62 Lochend Road, Easterhouse, Glasgow, G34 0LT Tel 0141 771 3224
NEWSLETTERJanuary 2014

Dear Parent/Guardian

Happy New Year

May I take this opportunity to wish you a very happy new year. I hope 2014 brings you good health & happiness. I also hope the school community of St. Benedict’s enjoys a very successful and happy year.

It would be great to tap into the children’s enthusiasm for their Christmas gifts, many have informed us they received either iPads, mini i Pads or tablets form Santa.

Each of these is a wonderful tool to access a wealth of information and can be used to support the children with their leaning.

I have attached a list of ‘apps’ which can be installed on iPads to help the children with their Literacy, Numeracy, Expressive Arts & Social Subjects. There are also some games and puzzles. This is a great way to learn and have fun at the same time.

Foyles’ Foundation

I am delighted to inform you that ‘Foyles’ Foundation’, a charity based in London has awarded the school a grant of £5000 to improve Literacy. We are very grateful to the Foundation for its generosity and it comes at a most opportune time, as the school’s class materials budget was cut quite substantially just before Christmas. This money allows us to buy additional resources to improve reading in the school. Half of the money will be spent on books along with library resources and the remaining £2500 will be spent on iPads, Kindles or tablets to develop reading.

After Christmas many of you may have children’s books lying around the house which your children have outgrown, if this is the case and the books are in good condition we would be grateful if they could be donated to the school.

Book Banding

Many of the children are ready to move on in their book banding levels. Over the next few weeks we will assess the children and give them their new level, you will be informed by letter if this is the case for your child. The early indications are the children are making significant progress with their reading, this is not only down to the book banding, but the new strategies adopted by the teachers in teaching reading, paired/peered and independent reading approaches which are supported by the PSAs and volunteer helpers in the school. I will give you an updated picture of the children’s progress in due course.

We spent the £500 profit from the Book Fayre on books and have supplemented the school library quite significantly since August with a variety of books based on the choices the children made in their book survey at the beginning of term. As a result the children are very engaged in reading across the school, in fact a number of children are taking their books to read in the playground!!


If you have a child ready to start school in August 2014 and haven’t already enrolled him or her in school, you should do so next week. Registration will take place each afternoon form 1.30-3.00pm


Can I remind you we have a clothing recycle bank in the school garden. If you are having a new year clear out of clothes, bedding, towels etc please deposit them in the recycle bin in the school as we get some money back on the recycled goods.

Attendance & Timekeeping

May I remind you to please get your child to school every day and on time. The current attendance rate of the school is 93.77%, the average in Scotland is 96%. It is important for your child’s learning, confidence and friendships that s/he attends school every day.

Commonwealth Games

All classes in the school are preparing to welcome the Commonwealth Games to Glasgow at the summer. This term P1-7 will cover this topic in their interdisciplinary learning.

Big Writing

The children will soon complete their second ‘cold piece’ of the year. This is a piece of writing the children complete three times a year without any support from the teacher. The teacher then assesses the work to track the progress of the children throughout the year. Your child has a copy of the success criteria required to get to the next level of Big Writing and his/her targets are incorporated in the PLPs (Personal Learning Plans). Please support your child in ensuring his/her targets are met. The success criteria for each of the levels of Big Writing is on the school website.


Can I remind you that all children should have their PE kit at school on the days they have PE. The Scottish Government has put a great emphasis on PE in the curriculum and all children should come prepared for two hours of PE each week.

The school PE kit is black shorts and yellow school polo shirt. A number of children across the school fail to bring their PE kit on a regular basis, despite letters being sent out to parents this has not improved.

I hope there will be an improvement in this area after receiving this request. Only children in Primaries 1 & 2 wear their polo shirt with their school jumper/cardigan to school on PE days.

Timetable for PE:-

P1a - Thursday & Friday

P1b – Wednesday & Thursday

P2/1 – Wednesday & Friday

P2 – Monday & Wednesday

P2/3 – Tuesday & Thursday

P3 – Monday & Tuesday

P3/4 – Monday & Tuesday

P4 – Wednesday & Thursday

P5a – Wednesday & Friday

P5b – Thursday & Friday

P6 – Monday & Tuesday

P7a – Monday & Tuesday

P7b – Monday & Tuesday

First Communion

A reminder for parents of First Communicants. There will be a meeting next Tuesday 14 January at 7pm in the school

Yours sincerely

A M McGovern

Head Teacher