commentator’s script 26thSunday in Ordinary Time
It is important for the Cantor/Commentator to have (and refer to) the PEW CARD so that s/he may recite the proper responses throughout the entire liturgy. Such responses should be declared clearly and with appropriate cadence so that the rest of the Faithful may join together in declarations/responses.
2 minutes prior to the Introductory Rites, the Commentator begins:
Welcome to the Church of St. Mary on this 26thSunday in Ordinary Time. As you are here to worship God, you can do so by participating fully, by singing out, and praying aloud. Help us praise God well.
Announcements to be made by the Commentator are inserted here:
...see separate sheet if provided. If not provided, move on…
All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done with true judgment,
for we have sinned against you and not obeyed your commandments.
But give glory to your name and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.
Immediately, the Commentator continues:
Let us call to mind our personal intentions and prepare to worship God in this liturgy.
Additional special Instructions by the Commentator to the Faithful throughout the Liturgy, only if needed:
Immediately after washing hands/lavabo:Please stand.
Immediately after the sanctus:Please kneel.
Immediately after the Great Amen:Please stand.
Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) 26thSUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Introduction to the Prayer by the Priest Celebrant
†Having been challenged
by the word of God proclaimed today,
we offer our prayers,
remembering especially those who are most in need.
[Petitions of prayer are proclaimed by the Lector]
Concluding Prayer by the Priest Celebrant
†We are called to discern God’s will in our lives
and to follow it, as Jesus did.
Hear our prayer,
and, with each passing day,
mold us into the image of Christ, your Son,
who is Lord forever and ever.
Prayerof the Faithful (or Universal Prayer) 26thSUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
For Francis our Popeand Edward our Bishop, that they will selflessly and courageously guide the Church to redouble its efforts to work for justice and peace of God’s people and the care ofHisCreation…We pray to the Lord.
For world leaders, as they confront those who promote evil and terror, that our leaders will be successful in changing the hearts and minds of those who usemisguided religious justificationsfor their sinful acts of hatred and violence, and, instead,be converted to do what is right and just before the God of life, love and forgiveness…We pray to the Lord.
That we ourselves may be doers of the Father’s will, matching our charitable actions with our words, so that the millions around the world who go to bed sick,hopeless and hungry will be fed through the efforts of those who produce the harvest, and by thework of higher education, doctors, researchersand missionaries supported byour worldwide Christian community…We pray to the Lord.
For our young people as they prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation with the help of their families, friends and catechists…We pray to the Lord.
For all who have asked for our prayers ina time of distress, that they may knowsolace in our love, encouragement in Christ,and God’s compassion and mercy in theirtroubles…We pray to the Lord.
For the suffering from illness and their caregivers, especiallyThomas Ingoldsby, may they receive healing and comfort…We pray to the Lord.
Finally, for those who have died this past week, especiallyThomas Snow, and for those for whom this mass is offered:
8:30amRose Derenzo, Stephen & Catherine Loik, and Marybeth Zagata
11:00amJoseph Mahar, Dolores Nelson and Betty O’Brien
May they rest securely in the arms of God in Paradise…We pray to the Lord.