Common Usage Problems

1. What (affect, effect) did her speech have on you?

2. They should have (all ready, already) left by now.

3. Jim (ain’t, isn’t) capable of doing that stunt.

4. Everyone (accept, except) me was dressed in black.

5. You can do (alot, much) to improve yourself.

6. A speck of dust can (aggravate, annoy) an inflamed eye.

7. His (advice, advise) should be ignored.

8. Mr. Rodgers is clearly (a, an) honorable man.

9. He tried to (adapt, adopt) a philosophy of nonviolence.

10. The teacher was (aggravated, annoyed) by the noise.

11. One (affect, effect) of the change was increased profit.

12. The ice cream is (all ready, already) to be served.

13. I (accept, except) your proposal.

14. The report (accuses, alleges) negligence by the retailer.

15. How should the committee (a lot, alot, allot) the money?

16. She (accused, alleged) him of trying to evade the issue.

17. The insulin (affected, effected) an immediate improvement.

18. He (advices, advises) her not to take aspirin.

19. The pioneers (adapted, adopted) to a hostile environment.

20. We heard (a, an) haunting melody in the background.

21. My keys must be (somewhere, somewheres) here.

22. We should shout the cheer (all together, altogether).

23. One black orchid grew (among, between) the many white ones.

24. You look (all right, alright) without any mascara.

25. She feels (anxious, eager) about the colt’s injured leg.

26. Despite the economic predictions, I remain an optimist (anyway, anyways).

27. (Any one, Anyone) of these tools will do the job.

28. I haven’t seen Jenny (anywhere, anywheres).

29. An enormous (amount, number) of garbage was piled up.

30. Becky and Jim were (all together, altogether) exhausted after the marathon dance.

31. We have no clues (as to, about) how the car crashed.

32. We were late, (as, because) we ran out of gas.

33. Ask (anyone, any one) for assistance.

34. Willy was (anxious, eager) to help his neighbors.

35. It is not (all right, alright) for you to barge in here.

36. I left the windows open, (as, since) no rain was forecast.

37. There should be no strife (among, between) you and me.

38. A large (amount, number) of complaints were received.

39. She is (awfully, very) frightened in crowded elevators.

40. As a child, my father was (blond, blonde).

41. Listen to this record for (a while, awhile).

42. Do you know where the children (are, are at)?

43. The reason the cat ran is (because, that) a dog chased it.

44. I (beat, won) her at a game of handball.

45. (Being that, Since) they expected death at the hands of the Romans, the people of Masada killed themselves.

46. Please (bring, take) that hammer to me.

47. Be at the house (at about, at) five o’clock.

48. (Beside, Besides) Japan and Germany, what other countries made up the Axis Powers?

49. I look (bad, awful) in shades of purple.

50. (Bring, Take) these overdue books back to the library.

51. The telegram arrived (at about, about) noon.

52. Marlee keeps a kerosene lamp (beside, besides) the door.

53. Karen and Eric are (blonds, blondes).

54. I made a wrong turn and don’t know where I (am, am at).

55. Stay (a while, awhile) and tell us about your new job.

56. We went to the movies, (being as, since) we were bored.

57. My new computer (can, may) do more than my old one.

58. We (can’t help but admire, can’t help admiring) her grace.

59. The soap bubbles will (burst, bust) upon contact.

60. I take umbrage at your offensive (ad, advertisement) in yesterday’s paper.

61. The (continual, continuous) noise of trains rumbling past his house every half hour kept him awake.

62. The courts cannot (condemn, condone) his brutality.

63. The American Standard System is (different from, different than) the Metric System.

64. His music (doesn’t, don’t) appeal to me very much.

65. Rome was (different from, different than) what she expected.

66. I (can’t help but regret, can’t help regretting) his remark.

67. After seeing how much I wanted to ride the tractor, he said that I (can, may) learn how to drive it.

68. The dictator was universally (condemned, condoned) for his ruthless treatment of dissenters.

69. (Continual, Continuous) walking from dawn until dusk raised blisters on their feet.

70. I was nervous when I (dived, dove) into the pool.

71. Thousands of Cubans have (emigrated, immigrated) to this country.

72. She was very (enthused, enthusiastic) about the race.

73. (Due to, Because of) an unavoidable delay, the results of the poll can’t be given until next week.

74. We visited New York and Boston. The (former, latter) is the home of the United Nations and the Statue of Liberty.

75. He sometimes (done, has done) work for us in the past.

76. (Farther, Further) suggestions will be appreciated.

77. (Because of, Due to) a heavy rainfall, this expressway has been temporarily closed.

78. I (did, done) better in this class because I cared.

79. Put (fewer, less) water in the soup next time.

80. Tomorrow we must drive a little (farther, further).

81. (Due to the fact that, Since) the air conditioner isn’t working, everyone should wear light clothing.

82. (Fewer, Less) nails are needed for this type of paneling.

83. The children (dived, dove) into the pile of leaves.

84. The starving victims of political revolution (emigrated, immigrated) from Cambodia.

85. We (dived, dove) headfirst into the inviting water.

86. Eugene is a (nice, friendly) person.

87. Colorful lanterns were (hanged, hung) from the beams.

88. Sandra (got, earned) the respect of her class.

89. (Irregardless, Regardless) of the choppy water, Matt guided the boat beyond the buoys.

90. These figurines belong (in, into) the curio cabinet.

91. I wish Claudia had (gone, went) with us to the beach.

92. Sunshine is (healthy, healthful), because it is a source of vitamin D.

93. Neither parent will (get, obtain) custody of the children.

94. Let’s go (in, into) this famous restaurant.

95. We were confident that the administrator would make a (judicial, judicious) decision.

96. They have a (lovely, close) relationship after thirty years of marriage.

97. (Just take, Take just) a little more time on this.

98. Mary has been very (healthy, healthful) all winter.

99. The boy had (gotten, climbed) to the top of the tree.

100. He gave a (good, detailed) account of his expenditures.

101. There (just was, was just) one thing left to do.

102. He (hanged, hung) his coat on the peg in the hall.

103. (Lay, Lie) the baby on the scales.

104. There (may be, maybe) a hidden clause in the contract.

105. The sun looks (kind of, somewhat) reddish as it sets.

106. A (lose, loose) knot was tied around his wrists.

107. She preened herself (as, like) a peacock would.

108. What (kind of, kinds of) insects are these?

109. (Lie, Lay) down on the couch until your dizziness passes.

110. I would (of, have) come sooner had I known you were ill.

111. (May be, Maybe) you will listen to me now.

112. His lunatic ravings convinced everyone that he was (angry, mad).

113. I had just (laid, lain) down when the telephone rang.

114. There (had ought, ought) to be a law against this.

115. Strange phenomena (has, have) been reported at the house.

116. The developers discussed the (parameters, details) of the new housing project.

117. (Only admit, Admit only) those who have a ticket.

118. Belinda is feeling (ill, poorly) today.

119. Everyone (outside of, except) Geoffrey wore a heavy coat.

120. It is against my (principals, principles) to harm anyone.

121. The Puritans had been (persecuted, prosecuted) for their supposedly heretical beliefs.

122. Scrutinize the (preceding, proceeding) paragraph for errors.

123. Shall we (precede, proceed) to examine the evidence.

124. (Set, Sit) here where we can talk undisturbed.

125. He is in poor (shape, condition) after the accident.

126. A frog is larger (then, than) a toad.

127. We were (real, very) sad to learn of her decision.

128. We walked (slow, slowly) along the avenue.

129. We will (raise, rise) corn next summer.

130. We rounded up the stray calves and (than, then) headed back to camp.

131. (Set, Sit) this heavy trunk somewhere in the hall.

132. The plastic flowers looked (very, real) pretty.

133. The (condition, shape) of the box is rectangular.

134. (Their, They’re) version of handball is different.

135. I have a long (way, ways) to go before I reach home.

136. These roses won’t grow (til, till) they’ve been pruned.

137. Sarah’s approach to a potential customer is (very unique, unusual).

138. (There, They’re) the best acrobatic team in the world.

139. We want (to, too) perfect our accounting system.

140. We were bothered by (to, too) many interferences.