Answer Key –solucionario-

Unit 3: I love my new iPod but…how could I use it?

Page 74

2. What is this used for?

• Write down the word of the corresponding electrical item based on the descriptions. There are two extra words.

  1. Itis used for drying the wet hair. hair dryer
  2. It is used for recording moving pictures. camcorder
  3. This is used for cooking and heating food. microwave oven
  4. This tool is used for making holes on the wall. electric drill
  5. This electrical item is used for listening to music. i-Pod
  6. This item is used for making home videos camcorder
  7. This electrical appliance is used for preparing coffee. coffee maker
  8. This item is used for solving mathematical operations. calculator
  9. This electrical appliance is for keeping food frozen. refrigerator
  10. This item is used for saving data; pictures, photos, music and/or videos. CD

Page 75

When were these items created? Guess the date of invention of these items in the word bank. Then write the name in the box of the corresponding decade according to your opinion. Have fun and be ready to share your guesses with the teacher and the rest of the class.

20´s 30´s 40´s

Radio (1922)TV set (1930) Computer (1940)

Vacuum cleaner (1924)

Headphones, (1920)

Blender (1922)

50´s 60´s 70´s

Remote control (1955) ATM (1960)Microwave oven (1974)

Cassette (1970)

Laptop computer, (1970)

Cell phone (1973)

80´s 90´s 00´s

CD player 1982 DVD IPod (2001)

Page 76

• While you read the following text, you have to follow it silently. Ten re-read it and underline the words that are used to follow instructions; words are taken from the previous exercise.

place- connect- wait- add- press- remove

Page 78

• Organize the instructions by linking them with the corresponding action (instructions). It will help you to use a DVD.

To see the imagespush/pressthe “play” button.

Second,put/place the CD in the compartment.

When you finishremove the CD and turn the DVD off.

First, you have toturn/switch onthe device.

Remember tounplugthe electronic devices.

Pages 79-80

• Complete the instructions with the verb in the box. Then write a number in each box by the instructions in order (1-5). Use the words to follow instructions to guide you.

Using a publicUsing a photocopierUsing a camera

phone card

1. wait1. put1. replace

2. insert2. close2. push

3. speak3. remove3. switch off

4. pick up4. press4. check

5. dial5. select5. light on

Using the cellUsing the iron

phone to send a text

1. put1. switch off

2. remove2. push

3. press3.

4. close4.

5. select5. light on

Page 81

• Read the text and choose the correct option.

Text: The iPod

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

• Look at the pictures and choose the correct option.

5. C

6. C

7. D

Page 82

Read the definitions and match them with the appropriate electrical appliance.









Page 83

• Listen to the following descriptions and put a tick (√) by the electrical appliance these people refer to.

  1. This device helps having some things clean. You just must add some detergent and water. This machine is used for cleaning sheets and cloths as well as other cloth items.(washing machine)
  1. This small device is very useful. It is very easy to use; everybody should have one. It has small letters and numbers and it is used for doing mathematical calculations. (calculator)
  1. This is a technological device used in different events; a wedding, graduation, birthday party, or a trip, and it is used for capturing and recording moving images. You ought to have one. (camcorder)
  1. This electrical deviceis good to help your hair look well. You mustn´t use it too much time because it gets very hot and could damage your hair. It is used for drying and sometimes styling a person's hair. (hairdryer)

Page 84

1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

Page 85

Get in pairs and read the acrostic and complete its sentences as fast as possible; for doing it write down the correct synonym or antonym of each bold word from the text. Words are provided in a box.













keep on

Are you good at rapping? Complete these rhymes with the words in the word box.

When I go out with my friends, I never feel lost

´cause I know that I must take my cool boom box.

I don´t wanna use a radio ´cause it doesn´t have a good stereo,

My boom box is the best and my girlfriend is next.

Every day I turn it on and I dance on the floor.

To make me feel good, that´s my boom box used for.

Plug it in and switch it on! You should let the music take control.

I don´t want a food processor and don´t want a new cell phone;

I just wanna have my music on and have a lot of fun.

Page 86

• Read the following Whatsapp chat and complete it. Match the phrases with the dialogue. Write the letter in the corresponding parenthesis of the chat.

B – C






Page 88

• Listen to these sentences; each one contains an action for using things and you have a list of three by each sentence. Circle the synonym and/or the antonym that matches each action verb given by the speaker.

A. Circle the word that has the same or similar meaning.

1. Do you know how to use this English- Spanish translator?

2. Please, turn down the volume of the music; it´s very loud!

3. How can I switch off this radio?

4. Place the lid before using this appliance.

B. Circle the word that has a different meaning.

5. Would you tell me how to disconnect this cable?

6. Mario, unplug the outlet before you leave, please!

7. Put the base in the correct position, please!

8. It is necessary to reuse the batteries.

Page 89 – Review-

1. B

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. A

11. B

12. D

Page 90

• Read the following text and complete the chart.

Electrical Appliances

Beauty supplies / Entertainment / Home chores
Electric shaver / Video game / Electric drill
Electric toothbrush / camcorder / Can opener
Hair straightening / iPod / Vacuum cleaner
Hair dryer / tablet / juicer

• Observe these illustrations about how to use a computer and write down the most appropriate words in each instruction.

Page 91

Look at the picture about how to use a blender and write down the most appropriate words in each instruction. There is a bank of words to use as a guide.

1. set

2. adjust

3. plug

4. open

5. add

6. push

7. remove

8. turn off

9. unplug

Page 92

Andrea has a party and she wants to look good. Help her out! She wants to use her new straightening iron.

1. plug the straightening iron.

2. turn on

3. select

4. press - repeat

5. turn- touch- put

Unit 5: What time does the bus arrive?

Page 117

Read the following paragraph and complete it with the means of transportation (icon).

plane- train- bus- car- van- skateboard-

Page 118

• Read these questions and guess the option you consider is the correct one. Tick (√) your choice. Do not worry if you don´t know the answers and be ready to share them with your classmates. At the end, your teacher will reveal the correct answers.

  1. Nike
  2. Japan (1964) (300km/h)
  3. concord
  4. bus
  5. plane
  6. sleigh

Page 119

• Vocabulary in use: complete these sentences with the corresponding word from the word box.

1. twice

2. departure

3. once

4. fare

5. traffic light

6. passport

• Complete the sentences using the vocabulary on means of transportation. Look for the words on the right. Then write the number of the word in each line.



(J )

( H)

( B)

( E)

( F)


( L)

( )

( C)

( I )


Page 120

• Connect the words on column A with their corresponding part on column B.

Column A Column B

Twice •is similar to • Get on the bus

Traveller•• Traffic sign

Traffic light•• Timetable

To departure•is different from• On time

The schedule•• To return

To come back•• To leave

Get off the bus•• Tourist

• Look at this illustrated story then complete the different extracts of the dialogues with the corresponding words based on options in each word bank. There are 2 words that aren´t used.




arrivesby aircraft



Page 121

• Take turns to read this dialogue and practice pronunciation and intonation. Then read the questions below and answer them based on the information of the conversation.

  1. plane
  2. 5 times a day
  3. 45 minutes
  4. by bus
  5. $ 310; $155 per person
  6. by car
  7. by plane
  8. (personal opinion)

Page 123

• Solve this cross word puzzle; find the 8 words about vehicles in the sentences. Then complete those sentences using comparatives and superlatives with the words in parentheses.

O / B / I / C / Y / C / L / E / A / B / P
X / Q / U / V / A / L / L / O / O / N / L
C / W / A / T / W / B / U / S / Q / T / A
A / E / S / T / C / E / T / C / A / R / N
R / T / R / I / A / N / R / E / Y / A / E
T / Y / B / M / B / A / A / R / O / I / L
A / A / G / O / U / T / B / I / Z / N / A
B / H / E / L / I / C / O / P / T / E / R
Y / H / I / P / R / I / R / X / L / O / N
L / I / M / O / U / S / I / N / E / I / L

Page 125

• Read the following text and match the information on the left column with the corresponding part on right column.










Page 126

• Look at these series of words; each one encloses six different words of means of transportation. Look for them and underline them.




• Read the following text. Choose the alternative that best completes each sentence.

1. The evolution of transportation

2. ships of the desert

3. special cars

4. jets

5. transportation

6. biplanes

7. First World War

Page 127

Get the message!!

• Listen to the following conversation. Then read each statement and tick (√) yes, no or it is not mentioned based on what you hear.


Ximena:Hey Diego, I will travel to Venezuela tomorrow.

Diego:Great!! What time does the flight leave?

Ximena:at 4:45 pm

Diego:What time will you arrive in Venezuela?

Ximena:3 hours later.

Diego:How much time will you stay there?

Ximena:I’ll stay there for 3 weeks, Diego what time is it?

Diego:It’s 6:00 o’ clock, why?

Ximena:Oh no,I haveto prepare the luggage.

Diego:Well good bye, have a nice trip! And bring me a souvenir!!

Ximena:Of course! Bye-bye!!

  1. it is not mentioned
  2. no
  3. yes
  4. it is not mentioned
  5. no
  6. no
  7. yes

• Listen to the second part of the conversation. Then read each statement and complete it with the correct option based on what you hear.


Diego:Hello Ximena, how are you doing in Venezuela?

Ximena:Great!! I am having a good time but the weather is very hot.

Diego:Really? Here it is raining in this moment. What about the food?

Ximena:It´s delicious; very similar to our food.

Diego:Oh that´s good!

Ximena:The only problem is the public transportation; taxi´s fares are really high and public buses are small and full of people.

Diego:Well that´s part of the adventure!!

Ximena:Yes I guesswell Diego I have to go, there´s a souvenirmarket near the hotel; everything is very cheap there. I will get something nice for you.

Diego:Ja, ja Well good bye, and remember that I will pick you up at the airport!!

Ximena:Yes, thank you very much! Bye-bye!!

  1. hotter than in Costa Rica.
  2. as good as Costa Rican food.
  3. the most expensive.
  4. smaller than our buses.
  5. the cheapest market.


• Based on the following illustrations, complete the following sentences using superlatives use the words in parentheses.

  1. the slowest
  2. the most expensive
  3. the best
  4. the worst
  5. farthest

• Read the following descriptions then circle the option that completes each statement.

  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A

Page 130


• Read the texts and chose the correct answer.

The Boat

  1. D
  2. ?
  3. A
  4. C

Mexico City

5. C

6. A

Page 131

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. C

11. D

12. C

Page 132

  1. At 05:00 am
  2. Guanacaste
  3. seven times
  4. 6 hours
  5. $ 140
  6. $45
  7. Guanacaste
  8. _
  9. _
  10. _
  11. $45
  12. To Panama

Unit 8: What´s its problem?

Page 168

• Match these images with the corresponding word.

Page 169

• Do you know the meaning of all these words?Read the sentences and complete them choosing the corresponding words from the leaves of the tree.

  1. air
  2. soil
  3. thermal
  4. Radioactive
  5. visual
  6. noise
  7. light
  8. water
  9. cattle
  10. pesticides

Page 171

• Listen to the following conversation. Then read the statements based on the conversation. Write Yes, No or It´s not mentioned depending on what the speakers mean.

Listen to the following conversation. Then read the statements based on the conversation, write YES or NO depending on what the speakers mean.

  1. No
  2. It´s not mentioned
  3. Yes
  4. Yes
  5. It´s not mentioned
  6. No
  7. No
  8. It´s not mentioned


Man:Let´s go to sail on the lake, would you like?

Woman: Mmmm! I don´t know. The lake is dirty; I think it is polluted; its waters are dark, its fish are dead and it smells unpleasant; it´s all polluted by visitors.

Man:Oh come on, it is not that bad. That is not going to hurt you.

Woman:Are you serious? Any person can be damaged by pollution.

Man:Well but we´re not gonna swim in the lake. We´re not even gonna fish. Besides someone will clean it soon, I guess.

Woman:You don´t understand right? Some people pollute it on purpose.

Man:Well we can see the ducks; they swim very happily.

Woman:No thanks, I prefer to go shopping or see a movie.

Man:All right, all right, let´s go to see a movie but not about pollution please!!

Woman:Why not?? That is an important topic.

Man:Ok…here we go again.

Page 172

• Read these groups of words and phrases. Then speculate and circle the one that is not related to the group. Check your outcomes with your teacher.

  1. factories5. rest
  2. cure6. go to bed
  3. curb7. exhale
  4. destroy8. enthusiasm

Page 173

• Based on the previous text, complete these statements with the correct option.

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C

• Now, write down on the lines, the letter of each rephrased idea that is included in the paragraphs of the previous reading. (page 172)





Page 177

How much water do you use??

• Read the following questions and guess the correct answer based on what you know or suppose.

1. running the tap: 3 to 5 gallons a minute

2. flushing the toilet: 1.5 to 4 gallons each flush

3. doing the laundry: 35 to 50 gallons

4. brushing your teeth: 2 to 5 gallons a minute

5. taking a shower: 5 to 10 gallons a minute

6. washing your car: 50 gallons

Page 178

• Re-read the text Save Water and Don’t Pollute it! Then select the option that completes the following statements correctly.

  1. B4. D
  2. B5. B
  3. C6. B

Page 179

• Read the article. Choose the alternative that best completes each sentence.

  1. D
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B

Professor: M.A. Marlon Orozco Campos

Challenge 9th


Unit 3:Ilove my new iPod but…how could I use it?

Page 74

2. What is this used for?

• Write down the word of the corresponding electrical item based on the descriptions. There are two extra words.

  1. It is used for drying the wet hair. hair dryer
  2. It is used for recording moving pictures. camcorder
  3. This is used for cooking and heating food. microwave oven
  4. This tool is used for making holes on the wall. electric drill
  5. This electrical item is used for listening to music. i-Pod
  6. This item is used for making home videos camcorder
  7. This electrical appliance is used for preparing coffee. coffee maker
  8. This item is used for solving mathematical operations. calculator
  9. This electrical appliance is for keeping food frozen. refrigerator
  10. This item is used for saving data; pictures, photos, music and/or videos. CD

Page 75

When were these items created? Guess the date of invention of these items in the word bank. Then write the name in the box of the corresponding decade according to your opinion. Have fun and be ready to share your guesses with the teacher and the rest of the class.

Page 76

My New Electrical Toothbrush

Daisy is always worried about her mouth hygiene; she likes showing her light and clean teeth and to have a fresh breath, that´s why, her mom gave her electrical toothbrush. Daisy doesn´t know how to use it; but her mom read with her the instructions.

Page 78

• Read the text and answer the questions about it.

How to Program the

Universal Remote Control

The universal remote control is used for operatingseveral different…

5. Test the remote control by pressing the button “Power”. If this electrical appliance does not go out (off), the remote control is ready to be used.

Page 80

• Complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. Then, write a number in each box by the instructions in order (1-5). Use the words to follow instructions to guide you.

Using the cell phone to send a text.

______the words you want.

Don´t______the number, it’s not necessary.

______the button “send”.

______until the person gets your message.

______the person you want to send the message.

Using the iron

Finally, ______and unplug the device when your finish.

______the “on/off” button.

______the device as the cloth needs it.

______the cord on the socket.

______the iron.

Page 81 It´s time to practice

• Read the text and chose the correct option.

The iPod

1. The iPod is a ______

A) deck of playing cards

B) portable music player

C) television show

D) modern screen

• look at the pictures and chose the correct option.

7. This electrical appliance is used for

Option B) drying the dishes.

Page 84

• Read the text titled “Compact Disc Player” and choose the appropriate option to complete each statement by writing an (X) on the appropriate letter.

7. You should ______a pair of headphones to enjoy the music even better.

A) push “play”

B) connect

C) unplug

D) useturn off

Page 86

Read the following Whatsapp chat and complete it. Match the phrases with the dialogue. Write the letter in the corresponding parenthesis in the chat.

A. Plug it in

E. Serve the coffee and add some sugar.

F. turn on the coffee maker; the light will turn red.

Page 90

• Read the following text and complete the chart.

Pablo and Daniela go Christmas shopping; they look for nice presents for their parents and their little brother. Pablo can´t decide on getting an electric shaver, an electric toothbrush or an electric drill for his dad, boththe three objects are useful. Daniela thinks that her mother doesn´t need neither a can opener, nor a vacuum cleaner neither anor a juicer.

• Observe Take a look at these illustrations about how to use a blendercomputer and write down the most appropriate words in each illustration. There is a bank of words to use a s a guide.