing Industries by Process Technology: Expert Survey Results," Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, November 1989.

G. Keong Leong and Peter T. Ward, "Complementary Approaches to a Definition of Manufacturing Strategy," Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November 1990.

Peter T. Ward and Jeffrey G. Miller, "An Empirical Classification of Predominant Process Technologies in Manufacturing Industries," Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Miami, November 1991.

Craig H. Wood, Larry P. Ritzman, Peter T. Ward, and Devon Sharma, "Performance Measures in Operations," Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Miami, November 1991.


Chwen Sheu, Lee Krajewski, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, "Achieving Focus in Manufacturing Plants," Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Miami, November 1991.

Jim Hutchison, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, "Improving Delivery Performance at Jeffrey Division of Dresser Industries," Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, Miami, November 1991.

Ben Arbaugh, Donald Sexton, and Peter T. Ward, "Manufacturing Strategies and their Impact on Sustained Growth for the Emerging Firm," Proceedings of International Conference of Small Business, Toronto, June 1992.

G. Keong Leong, Peter T. Ward, and Ken Boyer, "Operationalizing Manufacturing Proactiveness," Proceedings of the 24th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, November 1992.

G. Keong Leong, Peter T. Ward, and Ken Boyer, "Manufacturing Proactiveness and Business performance: An Empirical Study," Proceedings of the 25th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November, 1993.

G. Keong Leong, Peter T. Ward, and Deborah J. Bickford, "Strategic Manufacturing Configurations,"Proceedings of the Second International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Seoul, Korea, June, 1993.

Rebecca Duray, Peter T. Ward, G. Keong Leong, and Chee-Chuong Sum,"Business Environment, Manufacturing Strategy, and Performance: An Empirical Study of Singapore Manufacturers" Proceedings of the 26th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Honolulu, November, 1994.

Peter T. Ward, Kenneth K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong, and Chee-Chuong Sum, "An Empirical Comparison of Manufacturing Strategies in Singapore and the United States," Proceedings of the 26th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Honolulu, November, 1994.

Rebecca Duray, Peter T. Ward, G. Keong Leong, and Chee-Chuong Sum,"An Empirical Comparison of Manufacturing Strategies in Singapore and the United States" Proceedings of the 27th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November, 1995.

Kenneth K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong, Lee Krajewski, and Peter T. Ward, "An Empirical Taxonomy of Process Technologies" Proceedings of the 27th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November, 1995.

Kenneth K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong, Peter T. Ward, and Lee Krajewski, "Advanced Manufacturing Technologies, Infrastructure, and Performance" Proceedings of the 27th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November, 1995.

Kenneth K. Boyer, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, "An Examination of Manufacturing Automation" Proceedings of the 27th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, November, 1995.


Rebecca Duray and Peter T. Ward, "Identification and Categorization of Mass Customization Configurations" Proceedings of the 28th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando, November, 1996.

Susan M. Meyer, Peter T. Ward, G. K. Leong, and T. W. Butler, "How Location, Strategy, and Technology Influence Hospital Performance" Proceedings of the 28th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando, November, 1996.

Rebecca Duray and Peter T. Ward, "Considering Mass Customization as a Manufacturing Strategy" Proceedings of the 28th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November, 1997.

John K. McCreery, Lee Krajewski, G. Keong Leong, and Peter T. Ward, "Performance Implications of Assembly Work Teams" Proceedings of the 28th Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November, 1997.

Rebecca Duray and Peter T. Ward, "Placement of Mass Customization in a Manufacturer's Product Mix" Proceedings of the 29h Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Las Vegas, November, 1998.

Rachna Shah and Peter T. Ward, "Environmental Uncertainty, Manufacturing proactiveness, and Firm Performance." Proceedings of the 30h Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, New Orleans, November, 1999.

Rachna Shah and Peter T. Ward, "Contextual Factors and lean Manufacturing Practices." Proceedings of the 31st Annual meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, Orlando, November, 2000

Eric Olsen and Peter T. Ward, “Performance Measurement System Simplicity.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November, 2002

Nancy Waldeck and Peter T. Ward, “Worker Group Involvement and Provision of Workforce Development Activities.” Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Meetings of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Diego, November, 2002

Kathryn A. Marley and Peter T. Ward, “The Mediating Effect of Lean Production between Supply Chain Practices and Operational Performance.” Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, WashingtonD.C., November 2003.

Gopesh Anand and Peter T. Ward, “Fit, flexibility, and Performance in Manufacturing: Coping with Dynamic Environments.” Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, New Orleans, August, 2004.

Gopesh Anand, Peter T. Ward, and Rachna Shah, “Six-Sigma: An Evolution of Organizational Change Initiatives.” Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, San Francisco, 2006.


Best vs. Rest: Comparing Industry Week Best Plants with 1998 Industry Week Census of Manufacturers. Shingo Prize Conference, Columbus, June, 1999.

Special Forum on Teaching Lean Thinking in University Programs. Panel organizer and presenter. Annual University of Michigan-Lean Enterprise Institute Conference, Dearborn, May, 2000.

A New Time for Collaboration in the Corporate-BusinessSchool Knowledge Supply Chain. Panel organizer and presenter. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August, 2000.

Best Benchmarking Practice in the U.S. Plenary speaker. Danish Industries Benchmarking Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, November, 2000.

The University and the Lean Learning Agenda. Speaker. Productivity Annual Conference, Dearborn, October, 2001.

Ph.D. Curricular Issues Mini Conference: Introducing the Idea of Research to New Doctoral Students. Panel Participant. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November, 2001.

Panel: Toward a New Manufacturing Paradigm: Assessing the Gap Between Practitioner Questions and Scholarly Answers. Panel organizer and Presenter. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November, 2001.

Conflicts and Complementarities: Exploring the Tensions Between Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Programs. Panel organizer and Presenter. Production and Operations Management Society Meeting, San Francisco, April, 2002.